VILUKA, kuća za odmor

VILUKA, kuća za odmor

Vrsta smještaja / Kategorija: Kuća za odmor***
Grad/mjesto: Sv. Ivan Zelina / Donje Orešje
Ulica i kućni broj: Ulica Gradunje 11
Osoba za kontakt: Ivan
Mobitel: +385 98 416 381
E-mail: Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
Facebook: Kuća za odmor Viluka
Jezik za kontakt: HR, EN
Površina objekta m: 180 m2
Sobe/kreveti: Spavaća soba 1: 1 braćni krevet, dva kreveta za 1 osobu, Spavaća soba 2: krevet za 1 osobu, Spavaća soba 3: krevet za jednu osobu, dnevni boravak: ležaj za 1 osobu

Ukupno osoba: 5+2
Prijava od: po dogovoru
Odjava do: po dogovoru


ČAROBNI ZELINSKI VILINSKI PARK /  “Zelina’s enchanted fairy park”



Vlasnici su u horoskopu: BLIZANCI – orašasto drveće, tanko i s mnogo grana, kesten, te VODENJAK – tom horoskopskom znaku odgovaraju sve isprepletene biljke i drveće. U dunji ima dobroga astroenergetskog saveznika, kao i u jasiki i topoli.

Drveće u okolišu: akacija/bagrem, čempresi i maslina. Kuća je drvena, a materijal je od drva hrasta i jele. Za drveće akaciju i čemprese i maslinu već imamo interpretacije i dodani su za kuće pa je prijedlog da cvijet bude ivančica jer se vlasnica zove Ivana pa je to kreativna poveznica s drvetom ivom i posebnom pričom. U proljeće je obilje ovog samoniklog cvijeta. Ivančice se zovu i margarete, što je poveznica i sa svjetskom književnošću kroz roman Majstor i Margarita Mihaila Bulgakova, koji je po struci bio liječnik. Roman definitivno nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim, a u njemu se prepliću i kritike režima, religije, motivi fantastike, autobiografije, bajkovitosti, tragedije, komedije, ljubavnog romana, a najviše od svega satire.

Za Ivanje, tradicijski pučki blagdan, vezano je i cvijeće ivančice koje su djevojčice brale i pravile od njega vijence za kosu. Božica Lada najčešće je povezana s ivanjskim vatrama i u ophodarskim pjesmama ladarica koje su se mjestimice zadržale čak do sredine 20. stoljeća. Ladarice su pri ophodu nosile cvjetne vjenčiće. Cvjetni je vjenčić simbol nevinosti, ali u ovom kontekstu i duhovni znak, znak vjere (paganski matrijarhat) kojoj su ladarice nekada pripadale (na Duhove – kraljice, za Ivanje – ladarice).

Naš poznati ansambl „Lado” kao ambasador prenosi moć ovog cvijeća kroz tradicijske pjesme i plesove širom svijeta.

Dodatno je za interpretaciju interesantno da su cvijet ivančica  drvo iva povezani s onima koji su rođeni u travnju i tu je poveznica s danom sv. Jurja (23. travnja), kada sin vrhovnog boga Velesa i majke Mokoš izlazi na površinu. Ivančica je simbol radosti, nevinosti, mladosti, razigranosti, ali i rastanka. Njezine se latice pita voli li nas draga/dragi ili ne, pa se tako povezuju i s neizvjesnošću ljubavi i žudnjom. Ivančica će posebno razveseliti one rođene u travnju jer se onaj koji ih prima odmah osjeća posebno.

Cvijet ivančice svakako mora biti poveznica i s našim tradicijskim običajima i kalendarom. Uz posebnu priču o ovom cvijeću, može se organizirati i interaktivno uključivanje gostiju koji tako rade i svoj suvenir – vijenac od cvijeća. Bio je običaj da se vijenac plete uoči Ivanja, a u nekim krajevima i da se s pletenjem počne kad zvoni za večernju misu. U vijenac se, uz ivanjsko cvijeće, nekad uplete i drugo cvijeće, tko već kakvo ima. Vijenac se stavljao na kuću na vidno mjesto. Ne skida se cijele godine sve dok se ne stavi novi. Ivanjskim cvijećem nekad su se kitila i ulazna vrata, a stručak cvijeća stavljao se na posebno mjesto u kući – to se i sada može iskoristiti za dekoraciju uz priču.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Jim Reeves, Welcome To My World



Owners’ zodiac signs: GEMINI - they are well suited with nut trees, slender trees with many branches, and chestnut, AQUARIUS - it is the zodiac sign that goes well with all intertwined plants and trees. Quince, aspen and poplar are its allies when it comes to astrology and energy.

The surrounding trees include acacia, cypress, and olive trees. The house is made of wood, primarily oak and spruce. We have already suggested interpretations for acacia, cypress, and olive trees, and they have been assigned to specific holiday homes. So, daisy (ivančica in Croatian) should be used as the plant associated with this holiday home because the owner's name is Ivana. A creative connection with the goat willow (called “Iva” in Croatian) can be also established. Daisies, being wildflowers, grow and blossom profoundly. Daisies are also known as marguerites, and that word can be used to connect the holiday home to literature and Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita. Bulgakov, who was a doctor by profession, definitely leaves no one indifferent. His novel intertwines critique of the regime and religion, motifs of fantasy, autobiography, fairy tales, tragedy, comedy, romance, and above all, satire.

The traditional folk holiday Midsummer Day (Ivanje) is also associated with daisies (ivančice), since girls used to pick them that day to make wreaths for their hair. The goddess Lada is often associated with midsummer bonfires and is mentioned in songs sung during midsummer processions. Such songs were preserved and sung in some places until the mid-20th century. During the procession, the girls wore floral wreaths. The floral wreath is a symbol of innocence, but in this context, it is also a spiritual sign, a sign of faith (pagan matriarchy) and the power of girls holding processions on Pentecost and Midsummer Day.

Our renowned folklore ensemble Lado acts as an ambassador of daisies, conveying the power of daisies through traditional songs and dances worldwide.

Additionally, what could be used in the interpretation is the fact that daisies, like the goat willow, are associated with those born in April. This could be connected to St. George’s Day (23 April), when the son of the supreme god Veles and Mother Mokosh emerges. The daisy is a symbol of joy, innocence, youthfulness, playfulness, but also of parting. Its petals are used to ask whether our beloved one loves us or not, so the daisy could be linked to the uncertainty of love and longing as well. Daisies will make a perfect gift for those born in April as they will immediately make them feel special.

Daisies should certainly be used as a connection to our traditional customs and calendar. A special story about this flower can be presented and guests can be involved in interactive activities such as creating their own souvenir, a flower wreath. In the past, the tradition was to weave the wreath on the eve of St. John’s Day, and in some regions, the activity started when the evening mass bell rang. Besides daisies, other flowers, depending on what was available, were sometimes woven into wreaths. The wreath was placed on the house in a visible place and remained there throughout the year until a new one was put up. Daisies were also used to decorate the entrance doors, and a bouquet of flowers was placed in a special place in the house. This could be done even now in the holiday home, complementing the story.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Jim Reeves, Welcome to My World


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  • +385 1 2061 808
  • OIB: 60155307304

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