P.A.F, ruralna kuća za odmor

P.A.F, ruralna kuća za odmor

Vrsta smještaja / Kategorija: Ruralna kuća za odmor ***

Grad/mjesto: Sv. Ivan Zelina / Salnik

Ulica i kućni broj: Salnik 13 c

Osoba za kontakt: Vera

Mobitel: +385 95 849 9494

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Facebook: Kuća za odmor PAF

Jezik za kontakt: HR, EN

Površina objekta m2 : 50

Sobe/kreveti: galerija – 2 kreveta za 4 osobe, dnevni boravak – kauč na razvlačenje

Ukupno osoba: 4+2

Prijava od: po dogovoru

Odjava do: po dogovoru

Kućni ljubimci su dozvoljeni.

Dobrodošli u naš mali raj, spoj netaknute prirode i mjesta za Vaša slavlja rođendana, djevojačkih, momačkih, te obiteljskog odmora... Veselimo se Vašem boravku u selu Salnik, pored Svetog Ivana Zeline. Posjed od 8900m2 udaljenost susjeda te 150 nasada oraha, lješnjaka i drugog raslinja Vam daje potpunu privatnost. U ovom bijegu od svakodnevice može Vas ometi jedino cvrkut ptica dok uživate u pogledu i jutarnjoj kavi. 


ČAROBNI ZELINSKI VILINSKI PARK /  “Zelina’s enchanted fairy park”


paf logo


Vlasnici su u horoskopu: DJEVICA – odgovara joj orašasto drveće, razgranato i isprepleteno: orah, lješnjak, badem, RAK – za njega se veže drveće sa sočnim plodovima, zimzeleno drveće i sve što raste blizu vode; najbliže su mu vrba i topola, te RIBE – drveće kao što je hrast, javor, lipa ili smokva imaju sasvim prihvatljiv energetski utjecaj; isto tako mimoza, drvo banane i palme, sve tropsko drveće, kao i ono koje raste po morskim otocima i sve podvodne biljke.

U okolišu imaju čemprese, borove, javor, lješnjake i orahe.

Javor je posebno spominjan i u našoj hrvatskoj etnološkoj tradiciji. Tako narodno vjerovanje kaže da će se javor osušiti ako bolestan čovjek vodu kojom se umio prospe na njegov korijen, a taj će bolesnik ozdraviti, kao i da će suhi javor ozelenjeti ako ga obuhvati krivo osuđen čovjek.

Javor služi i kao sredstvo za odvajanje momka od djevojke: „Bog ti dade da se ne udade, dok ne vid'la tri na nebu sunca, dok ne čula kako riba pjeva, dok ne rodi javor jabukama, žuta vrba grožđem bijelim.”

I u našoj književnosti poznati su napisi gdje se metaforički upotrebljava usporedba sa suhim javorom. Interesantna je interpretacija vezana za Vetranovićev Piligrin, koji je smješten u fantastičan i mitološki kontekst:„… u Badnjoj noći glavni je lik epa Piligrin poslao je svoju svijest da po svijetu traži mjesto gdje bi mogao poživjeti mirno i ugodno. Kad mu se svijest vratila, rekla je da takvoga mjesta nema. Piligrin gorko zaplače, te krene iz svojega doma noseći na ramenu mijeh u kojem nosi svoje misli. Ubrzo ga uhvati umor pa sjedne pod suhi javor na vrhu brda da se odmori. Ondje zaželi upitati svoje misli što treba dalje raditi, ali ne može ništa vidjeti jer su one u magli. Uslijede razne pretvorbe Piligrinovih misli koje suhi javor poprati smijehom. Gubitak misli zabrine jadnog Piligrina te na njegove jadikovke odgovori suhi javor koji ga tješi da će mu se misli uskoro vratiti. Otkrije mu i kako će to biti. Piligrin se pokušava snaći u čudnom svijetu u kojem se našao i moli javora za objašnjenje. Javor započinje svoj govor o pokvarenosti svijeta u kojem se sve naopako okrenulo. Svijet se pokvario, ljudi su postali nalik zvijerima, ludost je zamijenila mudrost, pa ta ludost koja vlada svijetom nameće i svoje zakone, te su zlato i bogatstvo glavni kriterij ljudske vrijednosti. Na koncu, javor govori o svojoj sudbini: nekada je bio živ, mlad i slavljen, ali ga je zavist zlih ljudi nagnala na lutanje, a onda je pretvoren u stablo. Savjetuje Piligrinu da se čuva i da sve strpljivo podnese.”[1] Ovo je i oblik biblioterapije gdje je vidljiva poveznica književnog djela s prirodom, a može se dobro uklopiti i u unutrašnjost kroz kreativnu dekoraciju i poveznicu s književnim i mitološkim turizmom.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Miroslav Škoro, Šumi, šumi, javore

Poveznica: https://youtu.be/_nxMdn3sd-k

[1] Pavličić, Pavao. 2002. Čitanje Vetranovićeva Pelegrina. Forum. 7–9. 92–823 i Forum 10–12. 1398–1423.


Owners’ zodiac signs:  VIRGO - this sign is related to nut trees with stretching and intertwining branches: walnut, hazelnut, almond, and, CANCER - it is associated with trees bearing juicy fruits, evergreen trees, and everything that grows near water. The trees closest to this zodiac sign are the willow and the poplar, PISCES –trees such as oak, maple, linden or fig have an acceptable energetic influence on this zodiac sign. The same goes for mimosa and banana trees and palms, as well as all tropic trees, trees growing on islands and underwater plants.

There are cypresses, pines, and maple, hazelnut and walnut trees in the surroundings.

The maple tree is a common element of the Croatian ethnographic tradition, and there are numerous sayings mentioning it. For example, it is said that the maple tree will wither if a sick person pours the water with which they washed themselves onto its roots, while that sick person will recover. Also according to folk beliefs, a dry maple tree will turn green if it is embraced by a wrongly convicted person.

The maple tree can also be used as the means for separating a girl from a boy: “God granted you not to get married until you’ve seen three suns in the sky, until you’ve heard the fish sing, until the maple tree bears apples, and the yellow willow bears white grapes.”

In the Croatian literature, there are also instances of metaphorical comparisons with a dry maple tree. So, the Croatian writer from the 15th century Macro Vetranović mentions the maple tree in his epic poem “Pligrin”[1] set in a fantastic mythological context: “…on Christmas Eve, the main character Pilgrim sent his consciousness out into the world to search for a place where he could live peacefully and comfortably. When his consciousness returned, it said that such a place did not exist. Pilgrim bitterly wept and set out from his home carrying a bladder filled with his thoughts on his shoulder. Soon he became tired and sat down under a dry maple tree at the top of the hill to rest. There he wished to ask his thoughts what he should do next, but he could not see anything because they were in the fog. Various transformations of Pilgrim’s thoughts followed, accompanied by laughter from the dry maple tree. The loss of thoughts worried poor Pilgrim, and finally he received a response to his lamentations from the dry maple tree. It comforted him telling him that his thoughts would soon return. It also revealed to him how that would happen. Pilgrim tried to make sense of the strange world he found himself in and asked the maple tree for an explanation. The maple tree began its speech about the corruption of the world where everything is upside down. The world has become corrupt, people have become like beasts, madness has replaced wisdom, and this madness that rules the world imposes its own laws, so gold and wealth are the main criteria of human value. In the end, the maple tree talks about its fate: he was once alive, young, and famous, but evil people’s envy drove him to wander, and then he was transformed into a tree. He advises Pilgrim to be cautious and to patiently endure everything.” This story can be used as a form of bibliotherapy. The connection of the literary work with nature should be emphasized and integrated into the interior through creative decoration. So, literature and mythology should be used in this house to create contents for tourists.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Miroslav Škoro, Šumi, šumi javore

Link: https://youtu.be/_nxMdn3sd-k






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