TOSCA, kuća za odmor

TOSCA, kuća za odmor

ČAROBNI ZELINSKI VILINSKI PARK /  “Zelina’s enchanted fairy park”



Vlasnici su u horoskopu BLIZANCI – orašasto drveće, tanko i s mnogo grana; kesten je prikladan za ovaj horoskopski znak, te JARAC – u dunji ima dobroga astroenergetskog saveznika, kao i u jasiki i topoli.

Veliki prostrani prostor oko kuće u kojem je na prvom mjestu orah, a istaknuta je i šuma bagrema/akacije. Ima mnogo mediteranskog bilja i različitih vrsta cvijeća. Za interpretaciju je interesantna smokva, pa svakako u interpretaciju treba uključiti i priču povezanu s imenom kuće Tosca. Floria Tosca postojala je u stvarnom životu, a tu temu iskoristio je slavni Giacomo Puccini. Floria u prijevodu označava cvjetanje. Ime Flora latinskog je porijekla i izvedeno je od riječi florus, florore, što znači cvjetajući, cvjetati, a povijesno i mitološki to je staroitalska božica proljeća, cvjetanja i plodnosti. Njoj u čast slavile su se svetkovine Floralia i u helenističko doba, često su je poistovjećivali i s Afroditom, grčkom božicom ljubavi i ljepote. Zato je prijedlog da se kao dobrodošlica uz glazbu Puccinijeve Tosce na vidljivo mjesto stave stihovi: T – tebi / O – otvaram / S – srce / C – cvjetajuća / A – atmosfero. Evo i malo humora: premetanjem slova riječi Tosca dobije se engleska riječ ascot koja ima značenje: kravata ili šal sa širokim krajevima, što se može također iskoristiti za dekoraciju uz note i slike povezane i s operom.

Smokvu nazivaju i rajskim voćem Mediterana jer je bogata brojnim fitonutrijentima, vitaminima i antioksidansima. Ljekoviti su dijelovi plod, mliječni sok, list i kora drveta. Pripada porodici dudova i stablo je koje može doživjeti 50 do 70 godina. Smokva potječe iz Mezopotamije, u Egiptu se spominje 4000 godina prije Krista, a bila je čak i Kleopatrino omiljeno voće. Smatra se da je smokva iz jugozapadne Azije, preko Turske dospjela na Mediteran. Smokva spada u takozvane drevne biljke čija je ljekovitost poznata čovjeku još od samih početaka civilizacije. Stari liječnik Plinije Stariji za smokvu navodi sljedeće: „Smokve obnavljaju. Osnažuju mlade, a starima održavaju zdravlje i brišu bore da izgledaju mlađe.” Osim ljekovitih vrijednosti, smokva je drevnim narodima vjerojatno predstavljala važnu religijsku ili simboličku vrijednost. U antičkoj Grčkoj sudionicima Olimpijskih igra stavljala se oko vrata smokva.

U Rimu se štovalo više svetih smokvinih stabala, a posebna čast pridavana je smokvinu stablu na Forumu Romanumu koje je, prema mitovima, hranilo utemeljitelje Carstva. Bilo je posvećeno Marsu jer je s vestalkom Reom Silvijom začeo blizance Romula i Rema. Poznati je prorok Muhamed jednom rekao: „Ako bih zaželio rajsko voće, to bi zasigurno bila smokva.” Smokva se spominje i u Kur'anu te u nekim babilonskim spisima, a vjerojatno je sumerska civilizacija bila prva koja ju je upotrebljavala kao lijek jer štiti živčani sustav od stresa, potiče imunitet te znatno usporava proces starenja.

Za interpretaciju je posebno interesantno što smokvin list simbolizira požudu i spolnost, a „odjenuli” su ga i Adam i Eva. Smokva je ukusna i ljekovita, a dobra je i kao suha pa se može poslužiti i kao dobrodošlica uz glazbu Puccinijeve Tosce.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Plácido Domingo, E lucevan le stelle (Puccini, Tosca)



Owners’ zodiac signs are GEMINI - they are well suited with nut trees, slender trees with many branches, and the perfect tree for this zodiac sign is chestnut, and CAPRICORN – quince, aspen and poplar are its allies when it comes to astrology and energy.

A large spacious area surrounds the house with walnut trees and an acacia grove standing out. It abounds with Mediterranean plants and various types of flowers, while the fig tree is particularly interesting for interpretation. Also, what is important is the story behind the name of the house, Tosca. Floria Tosca, after whom the house is named, was a real person, and the famous Giacomo Puccini used her as the theme for his opera. Floria could be translated as flowering, derived from the Latin word florus, florere, meaning to bloom. Historically and mythologically, Flora is an ancient Italian goddess of spring, blooming, and fertility. The festival Floralia was celebrated in her honour in ancient Rome and in Hellenistic times, she was often identified with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Therefore, the suggestion is to welcome guests with music from Puccini’s Tosca and to prominently display some verses. For example, in Croatian: T – tebi / O – otvaram / S – srce / C – cvjetajuća / A – atmosfero, or in English T….tenderly/ O…..opening/ S……senses to / C……colourful/ A……atmosphere. Some humour could be included as well: if the word TOSCA is read from right to left, it becomes the English word ACSOT, which means “a tie or scarf with broad ends”. So, this could also be used as a decorative element along with music sheets and images related to the opera.

The fig is also called the heavenly fruit of the Mediterranean because it is rich in numerous phytonutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. The fig fruit, its milky sap, leaves, and bark all have healing properties. The fig tree belongs to the mulberry family and can live for 50 - 70 years. Figs originate from Mesopotamia, and they were mentioned in Egypt 4000 years before Christ, and were Cleopatra’s favourite fruit. It is believed that the fig tree spread to the Mediterranean from Southwest Asia, passing through Turkey. The fig is considered one of the so-called ancient plants, whose medical properties have been known to humans since the beginning of civilization. The ancient physician Pliny the Elder said: “Figs renew. They invigorate the young and maintain the health of the elderly, erasing wrinkles to make them look younger.” In addition to its healing properties, the fig also used to hold significant religious or symbolic importance. For instance, in ancient Greece, participants in the Olympic Games were adorned with fig wreaths.

In Rome, several sacred fig trees were revered, with particular reverence given to the fig tree on the Roman Forum, which, according to myths, nourished the founders of the Empire. It was dedicated to Mars because he conceived the twins Romulus and Remus with the vestal virgin Rhea Silvia. The famous prophet Muhammad once said, “If I were to wish for a heavenly fruit, it would surely be a fig.” The fig is also mentioned in the Quran and in some Babylonian texts, and it is likely that the Sumerian civilization was the first to use it as medicine because it protects the nervous system from stress, boosts immunity, and significantly slows down the aging process.

For interpretation, it is also interesting that the fig leaf symbolizes desire and sexuality, as it was used to “dress” Adam and Eve. The fig is delicious and healthy, and it is also good when dried, so it can be served to guests at a welcome while music from Puccini’s Tosca is playing. 

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Plácido Domingo, E lucevan le stelle (Puccini, Tosca)




  • Trg Ante Starčevića 13, 10380 Sv. Ivan Zelina, HR
  • +385 1 2061 808
  • OIB: 60155307304

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07:00 - 15:00 h

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