Objekt se nalazi u zelenilu s pogledom na crkvu u Kominu i već desetljećima nudi kvalitetnu prigorsku kuhinju. Uz navedeno, gostima se pruža i mogućnost smještaja u ugodno opremljenim sobama.
Vlasnici individualno pristupaju gostima kojima se nudi mogućnost održavanja različitih proslava privatnog tipa u sklopu restorana. U zelenilu koje okružuje "Šumski dvor", nalazi se uređeno dječje igralište.
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ČAROBNI ZELINSKI VILINSKI PARK / “Zelina’s enchanted fairy park”
Vlasnica je u horoskopsku STRIJELAC – njemu najbolje odgovaraju hrast, javor, lipa i smokva.
U dvorištu i oko kuće ima mnogo cvijeća, a ističu se ruže koje cvjetaju cijelu godinu.
Za interpretaciju u ovom „dvoru” izabrano je cvijeće jer je oduvijek imalo moćnu simboliku, mnoge su ga civilizacije smatrale božanskim darom, a pjesnici u njemu nalazili neiscrpno nadahnuće. S cvijećem su u prošlosti često bila povezana razna narodna vjerovanja – radost, ljubav, sreća, razočaranje, ljubomora… Govor cvijeća, odnosno izmjenjivanje poruka putem cvijeća, nastao je na Istoku, a na europskom tlu prihvaćen je u 18. stoljeću. U doba kada su brojnim ljubavnicima obitelji zabranjivale ikakvu vezu, pronašli su načine da „razgovaraju” preko cvijeća.
Ruže su povezane sa ženskom energijom. Danas su ruže zaljubljenima omiljen oblik komuniciranja, ali svaka boja ima drugu poruku ili simbol. Ruža ima snažnu energiju, vrlo je koristan funkcionalan cvijet kao zaštita od uroka jer prekrasna ruža ima bodlje – sjajno oružje protiv zlih riječi i zlonamjernih postupaka zlobnih želja.
Još u drevnoj Grčkoj uvriježio se običaj da se ruža daruje osobi kojoj se htjelo iskazati ljubav, poštovanje i zahvalnost ili poslati neskrivena poruka ljubavi i strasti. Stoga se često ime ruže spominje i uz boginju Afroditu, kao sinonim neprolazne ljepote. Rimljani su bili prvi koji su otkrili i druge vrijednosti ruža. Poznati kao najveći hedonisti u povijesti, upravo su Rimljani počeli od latica ruže pripremati neke vrste slastica te ih upotrebljavati kao glavni sastojak mirisnih vodica. Ruže su bile i inspiracija pjesnicima, slikarima i zaljubljenim muškarcima. No da bi u potpunosti uživali u njezinoj raskošnoj ljepoti, počeli su je sve više saditi i oko svojih kuća te „punili pluća” njezinim mirisima. Naklonjenost njezinim opojnim mirisima pokazali su kasnije i brojni europski muškarci koji su svoje drage obasipali laticama, dok su je slikari i trubaduri zauvijek ovjekovječili u serenadama i uljima na platnu. Na maštovitom jeziku ruža razgovaralo se ne samo bojama, cvjetovima i pupoljcima nego i listovima i trnjem. Ako je neka osoba htjela izjaviti ljubav osobi koja joj je darovala crvenu ružu, dotaknula bi cvijet svojim usnama, a ako ju je odbila, otrgnula bi cvijet i bacila ga. Ako je odrezala trnje, a ostavila listove, onome tko joj je ružom izjavio ljubav dala je znak da ima nade, a ako je ruža ostala i bez trnja i listova, to je značilo kako nada više ne postoji. I danas su ruže omiljen oblik komuniciranja, a svaka boja ima drugu poruku ili simbol, što je pogodno i za dekoraciju u unutrašnjosti kuće kroz govor ruža ovisno o gostima koji će biti smješteni i godišnjim dobima. Prilika je i za kreiranje atmosfere kroz eterično mirisno ružino ulje. Tako je crvena ruža za ljubav i romantiku, bijela unosi mir i svježinu u prostor, dok ljubičasta povećava motivaciju i smanjuje napetost, narančasta ruža budi radost i samopouzdanje, žuta budi zadovoljstvo i optimizam, ali postoji vjerovanje da izražava i ljubomoru, a ružičasta potiče prijateljstvo i suosjećanje te osjećaj topline i opuštenosti.
Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Aldrch, Castle In The Woods Song
Poveznica: https://youtu.be/CLRNeTsz8Oc?si=rDtc1KQp9mvIwfdF
The owner’s zodiac sign is SAGITTARIUS – it is best matched with oak, maple, linden and fig trees.
There are many flowers in the garden and around the house with roses blossoming throughout the year standing out as particularly beautiful.
Flowers have been chosen for the interpretation of this “estate” because they have always held powerful symbolism. Many civilizations considered flowers to be a divine gift, and poets found endless inspiration in them. In the past, various folk beliefs were often associated with flowers—joy, love, happiness, disappointment, jealousy... The language of flowers, or the exchange of messages through flowers, originated in the East and was accepted in the European culture in the 18th century. During the time when many families used to forbid romantic relationships to their sons and daughters, they found ways to “speak” to their loved ones through flowers.
Roses are associated with feminine energy, and nowadays make a favourite form of communication for lovers. Each colour carries a different message or symbolism. The rose has strong energy; it is a very useful and functional flower for protection against curses because the beautiful rose has thorns, brilliant weapons against malicious words and ill-intentioned actions or spiteful wishes.
Already in ancient Greece, it became customary to give a rose to a person to whom one wanted to express love, respect, and gratitude, or to send an unmistakable message of love and passion. Thus, the name of the rose is often mentioned in connection with the goddess Aphrodite, as a synonym for everlasting beauty. The Romans were the first to discover other values of roses as well. Known as the greatest hedonists in history, the Romans began preparing sweets and producing fragrant waters using rose petals as the main ingredient. Roses were also an inspiration for poets, painters, and men in love. To fully enjoy their luxurious beauty, artists began planting more roses around their homes thus “filling their lungs” with rose scents. The fondness for their intoxicating fragrances was later shown by many European men who showered their lovers with rose petals, while painters and troubadours immortalized roses in serenades and oil paintings on canvas. The imaginative language of roses implied communication not only through colours, flowers, and buds but also through leaves and thorns. If a person wanted to declare love with a red rose to the person who gave it to them, they would touch the flower with their lips, and if they wanted to reject the person, they would tear off the flower and throw it away. If they cut off the thorns but left the leaves, it signalled to the person declaring their love that there was hope, but if the rose was left without both thorns and leaves, it meant that there was no longer any hope. Even today, roses are a favourite form of communication, with each colour carrying a different message or symbolism, making them suitable for interior decoration in the holiday home. Depending on guests coming to the holiday home and the season of the year, a different language of roses should be used. So, a red rose means love and romance, white brings peace and freshness in the space while purple increases motivation and reduces tension. An orange rose incites joy and self-confidence, yellow facilitates contentment and optimism, but there is also a belief that it expresses jealousy. And finally, a pink rose facilitates friendship and compassion and the feelings of warmth and relaxation. It is also possible to create a certain atmosphere using fragrant essential rose oils.
The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Aldrch, Castle in the Woods Song