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Vlasnici su u horoskopu: BIK – najviše je vezan za voće: na prvom mjestu jabuka, a zatim kruška, šljiva, višnja, te RIBE – drveće kao što je hrast, javor, lipa ili smokva imaju sasvim prihvatljiv energetski utjecaj; isto tako mimoza, drvo banane i palme, sve tropsko drveće, kao i ono koje raste po morskim otocima i sve podvodne biljke.

DRVEĆE: bukva, hrast, grab

Hrast – kult hrasta i mitologije povezane s hrastom bile su u pretkršćansko doba rasprostranjene diljem Europe. U arhaična vremena smatralo se da je čovjek rođen iz hrasta; tako su Arkadijci tvrdili da su, prije nego što su postali ljudi, bili hrastovi. Kod Germana nalazimo sličnu predaju: tamo su prvi ljudi načinjeni od dvaju panjeva. Predodžba po kojoj je čovjek nastao iz drveta pripada indoeuropskom naslijeđu. To je možda povezano s činjenicom da se trenjem dvaju komada drva može proizvesti vatra. Tako je bio rođen Agni, indijski bog vatre, a čovjek u sebi nosi božansku iskru, vatru koju je Prometej donio s Olimpa.

Kod nas je u slavenskoj mitologiji drvo života HRAST i svijet se prikazivao kao golem hrast u čijem je korijenu bio podzemni svijet. Boga groma i munje Peruna simbolizirao je orao koji je sjedio na najvišim granama, dok je Velesa, boga podzemnog svijeta, simbolizirala zmija (ili zmaj) koja se ovijala među korijenjem svetog hrastova drveta. Mitološki simbol drvo života bio je veoma snažan u slavenskoj mitologiji dug niz godina, čak i poslije pokrštavanja. Tri razine univerzuma bile su smještena na drvetu. Krošnja je predstavljala nebo, božansko mjesto, a stablo je predstavljalo svijet smrtnika. Svijet mrtvih bilo je lijepo mjesto, zeleno i vlažno, mjesto vječnog izvora. U folkloru se ova zemlja zvala Irij. Svijet bogova i smrtnika nalazio se u centru zemlje okružen morem, s druge se strane nalazila zemlja mrtvih.

Drvo života i drvo spoznaje u uskoj su vezi. Mudrost i spoznaja postižu se isto tako teško kao i besmrtnost. Čovjek mora podnijeti velike žrtve i izboriti velike pobjede. Mora stupiti u izravnu vezu sa Stablom svijeta koje kao axis mundi omogućuje uspon do duhovnog svijeta i mistično viđenje. Stablo služi kao kanal spoznaje, osovina je intuicije i izvor inspiracije.

Hrvatski jezikoslovac i književni povjesničar akademik Radoslav Katičić piše u svojoj knjizi Božanski boj kako se bavio proučavanjem narodnih pjesama svih slavenskih naroda i piše o slavenskom vjerovanju u čudesno ili sveto drvo (kod nas poznatije kao drvo života). Akademik Katičić do opisa je došao analizom mnogobrojnih slavenskih narodnih pjesama koje spominju čudesno ili sveto drvo, svaka na svoj način. Razlog postojanja mnogih verzija jedne te iste pojave jest razlaz slavenske zajednice i utjecaj vjerovanja na primarno vjerovanje, zajedničko praslavenskoj zajednici, na koje su pojedini narodi naišli na području koje su naselili.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Tom Jones, Green, green grass of home



Owners’ zodiac signs: TAURUS – primarily related to fruit trees: especially apple, and then pear, plum and sour cherry, and PISCES – trees such as oak, maple, linden or fig have an acceptable energetic influence on this zodiac sign. The same goes for mimosa and banana trees and palms, as well as all tropic trees, trees growing on islands and underwater plants.

TREES: beech, oak, hornbeam   

The oak – the oak-related cults and mythologies used to be widespread across Europe in pre-Christian times. In ancient times, it was believed that humans were born from the oak; thus, the Arcadians claimed that before they became people, they had been oak trees. A similar tradition was present among the Germans: there, the first humans were made from two tree stumps. The idea that humans originated from trees belongs to the Indo-European heritage. This is perhaps connected to the fact that fire can be produced by rubbing two pieces of wood together. It was believed that Agni, the Indian god of fire, was born that way, and that humans carry within them the divine spark, the fire that Prometheus brought from Olympus…

In the Slavic mythology, the OAK is the tree of life and the world used to be depicted as a huge oak with the underworld hidden among its roots. The god of thunder and lightning Perun was symbolised by an eagle sitting on the highest branches, while the god of the underworld Veles was symbolised by a snake (or a dragon) intertwined among the roots of the sacred oak tree. The mythological symbol of the tree of life used to be very powerful in the Slavic mythology even after the Christianisation. The tree depicted three levels of the universe. The canopy represented the sky, i.e. the divine place, the tree trunk symbolised the world of mortals while the world of the dead was a nice, green and moist place, the location of an eternal well. In folklore, this land was called Irij. The world of gods and mortals was located at the centre of the earth, surrounded by the sea, with the land of the dead on the other side.

The tree of life and the tree of knowledge are closely connected. Wisdom and knowledge are as difficult to attain as immortality. A person must make great sacrifices and win many battles to attain them. A direct contact must be established with the tree of the world, which, as the axis mundi, enables the ascent to the spiritual world and the mystical vision. The tree serves as a channel of cognition, the axis of intuition, and the source of inspiration.

The Croatian linguist and literary historian, academician Radoslav Katičić, in his book Božanski boj (Divine Battle) wrote about his study of folk songs which depict the Slavic worship of a miraculous or sacred tree (more commonly known as the tree of life). Katičić managed to draw conclusions about this tree based on the analysis of numerous Slavic folk songs that mention a miraculous or a sacred tree, each in its own way. The reason for the existence of so many versions of the same phenomenon lies in the dispersion of the Slavic community and the influence of various beliefs on the primary belief, common for the Proto-Slavic community.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Tom Jones, Green, Green Grass of Home



green zelina


Vlasnici su u horoskopu: OVAN – odgovaraju mu bor i jela, ali i glog, kaktus, mahagonij i sve što ima bodlje, te JARAC – za taj znak vežu se jablan i brijest, kao i sve ono što raste po planinama. Najjače vibracije ipak se osjete između bukve i ovog znaka.

„Bez pčela ne bi bilo ni ljudi”, rekao je Albert Einstein, utemeljitelj moderne fizike. Jedan od najomiljenijih znanstvenika za života je upozorio što bi se moglo dogoditi s ljudima, životinjama i biljkama ako pčela nestane sa Zemlje. Ukratko, rekao je kako bez pčela nema života. Vlasnik vile je pčelar i kuća je okružena cvjetnim livadama.

„Nestanu li pčele s planeta Zemlje, čovjeku kao vrsti ostaje još oko četiri godine života. Bez pčela nema oprašivanja, nema ploda, nema hrane, nema ni ljudi”, upozorio je Einstein.

Najpoznatija je pčela na svijetu, uz koju su odrasle mnoge generacije, pčelica Maja. Iako gotovo svatko zna za seriju crtanih filmova, pčelica Maja pojavila se prije više od stotinu godina u priči njemačkog spisatelja Waldemara Bonselsa. Lik vrckave i znatiželjne pčelice Maje inspirirao je umjetnike različitih medija te je oživjela u stripu, videoigri, a u Hrvatskoj je poznata i kao opera skladatelja Brune Bjelinskog iz 1957.

Maslačak je najbolja hrana za pčele – osim što je iznimno koristan za ljude, maslačak je od neprocjenjive važnosti za pčele i druge oprašivače. Cvijet maslačka otvara se sat vremena nakon izlaska sunca i zatvara se u sumrak. Zato je u stara vremena cvijet pastirima služio i kao sunčani sat. Ovaj je cvijet mjerio kretanje na dnevnoj putanji sunca. To je onaj cvijet koji ujutro otvara latice prema suncu, a navečer ih zatvara kao da spava. Na neki način sve nas podsjeća na djetinjstvo, na neke uspomene, sretne dane… Sigurno smo svi puhali u „lopticu” maslačka s nadom da će nam se ispuniti želja koju smo u tom trenutku zamislili. To je i poveznica s bajkom Plesna haljina žutog maslačka, što daje dodanu vrijednost za interpretaciju obiteljima s djecom.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Gabi Novak, Hrabri ljudi



Owners' zodiac signs: ARIES – it is the zodiac sign which matches well with pine and fir trees, but also with hawthorn, cactus, mahogany and all plants with needles, and CAPRICORN – this zodiac sign is associated with poplar and elm trees, as well as all mountainous plants. The strongest vibrations can be felt between this zodiac sing and the beech.

“Without bees, there would be no humans,” said Albert Einstein, the founder of modern physics and one of the most beloved scientists. During his lifetime, he warned about what could happen to humans, animals, and plants if bees were to disappear from the Earth. In short, he stated that without bees, there would be no life. The owner of the villa is a beekeeper, and the house is surrounded by wildflower meadows.

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man,” warned Einstein.

The most famous bee in the world, which many generations have grown up with, is Maya the Bee. Although almost everyone knows the animated series, Maya the Bee first appeared over a hundred years ago in a story by the German writer Waldemar Bonsels. The character of the lively and curious bee Maya has inspired artists in various media, and she has come to life in comics, video games, and, in Croatia, in an opera from 1957 by the composer Bruno Bjelinski.

Dandelions make the best food for bees. In addition to being extremely beneficial for people, dandelions carry invaluable importance for bees and other pollinators. The dandelion flower opens one hour after sunrise and closes at dusk. Therefore, in ancient times, the flower served as a sundial for shepherds. In a way, it served as a measure of the sun’s movement along its daily path. It is the flower that opens its petals towards the sun in the morning and closes them as if sleeping in the evening. In a way, it reminds us of childhood, evokes memories of happy days... Surely, we have all blown at a dandelion “puffball” hoping that the wish made at that moment would come true. The dandelion can also be connected with the tale Plesna haljina žutog maslačka (The Yellow Dandelion's Dance Dress) which can be used for interpretation that will appeal to families with children.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Gabi Novak, Hrabri ljudi





Vlasnici su u horoskopu JARCI – odgovaraju im hrast, javor, lipa i smokva.

Drveće u okolišu: vrba, čempres.

Interesantno je i koliko je i vrba moćno drvo jer pruža vitalnu energiju starijima i bolesnima. Dim nastao paljenjem vrbova drva umiruje i vodi duše mrtvih. Vrba je jedno od najtajanstvenijih i najzavodljivijih stabala. Njezina je ženstvena energija snažan simbol plodnosti, zajednice i vlasti. Ima tako snažnu prisutnost ravnoteže i pruža ispunjajući zagrljaj ozdravljenja i ljubavi prema sebi. Vrba je autentičan simbol strastvenog izražavanja. Ako osjećate da vas vrba doziva, znajte da njezina čista poruka od vas traži da si priznate sve emocije koje osjećate. Nježna biljka nadvijena nad vodom, danas najčešće simbol nesretne ljubavi, stalan je motiv u tradicionalnoj likovnoj umjetnosti Kine i Japana.

U impresionizmu, opčinjenom igrom svjetlosti, tajanstvena i snena, žalosna vrba ovjekovječena je na slici Claudea Moneta. U stihovima jedne korejske srednjovjekovne konkubine treperi stih posvećen njezinu ljubavniku: „I bit ću kao vrba nad tvojom posteljom”.

Vrba se javlja i u najtužnijoj ljubavnoj priči, mitu o Orfeju i Euridici, i zato je i prozvana „tužnom vrbom”. Naime, baš u jednom vrbiku, u trenutku kada je izlazio iz svijeta mrtvih u svijet živih, Orfej se okrenuo i zauvijek izgubio Euridiku. Zbog svojeg položaja kao axis mundi, vrba se upotrebljava i u narodnoj magiji kao biljka preko koje se svaka bolest, a posebno groznica, šalje na onaj svijet, da se nikad ne vrati.

S korijenom u zemlji, a vrhovima grana u vodi, nadvijena u luku, vrba je most između dvaju svjetova: ovozemaljskog svijeta živih i onostranog svijeta, koji je istodobno i visoko na vrhovima grana i duboko pod vodom. Vrba je kao sveta biljka poštovana u različitim religijama i kulturama. U budizmu je grančica vrbe jedan od glavnih atributa suosjećanja. U Kini se grančice vrbe nose tijekom praznika čišćenja grobnica i stavljane su na ulaze da bi otjerale zle duhove. U modernoj religiji Vika vrba je jedno od devet svetih drva. U judaizmu vrba ima važnu ulogu tijekom praznika Sukot kojim se slavi izlazak iz Egipta. U keltskoj mitologiji Zemlja i Sunce izlegli su se iz dvaju grimiznih jaja skrivenih u vrbovu granju. U druidskoj praksi bila je važna kao biljka na kojoj je rasla imela i zato je imala i veliku magijsku važnost.

U vrtu se ističe i cvijet jorgovana, koji simbolizira oproštaj i tugu u ljubavi. Ljubičasti je jorgovan, prema predanju, pobijelio nakon što ga je netko ostavio na grobu djevojke koja se ubila zbog ljubavi i simbolizira prvu ljubav, a bijeli – mladalačku nevinost. Od davnih su se vremena cvjetovi jorgovana upotrebljavali za čišćenje kuće od zlih duhova, zaštitu od uroka, blagoslov i dozivanje pozitivne energije. Jorgovan je simbol radosti i života i pod zaštitom je planeta Venere. Od davnina jorgovan se upotrebljavao u ritualima za ljubav, a cvjetovi za liječenje groznice. U jeziku cvijeća jorgovan simbolizira ljubavne emocije i vjeruje se da može rastjerati lošu energiju i zlo na mjestu gdje je posađen.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Darko Domijan, Ulica jorgovana



Owners’ zodiac signs: CAPRICORN – they match well with oak, maple, linden and fig trees

Trees in the surroundings: willow, and cypress.

The willow tree is believed to be powerful and to provide the old and the sick with vital energy. The smoke arising from a burning willow log has a calming effect and leads the souls of the dead. The willow is one of the most mysterious and seductive trees. Its feminine energy is a powerful symbol of fertility, community and dominance. It provides a balance and a fulfilling embrace of healing and self-love. The willow tree is an authentic symbol of passionate expression. If you feel that the willow is calling to you, it means that you should acknowledge all the emotions you are feeling. Nowadays, this gentle plant, bending over the water, is most often a symbol of unrequited love.

In the past, it used to a constant motif in the traditional visual arts of China and Japan. In Impressionism, which was captivated by the play of light, the mysterious and dreamy weeping willow was immortalized in a painting by Claude Monet. In the verses of a medieval Korean concubine, a line dedicated to her lover says: “And I will be like a willow over your bed.”

The willow also appears in the saddest of all love stories, the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, and this particular story is the reason why it is called the “weeping willow”. Namely, it was in a willow grove that Orpheus, just as he was emerging from the world of the dead into the world of the living, turned around and lost Eurydice forever. Due to its position as the axis mundi, the willow is used in folk magic as a plant used to send all illnesses, and fever in particular, to the other world, never to come back again.  

With its roots in the ground and the tips of its branches in the water, bending over the water, the willow bridges the gap between the two worlds: earthly world of the living and the world of the dead, which is simultaneously high in the treetops and deep under the water. The willow is worshiped as a secret plant in many religions and cultures. In Buddhism, a willow twig is one of the main attributes of compassion. In China, willow branches are carried during the ceremonies of cleaning of tombs and put at the entrance to drive evil spirits away. In modern religion, the willow is one of nine sacred trees. In Judaism, the willow had an important role during Sukkot, the holiday that commemorates the Exodus from Egypt. In Celtic mythology, the Earth and the Sun hatched from two crimson eggs hidden in the willow branches. In Druidic practice, it was important as the plant on which mistletoe grew and therefore it had a great magical significance.

What also stands out in the garden is the lilac flower which symbolises love-related sorrow. According to a legend, the purple lilac turned white when somebody left it at the grave of the girl who committed suicide for unrequited love. Consequently, the purple lilac symbolises the first love while the white lilac is a symbol of youthful innocence. Since ancient times, lilac flowers have been used for driving evil spirits away from homes, breaking curses, invoking blessings, and summoning positive energy. The lilac is a symbol of joy and life and is under the protection of the planet Venus. In the past, lilac was used in love rituals and for treating fever. When it comes to the language of flowers, the lilac symbolizes tender feelings and is believed to dispel bad energy and evil in the place where it is planted.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Darko Domijan, Ulica Jorgovana





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: OVNOVI – tom horoskopskom znaku odgovaraju bor i jela, ali i glog, kaktus i sve što ima bodlje, te VODENJAK – tom horoskopskom znaku odgovaraju sve isprepletene biljke i drveće. U dunji ima dobroga astroenergetskog saveznika, kao i u jasiki i topoli.

U vrtu, uz vinograd, imaju orah i višnju.

Nekada su vinogradari, da bi lozu obranili od mraza, u vinogradima palili vatru od vlažne kukuruzovine koja je davala mnogo dima, a zaštita od tuče sadržavala je brojne magijske elemente, kao pucanje iz mužara i zvonjava crkvenim zvonima. Vrlo je često bilo i stavljanje pojedinih vinograda ili cijelih vinogradarskih područja pod Božju zaštitu podizanjem križeva, kapelica, pa i manjih crkava. Za interpretaciju je dobro napraviti i poseban kalendar te navesti dane pučkih vinskih svetaca, poslove u vinogradu koji su obavljani na određeni datum te rituale i običaje koji su prakticirani. Neki su još uvijek prisutni, a neke treba revitalizirati, barem u smislu turističke interaktivne animacije, što može biti i dodatni sadržaj.

Vinova loza – simbol vinove loze za nas ima veliki potencijal u simboličkim svojstvima. U većini slučajeva na njih gledamo kao na inspirativne simbole koji pomažu u podizanju morala u životu. No budući da dobivanje vina iz grožđa jedan od najstarijih načina proizvodnje, mora imati i neku povijesnu simboliku. Vinova loza ima blisku vezu s jednim od grčkih bogova po imenu Dioniz. Također, ima još jednu vezu s rimskim bogom Bacchusom. Vinova loza o kojoj govorimo bila je izvor jednog od najboljih crnih vina koje su mogli ponuditi tim božanstvima da ih umire. Također, vino iz vinove loze koristili bi za zabavu svojih najboljih prijatelja i rođaka na svečanostima. U Bibliji Krist također upotrebljava vino iz vinove loze koje simbolizira njegovu krv, koju daje svojim sljedbenicima da bi mogli piti u spomen na njega. Ovo je jedna od najdugovječnijih tradicija iz davnina koja još uvijek postoji u većini naših crkava. Zauzvrat, to čini vino i vinovu lozu simbolom samožrtvovanja. Također simbolizira velikodušnost ljubavi koju Krist pokazuje svojim sljedbenicima. Ako se dobro pogleda značenje vinove loze, zaključit će se da simbolizira odanost. Interesantan su sadržaj i vicevi i zdravice povezane s vinom i vinogradom kao posebno osmišljene radionice poput stand-up performansa u kojem će gosti sudjelovati interaktivno. Također, interesantan je način za interpretaciju i vino u snovima.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Gabi Novak, Vino i gitare



Owners’ zodiac signs: ARIES - it is the zodiac sign which matches well with pine and fir trees, but also with hawthorn, cactus, and all the plants with needles, and AQUARIUS – it is the zodiac sign that goes well with all intertwined plants and trees. Quince, aspen and poplar are its allies when it comes to astrology and energy.

Besides the grape vine, a walnut and a cherry tree grow in the garden.

In the past, winegrowers would light fires in their vineyards using damp corn stalks producing a lot of smoke to protect the vines from frost. Hail protection practices included many magical elements, such as firing cannons and ringing church bells. It was also common to place individual vineyards or entire wine-growing areas under divine protection by erecting crosses, chapels, and even small churches. For proper interpretation, it would be beneficial to create a special calendar because each patron saint of wine is honoured at a specific date. The calendar should detail what is done in the vineyard, and what rituals and customs are practiced at a certain time. Some of these practices are still present, while others need to be revitalized and turned into interactive activities for tourists, i.e. tourist attractions.

The grape vine has a huge symbolic potential. In most cases symbols are here to inspire us and help raise morale in everyday life. However, since grapes are one of the oldest fruits used for wine production, their symbolism also dates way back into history. The grape vine has a close connection with the Greek god Dionysus. It also has a connection with the Roman god Bacchus. In ancient time, the grape vine was used to produce high-quality grapes and the best red wines that would be offered to deities to appease them. Additionally, the wine was also used to entertain friends and relatives at celebrations. In the Bible, Christ also uses wine to symbolize his blood, which He gives to His followers to drink in remembrance of Him. This is one of the longest-lasting traditions dating back from ancient times but still existing in most of our churches. This makes wine and the grape vine a symbol of self-sacrifice. It also symbolizes the generosity of love that Christ shows to His followers. If one examines the meaning of the grape vine closely, one can conclude that it symbolizes loyalty. What could also be of interest for tourists are jokes and toasts related to wine and vineyards. They could be presented in the form of STAND UP performances requiring guests’ active participation. Analysing the meaning of wine in dreams could be another interesting way of interpreting the wine and wine-related symbolism.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Gabi Novak, Vino i gitare





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: VAGA – za taj se znak na prvom mjestu preporučuje breza pa potom jabuka, kruška, višnja, šljiva i sve što je povezano s voćnjakom, te JARAC – u dunji ima dobroga astroenergetskog saveznika, kao i u jasiki i topoli.

Trešnja – ima simbolično značenje: preporod, krhkost života, sjaj, kontinuitet, novi počeci, obiteljske veze, proljeće, zdravlje. Moć crvene trešnje – psihološki i metafizički crvena se smatra toplom bojom. U Kini je to sretna nijansa i bojenjem ulaznih vrata u crveno izražava se dobrodošlica sreći i prosperitetu u kući. Kao boja ljubavi, cherry spirit prilično je romantičan, a nosi vibracije crvene boje u svojstvu liječenja, energiziranja, radosti, vitalnosti i ostvarivanja želja.

Trešnja u snovima – cvjetajuća trešnja u snu predstavlja životnu slast i potencijalnu sreću koja dolazi osobi koja sanja. To može biti i nježni prijedlog duha trešnjina drveta koji govori da nije sve u životu ozbiljno i svečano. Ne treba zaboraviti da je moto ovog stabla: „Život je zdjela trešanja – jedite ih i uživajte!” Promatrajući simboliku stabla trešnje otkriva se temeljni kontinuitet o njegovoj osnovnoj prirodi koja je jedan od novih početaka i oživljavanja. Ova se konotacija u velikoj mjeri oslanja na proljetno cvjetanje duha trešnje, puštajući njegovu ugodnu aromu svijetu kao dar. Nažalost, cvijeće ima vrlo kratak život, što ovom drvetu daje dodatno značenje životne kratkoće. Trešnja nas stoga uči cijeniti svaki trenutak i život u sadašnjem vremenu.

Stabla trešanja imaju posebno značenje u Japanu. Ondje se drvo naziva sakura. Kad drveće počinje cvjetati, ljudi održavaju poseban festival za gledanje i uživanje u trešnjinu cvijetu. U svojem izvornom obliku Hanami je vrijeme kad budisti meditiraju o životnoj prirodi, ali s vremenom je postao slavljenički praznik za obitelji, s prijateljima i omiljenom hranom. Trešnje su također bile simbol drevnih samuraja, koji su znali da im se život svakog trenutka može prekinuti. Ovo se udruživanje nastavilo i u Drugom svjetskom ratu kao simbol kamikaza.

Umjetničke izvedbe u Japanu i Kini često prikazuju pticu Ho-o, vrstu feniksa okruženu koritom cvjetova trešnje. Ova ptica donosi poruku pravde i vjernosti i glasnik je Sunca koje se pojavljuje na važnim počecima. Danas drvo trešnje ostaje podsjetnik na životnu dragocjenost u Japanu i također predstavlja proljeće i nevine užitke. Za usporedbu, u Kini cvjetovi trešnje odražavaju vrhunac ženstvenosti, ženske ljepote i seksualnosti. Plod ovog duha na drvetu ima amblematične veze s eliksirom života koji bogovima daje besmrtnost. U ljudskom carstvu sok simbolizira besmrtnost naše duše i reinkarnaciju. Neke od ovih implikacija imaju korijene u prirodnom ciklusu za stablo trešnje, koje donosi vitalnost i dug život.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Toše Proeski, Još i danas zamiriše trešnja



Owners’ zodiac signs: LIBRA - birch is the first recommendation for this zodiac sign, followed by apple, pear, sour cherry and plum trees, and other plants growing in orchards, CAPRICORN - quince, aspen and poplar are its allies when it comes to astrology and energy.

Cherries have numerous symbolic meanings: revival, fragility of life, glow, continuity, new beginnings, family relations, spring, health. Power of red cherries – psychologically and metaphysically red is considered to be a warm colour. In China, it is the hue used in ceremonies meant to bring happiness and prosperity into the home by painting the front door red. As the colour of love, cherry spirit is romantic, and the vibrations of this red colour are believed to help in healing, boosting energy and vitality, and fulfilling wishes.  

Cherries in dreams – cherries blossoming in dreams represent life passion and potential for happiness of the person dreaming of it. It can also be interpreted as a gentle spirit of the cherry tree telling us that not all in life is serious and sombre. One should keep in mind that the motto of this tree is: “Life is a bowl of cherries – eat them and enjoy!” By observing the symbolism of a cherry tree, one can discover its fundamental nature, the principle of new beginnings and revival. This connotation largely relies on the spring blossoming of the cherry tree, releasing its pleasant fragrance to the world as a gift. Unfortunately for people, the flowers have a very short life, which gives this tree the additional symbolism of life’s brevity. Therefore, the cherry tree teaches us to appreciate every moment and to live in the present.

Cherry trees are particularly important in Japan. They call this tree sakura. When cherries start to blossom, people hold a special festival, which includes watching and enjoying cherry blossoms. In its original form, Hanami was the time for Buddhists to meditate on the nature of life, but with time it became a festivity for families and friends who celebrate it gathered around tables enjoying their favourite food. Cherries also used to be a symbol of ancient samurai who knew that their life could be over any minute. This connection of cherry blossom and fragility of life was taken over during the Second World War by kamikaze, who used the cherry blossom as their symbol.

In Japanese and Chinese art, the bird Ho-o, a type of the Phoenix bird, is also often depicted as surrounded by cherry blossoms. This bird brings the message of justice and faithfulness and is the messenger of the sun that appears at important beginnings. In Japan, the cherry tree remains a reminder of the preciousness of life and also represents spring and innocent pleasures. On the other hand, in China, cherry blossoms reflect the pinnacle of femininity, female beauty and sexuality. The fruit of the tree has emblematic connections with the elixir of life that gives gods their immortality. In the human realm, juice symbolizes the immortality of our soul and reincarnation. Some of these implications have roots in the natural cycle of the cherry tree, which is believed to bring vitality and long life.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Toše Proeski, Još i danas zamiriše trešnja





Vlasnici su u horoskopu BLIZANCI – tom znaku odgovara orašasto drveće, tanko i s mnogo grana; primjerice, kesten je idealan za ovaj horoskopski znak, te LAV – ovom znaku odgovara drvo limuna, naranče, banane, palme, lovora, masline, badema, ali i jasen.

Kuća je građena od: drva, kamena i cigle.

U vrtu imaju: lipu, paulovniju, japansku šljivu, jelu, bor, maslinu… Šuma je bukva i hrast.

Biljke u vrtu: lavanda, ruže, rododendroni, tulipani, irisi. Voće: jabuka, šljiva, kruška.

Drvo Paulownia tomentosa svoje latinsko botaničko ime dobila je po Ani Pavlovnoj (1795. – 1865.), ruskoj princezi, kćeri cara Pavla I. Udvarali su joj se mnogi šefovi država, uključujući i Napoleona Bonapartea. Vrlo ga je mudro odbila i umjesto njega izabrala princa oranskog, koji je bio pouzdani Nizozemac te postao nizozemski kralj Vilim II. Pomalo neobično, ruska kraljevska obitelj dopustila je svojoj djeci da izaberu supružnika, umjesto da im se kaže za koga će se vjenčati, kao što se dogodilo u većini kraljevskih kućanstava.

Za paulovniju, stasitu ljepoticu, sve do prije nekoliko godina u Hrvatskoj se nije ni znalo, a sada niču plantaže po cijeloj zemlji. Proglašena je najbrže rastućim drvetom na svijetu i dobila je i titulu feniksa. Kinezi su je sadili u dvorištima kada bi im se rodila kći. Kada bi odrasla i bila sprema za udaju, drvo bi posjekli i od njega napravili namještaj koji bi nosila u svoj novi dom. Opet bi im, nakon njezina odlaska, na istom mjestu niknulo novo. Ističe se ljepotom i raskoši cvjetova i velikog stabla, iako su i to dodatni aduti koje ne treba zanemariti. Osim jednostavnog uzgoja i održavanja, jedan od važnih razloga svakako je začuđujuća brzina kojom raste, pa je stoga dobila epitet najbrže rastućeg drveta na svijetu.

To je važan podatak s obzirom na to da se upotrebljava za izradu luksuznog namještaja, furnira, ploča, kao sirovina za papir i biološka goriva, u brodogradnji i avioindustriji. U idealnim uvjetima paulovnija naraste oko šest metara godišnje, a u četiri-pet godina dosegne promjer od 40 cm.

Najraniji dokumenti i kronike koji dokazuju korištenje ovog čudesnog stabla datiraju prije više od 2500 godina. U Japanu se drvo upotrebljava od 200. godine naše ere i na neki način predstavlja nacionalnu tradiciju. Paulovnija je čak dio formalnoga političkog života ovih zemalja. Japanci, ljubitelji estetike i simbolizma, odabrali su paulovniju za grb u uredu svojeg premijera. Još je jedna eksplicitna činjenica o važnosti tog stabla mjesto u Redu izlazećeg sunca. Ovo je prvi Japanski orden, ustanovljen 1875., koji se dodjeljuje pojedincima zaslužnima za zemlju. Treba spomenuti i prisutnost stabla paulovnije na japanskoj valuti – prikazano je na kovanici od 500 jena. U Kini je više od 2,5 milijuna hektara zasađeno paulovnijom, od čega je 1,3 milijuna među usjevima. Između drveća uzgajaju pamuk, kukuruz, čaj itd. Paulovnija kao botanički rod svakim danom postaje sve poznatija po tome što je jedan od najvećih čistača atmosferskog CO2, oko 10 puta više od uobičajenog. Također pridonosi visokom proizvodnjom kisika, tri do četiri puta više od normalnih biljaka. Ove karakteristike čine paulovniju izvrsnim rješenjem za izbjegavanje globalnog zatopljenja i efekta staklenika, uz nekoliko drugih karakteristika, stoga je nazivaju „drvo svijeta” i „drvo za budućnost”.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Fools Garden, Lemon Tree



Owners’ zodiac signs GEMINI – they are well suited with nut trees, slender trees with many branches, and the perfect tree for this zodiac sign is chestnut, and LEO – this zodiac sign is well matched with lemon and orange trees, bananas, bay, olive and almond trees as well as ash trees.

The house is made of wood, stone and bricks.

The yard is populated by: linden, paulownia or princess tree, Japanese plum, fir tree, pine, olive treeThe forest includes beech and oak.

Plants in the garden: lavender, roses, rhododendrons, tulips, irises. Fruit trees: apples, plums, pears.

The tree Paulownia tomentosa got its Latin botanical name after Anna Pavlovna (1795-1865), Russian princess, the daughter of the Emperor Paul I of Russia. She was courted by many foreign heads of state, including Napoleon Bonaparte. The Russian royal family allowed their children to choose their own spouses, rather than telling them whom they should marry, as was the case in most royal households at that time. Anna Pavlovna wisely rejected Bonaparte and instead chose the Prince of Orange, who was a reliable Dutchman and eventually became Dutch King William II.

The princess tree, a tall beauty, was virtually unknown in Croatia until a few years ago, but now plantations are springing up all over the country. It is considered the fastest-growing tree in the world and has earned the title of a phoenix tree. The Chinese used to plant it in their yards when a daughter was born. When she grew up and was ready for marriage, the tree would be cut down and turned into furniture that she would take to her new home. After she left, a new tree would sprout in the same place. The princess tree stands out for the beauty and splendour of its flowers while a huge tree trunk is an additional advantage that should not be overlooked. Besides being easy to grow and maintain, one of the main reasons for its popularity is certainly the astonishing speed at which it grows, earning it the epithet of the fastest-growing tree in the world. And this is an important fact considering that it is used for making luxury furniture, veneers, boards, as well as raw material for the production of paper and biofuels, and use in shipbuilding and the aviation industry. Under ideal conditions, it grows about six meters per year, and in four to five years, it reaches a diameter of 40 cm.

The earliest documents and chronicles proving the use of this miraculous tree date back from more than 2500 years ago. In Japan, the tree has been used since 200 AD and in some way it is a national tradition. It is even a part of the formal political life of the country. The Japanese, being keen on aesthetics and symbolism, have chosen the princess tree for the coat of arms in the office of their prime minister. Another explicit indicator of the importance of this tree is its place in the Order of the Rising Sun. This is the first Japanese order, established in 1875, awarded to meritorious individuals. The presence of the princess tree on the Japanese currency is also worth mentioning - it is depicted on the 500 yen coin. In China, more than 2.5 million hectares are planted with the princess tree. Out of that, even 1.3 million hectares are areas covered in paulownia and some other crops together. Cotton, corn or tea are grown among paulownia trees. What is increasingly making the botanical genus of paulownia known is that it is hugely efficient in absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. It absorbs 10 times more CO2 than any other tree species. It also contributes to high oxygen production, 3 to 4 times more than normal plants. These characteristics make paulownia an excellent solution for combating global warming and the greenhouse effect. Due to this and its several other features, it is called the “Tree of the World” and the “Tree for the Future”.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Fools Garden, Lemon Tree





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: VAGA – za nju se na prvom mjestu preporučuje breza pa potom jabuka, kruška, višnja, šljiva, sve što je povezano s voćnjakom, te ŠKORPION – odgovaraju mu močvarno i prašumsko raslinje: cedar, čempres i bor.

Ova kuća ima veliki resurs za posebno interesantnu interpretaciju, a to su ptice golubovi. Tu je velika šuma borova, pa je i to važno i za spajanje u interpretaciji na kreativan način. Obilježje koje daje originalnost ovoj kući i vrtu predstavljaju GOLUBOVI pa je atraktivno ovo imanje povezati i s pričom i pjesmama o golubovima. To se može postaviti u borovoj šumi kroz šetnicu kao interpretacija i povezati s pričom o boru i svakako staviti simbol goluba s maslinovom grančicom. U kući se mogu postaviti fotografije ptica s golubovima, a preporuka je da to bude jedna od najpoznatijih na svijetu koja povezuje sve tržišne niše turista i ima posebnu poruku u vremenima u kojima se nalazimo – to je slika Pabla Picasa Golub mira.

Bor smiruje i eliminira psihičku napetost. Duži boravak u borovoj šumi čovjeka spašava od kašlja, kihanja, bronhitisa i sličnih problema. Sjedenjem ispod njega obnavljamo energiju, utječe na svjetlost i vitalnost, životnu snagu, posreduje u prijenosu informacija na vodu ili staklo. Kao i ostalo zimzeleno drveće, bor je simbol besmrtnosti, vječnog života. Označava uspravnost, iskrenost, čast, jak karakter, vitalnost, plodnost, tišinu i samoću, a dobro je znan i kao falusni simbol. Čuva tijelo od propadanja i zato se sadi na grobljima i upotrebljava za izradu kovčega. Šišarka/češer bora simbolizira vatru zbog svojeg oblika koji podsjeća na plamen i također je falusni simbol i označava muževnost, plodnost i dobar usud. U kineskoj tradiciji bor je hrabrost, lojalnost i posvećenost, dugovječnost, otpornost pred nedaćama i nemirima. U japanskoj kulturi predstavlja dugovječnost. U starogrčkoj kulturi simbol je Zeusa, a u vezi je i s Dionizom, Artemidom i Eskulapom. U Rimu je bor simbolizirao Jupitera i Veneru kao pura arbor – „neiskvareno drvo” – i djevičanstvo. Povezivan je s Dijanom i Mitrom. U semitskoj je tradiciji šišarka/češer simbol života, označava plodnost, a drvo je posvećeno Frigijcima Atiju i njegovoj supruzi Kibeli.

Ljudi su dolaskom kršćanstva počeli prihvaćati učenje Isusa Krista, ali vjeruje se da su mnogi današnji običaji u kršćanstvu preuzeti upravo od poganskih naroda. Ukrašavanje stabala jedan je od tih običaja koje su kršćani zadržali i nakon što je Crkva 25. prosinca odredila kao dan Kristova rođenja i proslavom Božića zamijenila pogansko slavljenje zimskog solsticija. U crkvenim zapisima spominje se sveti Bonifacije kao začetnik ideje ukrašavanja drvca bora ili, točnije, stabla jele. Ovaj je engleski redovnik u 7. stoljeću osnovao kršćanske crkve u Francuskoj i Njemačkoj. Listovi bora ostaju zimzeleni i u najtamnijim danima. „Neka Krist bude vaše vječno svjetlo”, rekao je sveti Bonifacije poganima, pokušavajući im s pomoću bora i jele kao stabla života prenijeti Kristovo učenje o vječnom životu

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Demis Roussos, Una Paloma Blanca



Owners’ zodiac signs: LIBRA - birch is the first recommendation for this zodiac sign, followed by apple, pear, sour cherry and plum trees, and other plants growing in orchards, SCORPIO – it is well matched with swamp and rainforest vegetation: cedar, cypress, and pine.

The interpretation of this house should focus on pigeons and a large pine forest. These two characteristics should be connected and the house interpreted in a creative way. PIGEONS give this house and its garden originality, so the promotion of this estate should rely on stories and songs about pigeons. The theme of pigeons and pines can be developed in the pine forest along a pathway. The decoration should certainly include the symbol of a dove with an olive branch. In the house, photographs and paintings depicting pigeons can be placed. The one that should certainly be included is Pablo Picasso’s painting “Dove of Peace” since it is one of the most famous depicting that theme. It will appeal to all types of tourists as it sends the message that is important in the contemporary times.

The pine soothes and eliminates mental tension. Longer stays in a pine forest relieve coughing, sneezing, bronchitis, and similar problems. Sitting beneath a pine renews energy, vitality and life force. It also mediates in the transmission of information to water or glass. Like other evergreen trees, the pine is a symbol of immortality and eternal life. It signifies uprightness, honesty, honour, strong character, vitality, fertility, silence, and solitude, and is also well known as a phallic symbol. It preserves the body from decay, and therefore, it is planted at cemeteries and used for making coffins. The pine cone symbolizes fire due to its shape resembling a flame and is also a phallic symbol, signifying masculinity, fertility, and good fate. In Chinese tradition, the pine represents courage, loyalty, dedication, longevity, and resilience in the face of adversity and unrest. In Japanese culture, it symbolizes longevity. In ancient Greek culture, it is a symbol of Zeus but it is also associated with Dionysus, Artemis, and Asclepius. In Rome, the pine symbolised Jupiter and Venus as pura arbor -“unspoilt tree” – and virginity. It is associated with Diana and Mithra. In Semitic tradition, the pine cone is a symbol of life, signifying fertility, and in Phrygian mythology the tree is dedicated to Atis and his wife Cybele.

With the advent of Christianity, people began to accept the teachings of Jesus Christ, but it is believed that many of today’s customs in Christianity were actually adopted from pagan peoples. Decorating trees is one of those customs that Christians retained even after the Church designated 25th December as the day of Christ’s birth and replaced the pagan celebration of the Winter Solstice with the celebration of Christmas. Saint Boniface is mentioned in church records as the initiator of the idea of ​​decorating a pine or, more precisely, a fir tree. This English monk is also known for founding Christian churches in France and Germany in the 7th century. Pine leaves remain evergreen even in the darkest days. "Let Christ be your eternal light," said Saint Boniface to the pagans, trying to convey Christ’s teachings on eternal life using the symbolism of the pine and the fir tree as the tree of life.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Demis Roussos, Una Paloma Blanca





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: DJEVICA – ovom znaku pripada orašasto drveće, razgranato i isprepleteno: orah, lješnjak i badem, te RIBE – ovom znaku pripada drveće kao što je hrast, javor, lipa ili smokva koje ima sasvim prihvatljiv energetski utjecaj; isto tako mimoza, drvo banane i palme, sve tropsko drveće, kao i ono koje raste po morskim otocima i sve podvodne biljke.

Drvo: smreka. Biljke: lavanda, lovor višnja, ružmarin.

Ružmarin je poznat po jačanju sjećanja i pomaganju rada mozga i često se kultivirala u vrtovima. Poznat je kao kompas korova ili polarne biljke, stoga se često uzgaja u kuhinjskim vrtovima, a za tu se biljku kaže da predstavlja dominaciju dame kuće. Također je poznato da daje ukusnu aromu divljači i peradi. Upotrebljavana je čak i kao božićni ukras. Rimski svećenici upotrebljavali su ružmarin kao tamjan u vjerskim obredima, a za mnoge se kulture zna da se biljka upotrebljavala kao zaštita od zlih duhova i vještica. U Engleskoj je paljena u domovima onih koji su umrli od bolesti i stavljana na ljesove prije nego što je grob bio zatrpavan. Za čarobnu upotrebu treba paliti ružmarin (najbolje kao eterično ulje u mirisnoj svjetiljki) da se pročisti negativna energija. Dobro je i grančice ružmarina staviti na ulazna vrata kako bi se štitili ljudi koji tamo žive, a dobra je zaštita i od mogućih provalnika, da ne ulaze. Upotrebljava se i kao zaštita za vjernost ljubavnika, a bila je dar i gostima na svadbama. Ružmarin je povezan s Afroditom, grčkom božicom ljubavi – dokaz je za to da pojedine slike ove božice prikazuju i ružmarin. I u nekim dijelovima Hrvatske još uvijek je običaj dijelovima da se sve koji su pozvani na vjenčanje i svadbenu svečanost okiti grančicom ružmarina. Roger Hacket (1607.) rekao je: „Govoreći o moćima ružmarina, nadilazi sve cvijeće u vrtu, hvaleći čovjekovu vladavinu, pomaže mozgu, jača memoriju i vrlo je dragocjen kao zaštita za glavu, a važno je svojstvo ružmarina da utječe na srce.” Kako navodi Herb Society of America, ružmarin je korišten od vremena ranih Grka jer su znanstvenici često nosili vijenac od ove biljke na glavi kako bi pomogao njihovu pamćenju tijekom ispita. U devetom je stoljeću Karlo Veliki inzistirao da se biljka uzgaja u njegovim kraljevskim vrtovima, kolonjska voda koju je upotrebljavalo Napoleon Bonaparte napravljena je s mirisom ekstrakta ružmarina, a biljka je također bila tema i mnogih pjesama te se spominje u čak pet Shakespeareovih predstava.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Elvis Presley, If I Can Dream



Owners’ zodiac signs: VIRGO – this sign is related to nut trees with stretching and intertwining branches: walnut, hazelnut, almond, and PISCES - trees such as oak, maple, linden or fig have an acceptable energetic influence on this zodiac sign. The same goes for mimosa and banana trees and palms, as well as all tropic trees, trees growing on islands and underwater plants.

Trees: fir tree, Plants: lavender, cherry laurel, rosemary.

Rosemary is known for its memory-enhancing properties and brain function facilitation, and is thus often cultivated in gardens. As it is often grown in kitchen gardens, it is said to represent the dominance of the lady of the house. In cooking, it provides a delicious taste to game and poultry. It is sometimes even used as a Christmas decoration. Roman priests used rosemary as incense in religious ceremonies, and it is known in many cultures to have been used as protection against evil spirits and witches. In England, it was burned in the homes of those who died of illness, and it would be placed on graves before the grave was backfilled. In rituals, rosemary is burned (preferably as essential oil in an aromatherapy lamp) to purify negative energy. It is also good to place rosemary sprigs at the entrance doors to protect the people living in the house and to divert potential intruders. It is also used for ensuring the fidelity of lovers and as such it is given as a gift to guests at weddings. Rosemary is associated with the goddess Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, as evidenced by some images depicting this goddess with rosemary. In Croatia, it is still customary in some parts of the country to attach a small sprig of rosemary to everyone invited to a wedding and a wedding celebration. Roger Hacket (1607) said: "Speaking of the powers of rosemary, it surpasses all flowers in the garden, praising human dominion, aiding the brain, enhancing memory, and is very valuable as protection for the head, but a significant property of rosemary is that it affects the heart." According to the Herb Society of America, rosemary has been used since the age of early Greeks. At that time, scholars used to wear rosemary wreaths on their heads in order to help them think during exams. In the ninth century, Charlemagne insisted on planting rosemary in his royal garden, and Eau de Cologne that Napoleon Bonaparte loved using was made from the rosemary extract. This plant was also a topic of many poems and is mentioned in even five Shakespeare’s plays.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Elvis Presley, If I Can Dream





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: DJEVICA – ovom znaku pripada orašasto drveće, razgranato i isprepleteno: orah, lješnjak i badem, te RIBE – ovom znaku pripada drveće kao što je hrast, javor, lipa ili smokva koje ima sasvim prihvatljiv energetski utjecaj.

Stablo bambusa odgovara imenu kuće i može se njime i dekorirati unutrašnjost, pa je stoga simbolična poveznica. Bambus je već dugi niz godina simbol dugovječnosti, a njegov uspjeh počiva na dubokom strpljenju. Kad se sjeme bambusa posadi, niz godinama raste njegovo korijenje, a bambus uopće ne izlazi na površinu. Za to bi vrijeme neki od njega već i odustali i nazvali ga potpunim promašajem te gubitkom vremena i sjemena. Ali nakon pet godina bambus odjednom naraste i do 20 metara. Za uspjeh su iznimno važni vjera i strpljenje – to je ono što nas uči bambus. Bambus je dekorativna biljka popularna u tehnici dizajna feng shui zbog moćne energije koju širi prostorom u koji je postavljen. Riječ je o biljci koja vrlo brzo raste, djeluje čvrsto i stabilno te ima šuplju stabljiku, što simbolizira otvoreno, ponizno srce.

Bambus je također simbol sreće i povezan je sa svih pet elemenata, što ga čini jednom od vodećih biljaka za privlačenje i napredak prema tehnici feng shui: drvo – sama biljka, zemlja – kamenje koje se upotrebljava za rast biljke, voda – voda s kojom rastu biljke, vatra – predstavljena crvenom trakom koja se često vezuje za bambus, metal – posuda u kojoj se drži.

Kako će bambus reagirati i na energiju u domu i što može privući, ovisi i o broju bambusa koji se postave u unutrašnjost kuće ili u vrt:

  • dvije stabljike predstavljaju ljubav
  • tri stabljike predstavljaju sreću, bogatstvo i dug život
  • pet stabljika predstavlja područje života koje utječe na bogatstvo
  • šest stabljika predstavlja sreću i bogatstvo
  • sedam stabljika predstavlja dobro zdravlje
  • osam stabljika predstavlja rast
  • devet stabljika predstavlja veliku sreću
  • deset stabljika predstavlja savršenstvo
  • 21 stabljika predstavlja moćan blagoslov.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Guns N' Roses, Welcome To The Jungle



Owners’ zodiac signs: VIRGO - this sign is related to nut trees with stretching and intertwining branches: walnut, hazelnut, almond, and PISCES - trees such as oak, maple, linden or fig have an acceptable energetic influence on this zodiac sign.

The bamboo tree corresponds to the name of the house and can be used to decorate its interior, thus establishing a symbolic connection. The bamboo has been a symbol of longevity for many years, and its success relies on patience. When bamboo seeds are planted, its roots grow for several years without any visible growth above the ground. Some may give up during this time, deeming it a complete failure and a waste of time and seeds. However, after five years, bamboo suddenly grows up to 20 meters. Faith and patience are extremely important for success – that is what bamboo teaches us. The bamboo is a decorative plant popular in feng shui due to powerful energy that pervades the space the bamboo is placed in. It is a plant that grows very quickly and appears firm and stable, with a hollow stalk, symbolizing an open, humble heart.

The bamboo is also a symbol of happiness and it is associated with all five elements, making it one of the leading plants for attracting success and progress according to feng shui: wood –  represented by the plant itself, earth – represented by pebbles placed in the pot, water – represented by the water that plants use for growing, fire – represented by the red ribbon that is often used to tie bamboo, metal – represented by the pot bamboo is put in.

How the bamboo will affect the energy in a home and what it can attract also depends on the number of bamboo plants placed inside the house or in the garden:

  • Two stalks represent love.
  • Three stalks represent happiness, wealth, and long life.
  • Five stalks represent the area of life affecting wealth.
  • Six stalks represent happiness and wealth.
  • Seven stalks represent good health.
  • Eight stalks represent growth.
  • Nine stalks represent great happiness.
  • Ten stalks represent perfection.
  • Twenty-one stalks represent a powerful blessing.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Guns N’ Roses, Welcome to the Jungle




Vlasnici su u horoskopu: DJEVICA – odgovara joj orašasto drveće, razgranato i isprepleteno: orah, lješnjak, badem, RAK – za njega se veže drveće sa sočnim plodovima, zimzeleno drveće i sve što raste blizu vode; najbliže su mu vrba i topola, te RIBE – drveće kao što je hrast, javor, lipa ili smokva imaju sasvim prihvatljiv energetski utjecaj; isto tako mimoza, drvo banane i palme, sve tropsko drveće, kao i ono koje raste po morskim otocima i sve podvodne biljke.

U okolišu imaju čemprese, borove, javor, lješnjake i orahe.

Javor je posebno spominjan i u našoj hrvatskoj etnološkoj tradiciji. Tako narodno vjerovanje kaže da će se javor osušiti ako bolestan čovjek vodu kojom se umio prospe na njegov korijen, a taj će bolesnik ozdraviti, kao i da će suhi javor ozelenjeti ako ga obuhvati krivo osuđen čovjek.

Javor služi i kao sredstvo za odvajanje momka od djevojke: „Bog ti dade da se ne udade, dok ne vid'la tri na nebu sunca, dok ne čula kako riba pjeva, dok ne rodi javor jabukama, žuta vrba grožđem bijelim.”

I u našoj književnosti poznati su napisi gdje se metaforički upotrebljava usporedba sa suhim javorom. Interesantna je interpretacija vezana za Vetranovićev Piligrin, koji je smješten u fantastičan i mitološki kontekst:„… u Badnjoj noći glavni je lik epa Piligrin poslao je svoju svijest da po svijetu traži mjesto gdje bi mogao poživjeti mirno i ugodno. Kad mu se svijest vratila, rekla je da takvoga mjesta nema. Piligrin gorko zaplače, te krene iz svojega doma noseći na ramenu mijeh u kojem nosi svoje misli. Ubrzo ga uhvati umor pa sjedne pod suhi javor na vrhu brda da se odmori. Ondje zaželi upitati svoje misli što treba dalje raditi, ali ne može ništa vidjeti jer su one u magli. Uslijede razne pretvorbe Piligrinovih misli koje suhi javor poprati smijehom. Gubitak misli zabrine jadnog Piligrina te na njegove jadikovke odgovori suhi javor koji ga tješi da će mu se misli uskoro vratiti. Otkrije mu i kako će to biti. Piligrin se pokušava snaći u čudnom svijetu u kojem se našao i moli javora za objašnjenje. Javor započinje svoj govor o pokvarenosti svijeta u kojem se sve naopako okrenulo. Svijet se pokvario, ljudi su postali nalik zvijerima, ludost je zamijenila mudrost, pa ta ludost koja vlada svijetom nameće i svoje zakone, te su zlato i bogatstvo glavni kriterij ljudske vrijednosti. Na koncu, javor govori o svojoj sudbini: nekada je bio živ, mlad i slavljen, ali ga je zavist zlih ljudi nagnala na lutanje, a onda je pretvoren u stablo. Savjetuje Piligrinu da se čuva i da sve strpljivo podnese.”[1] Ovo je i oblik biblioterapije gdje je vidljiva poveznica književnog djela s prirodom, a može se dobro uklopiti i u unutrašnjost kroz kreativnu dekoraciju i poveznicu s književnim i mitološkim turizmom.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Miroslav Škoro, Šumi, šumi, javore


[1] Pavličić, Pavao. 2002. Čitanje Vetranovićeva Pelegrina. Forum. 7–9. 92–823 i Forum 10–12. 1398–1423.


Owners’ zodiac signs:  VIRGO - this sign is related to nut trees with stretching and intertwining branches: walnut, hazelnut, almond, and, CANCER - it is associated with trees bearing juicy fruits, evergreen trees, and everything that grows near water. The trees closest to this zodiac sign are the willow and the poplar, PISCES –trees such as oak, maple, linden or fig have an acceptable energetic influence on this zodiac sign. The same goes for mimosa and banana trees and palms, as well as all tropic trees, trees growing on islands and underwater plants.

There are cypresses, pines, and maple, hazelnut and walnut trees in the surroundings.

The maple tree is a common element of the Croatian ethnographic tradition, and there are numerous sayings mentioning it. For example, it is said that the maple tree will wither if a sick person pours the water with which they washed themselves onto its roots, while that sick person will recover. Also according to folk beliefs, a dry maple tree will turn green if it is embraced by a wrongly convicted person.

The maple tree can also be used as the means for separating a girl from a boy: “God granted you not to get married until you’ve seen three suns in the sky, until you’ve heard the fish sing, until the maple tree bears apples, and the yellow willow bears white grapes.”

In the Croatian literature, there are also instances of metaphorical comparisons with a dry maple tree. So, the Croatian writer from the 15th century Macro Vetranović mentions the maple tree in his epic poem “Pligrin”[1] set in a fantastic mythological context: “…on Christmas Eve, the main character Pilgrim sent his consciousness out into the world to search for a place where he could live peacefully and comfortably. When his consciousness returned, it said that such a place did not exist. Pilgrim bitterly wept and set out from his home carrying a bladder filled with his thoughts on his shoulder. Soon he became tired and sat down under a dry maple tree at the top of the hill to rest. There he wished to ask his thoughts what he should do next, but he could not see anything because they were in the fog. Various transformations of Pilgrim’s thoughts followed, accompanied by laughter from the dry maple tree. The loss of thoughts worried poor Pilgrim, and finally he received a response to his lamentations from the dry maple tree. It comforted him telling him that his thoughts would soon return. It also revealed to him how that would happen. Pilgrim tried to make sense of the strange world he found himself in and asked the maple tree for an explanation. The maple tree began its speech about the corruption of the world where everything is upside down. The world has become corrupt, people have become like beasts, madness has replaced wisdom, and this madness that rules the world imposes its own laws, so gold and wealth are the main criteria of human value. In the end, the maple tree talks about its fate: he was once alive, young, and famous, but evil people’s envy drove him to wander, and then he was transformed into a tree. He advises Pilgrim to be cautious and to patiently endure everything.” This story can be used as a form of bibliotherapy. The connection of the literary work with nature should be emphasized and integrated into the interior through creative decoration. So, literature and mythology should be used in this house to create contents for tourists.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Miroslav Škoro, Šumi, šumi javore





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: ŠKORPION – odgovaraju mu močvarno i prašumsko raslinje: cedar, čempres i bor, te VODENJAK – odgovaraju mu sve isprepletene biljke i drveće. U dunji ima dobrog astroenergetskog saveznika, kao i u jasiki i topoli.

U okolici su: orah, šljiva.

Orah razvija samopouzdanje, ima vrlo dinamičnu energiju, razvija sposobnost razlikovanja iluzije od istine. Orah se primjenjuje kod brojnih zdravstvenih problema, a daje i ogromnu količinu energije. Grci su orahe nazivali Jupiterovim plodom jer su smatrali da su pogodni i za bogove, a još od drevnih vremena orasi se spominju u vezi i s intelektualnošću. Naime, sam plod oraha ima oblik ljudskoga mozga. Riječi mogu biti vrlo moćne, posebno kad se iznose u vidu metafore, pa je interesantna je i frazeologija povezana sa svojstvima koja ima orah:

  • tvrd orah – onaj ili ono što je tvrdo, nepopustljivo; onaj koji će se znati opirati
  • ne bi mu (čovjek) uzeo orah iz ruke – tako je nečist, pobuđuje gađenje
  • veličine oraha, (velik) kao orah – općenita formula za veličinu nečega oblog u približnoj veličini ploda običnog oraha.

Tu je i poznata usporedba koju je rekao Petar II. Petrović Njegoš u Gorskom vijencu (1847.): „Tvrd je orah voćka čudnovata, ne slomi ga al′ zube polomi.” U ovoj rečenici toliko je mogućih značenja! Orah tako može predstavljati duh čovjeka koji je teško slomljiv, posebno onaj duh koji krasi snažna volja – snaga duha postaje jača od materije.

S druge strane, orah može označavati i prkos i tvrdoglavost, neprilagodljivost okolnostima i rigidnost. Kada nam se pojavi orah u snovima, ima jezgru i tvrdi oklop koji štiti i personifikacija je čovjeka i njegovih djela na zemlji. Ako je mnogo oraha u snu ili okružuju sanjača, dok u isto vrijeme ima tjeskobe i brige, preporuka je da se razmisli o tome da se gubi snaga ako se osoba fokusira na previše stvari odjednom. Ako se sanja da se osoba u snu najela oraha i da je sita, to je iznimno dobar znak: svemir je otvorio sva vrata, a vlasnik takvog sna može dobiti gotovo sve što želi od života.

To je mogućnost za dekoraciju unutrašnjosti orasima, koji se mogu i obojiti ovisno o godišnjim dobima – proljeće: zelena boja, ljeto: narančasta, jesen: ostavljamo ga prirodne smeđe boje, u vrijeme Božića zlatne boje, u vrijeme karnevala i poklada u nekoliko šarenih boja, za Valentinovo u ružičastu boju itd. Svakako i mudri Njegošev natpis može krasiti i vrt i unutrašnjost kuće.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Bonnie Tyler, Holding Out For A Hero



Owners’ zodiac signs: SCORPIO - it is well matched with swamp and rainforest vegetation: cedar, cypress, and pine, AQUARIUS - it is the zodiac sign that goes well with all intertwined plants and trees. Quince, aspen and poplar are its allies when it comes to astrology and energy.

There are walnut and plum trees in the surroundings.

The walnut tree facilitates confidence. It has a very dynamic energy, and develops the ability to distinguish illusion from truth. Walnuts are used for relieving numerous health issues and provide a tremendous amount of energy. The Greeks called walnuts the “fruit of Jupiter” because they believed walnuts were suitable even for gods. Since ancient times, walnuts have been associated with intellectuality because the walnut kernel resembles the human brain. Words can be very powerful, especially when given in the form of a metaphor, so the idiomatic expressions involving walnuts are very interesting:

 - a hard nut – something hard, unrelenting; the one that knows how to resist;
- one would not even take a nut from his hand – something unclean, arousing disgust;
-  the size of a nut – a general formula for the size of something round, approximately of the size of a nut. There is also the famous simile by the poet Petar II Petrović Njegoš quoted in his epic poem Gorski vijenac (1847): “A hard nut is a peculiar fruit, I couldn’t crack it but it broke my teeth.” In this sentence, there are so many possible meanings! The walnut can thus represent the spirit of a person that is difficult to break, especially the spirit characterized by strong will - the strength of the spirit becomes stronger than the matter.

On the other hand, the walnut can also signify defiance, stubbornness, rigidity and inflexibility. When a walnut appears in our dreams, since it has a kernel and a hard shell that protects it, it can be interpreted as a personification of humans and their deeds on earth. If the dreamer dreams many walnuts or they are surrounding the dreamer, while he/she at the same time feels anxiety and worry, this is the sign that one can lose his/her strength if he/she focuses on too many things at once. If one dreams eating walnuts and feeling full, it is an extremely good sign: the universe has opened all doors, and the dreamer of such a dream can achieve almost anything.

Walnuts should be used for interior decoration and they can be painted depending on the seasons and occasions - green colour in spring, orange in summer, leaving them natural brown in autumn, golden for Christmas season, several colourful shades for carnival, pink for Valentine’s Day, etc. Certainly, the wise quotes from Njegoš’ text can also adorn both the garden and the interior of the house.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Bonnie Tyler, Holding Out for a Hero





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: ŠKORPION – odgovaraju mu močvarno i prašumsko raslinje: cedar, čempres i bor, te VODENJAK – odgovaraju mu sve isprepletene biljke i drveće. U dunji ima dobroga astroenergetskog saveznika, kao i u jasiki i topoli.

Biljka bršljan povezana je s dionizijskim svečanostima i zabavama. Budući da je ova kuća smještena uz kuću za odmor „David” i uređena je za održavanje zabava i proslava, posebno djevojačkih večeri, dobro je povezivanje sa ženskom energijom, ali i muškom, što će se vidjeti i iz povijesti bakanalija i gozbi koje vuku tradiciju iz antičkih vremena. Vanjski prostori i bazen uređeni su tako da su tijekom cijele godine idealan prostor za zabave, događanja i druženja. Poveznica za narativ i izbor drveta ili biljke temelji se stoga na bakanalijama, koje su prvo krenule kao ritual i inicijacijska sekta koja je bila ograničena samo na žene, a muškarci nisu bili primani. Svake su godine tri dana bila odvojena za rituale i festivale, održavane danju, te je bila praksa da udane žene budu proglašene svećenicama boga Bacchusa.

Čim su se muškarci i žene pomiješali, a noćna tmina dala sudionicima slobodu akcije, svečanosti su organizirane u čast Bacchusa – boga vina, slobode, plodnosti i ekstaze. Rimske bakanalije temeljile su se na primjeru grčkih svetkovina posvećenih bogu Dionizu te su u Rim pristigle zahvaljujući utjecajima s prostora Etrurije i južne Italije.

Tipična dionizijska biljka bila je bršljan i ima poveznicu s vinom, koje je važno za dionizijska slavlja puna igara, pantomime i plesa. Bršljan je iznimno otporna biljka i ostaje zelen cijele godine. Rani su kršćani svoje mrtve polagali na podlogu od bršljanova lišća, a slike bršljana mogu se naći u mnogim srednjovjekovnim crkvama te se danas bršljan nalazi i na mnogim grobovima. Dodan vinu, što je nerijetko bila praksa, može izazvati snažne halucinacije. Ova poveznica života, slavlja i smrti dobra je mogućnost i za dekoraciju uz biljku bršljan koja može, uz dozu humora, posebnih fotografija i mitskih bogova, pokazati da se ne treba bojati smrti jer je to prirodan završetak i može postati i slavlje života! Bršljanom se može ukrasiti i unutrašnji prostor te ga se može staviti i kao dekoraciju uz hranu i piće za vrijeme svečanosti i slavlja.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Novi fosili, Ja sam za ples



Owners’ zodiac signs: SCORPIO - it is well matched with swamp and rainforest vegetation: cedar, cypress, and pine. AQUARIUS - it is the zodiac sign that goes well with all intertwined plants and trees. Quince, aspen and poplar are its allies when it comes to astrology and energy.

The plant ivy is connected with Dionysian festivities and celebrations. This house is located near Holiday Home “David”. It is intended for hosting parties and celebrations, especially bachelorette parties, so it is well connected to feminine energy but to masculine energy as well, if we take into consideration the tradition of bacchanals and feasts that trace back to ancient times. The outdoor spaces and the pool are designed to be an ideal venue for parties, events, and gatherings throughout the year. The interpretation of the holiday home and the choice of trees and plants are therefore based on bacchanals. Bacchanals began as a ritual and were originally limited only to women, while men were not admitted. Every year, three days were set aside for rituals and festivals, held during the day, and it was customary for married women to be declared priestesses of the god Bacchus during those rituals.

When men and women started mingling together, and the darkness of the night granted participants freedom of action, the festivities were organized in honour of Bacchus - the god of wine, freedom, fertility, and ecstasy. Roman bacchanals were based on Greek celebrations dedicated to the god Dionysus. The custom arrived to Rome owing to influences from the Etruria and southern Italian regions.

Ivy was a typical Dionysian plant due to its connection with wine, which is essential for Dionysian celebrations abounding in games, pantomimes, and dancing. Ivy is an extremely resilient plant and remains green all year round. Early Christians used to lay their dead on a bed of ivy leaves, and images of ivy can be found in many medieval churches. Today, ivy is also found on many graves. Adding it to wine, which used to be a common practice, can induce powerful hallucinations. This connection between life and celebration and death could be used in decorating the house. As a decorative element, ivy can, with a dose of humour and the use of specific photographs and mythical gods, show that one should not fear death because it is a natural conclusion of our lives and can become a celebration of life! Ivy can be used to decorate both indoor and outdoor spaces and can be placed as decoration alongside food and drinks during parties and celebrations.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Novi fosili, Ja sam za ples





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: OVAN – odgovaraju mu bor i jela, ali i glog, kaktus, mahagonij i sve što ima bodlje, te DJEVICA –ovom znaku odgovara orašasto drveće, razgranato i isprepleteno: orah, lješnjak i badem.

U dvorištu se ističe gusta živica od čempresa. Stablo čempresa ograničava svoj rast u procvatu. Poznati pisac Vladimir Nazor piše u svojoj priči Otac, u kojoj čempresi izranjaju poput kakve arhetipske slike urezane u obzor: „Jedan je kut neba bio vedar i obasjan mjesečinom. Čempresi su stršali šutljivi i smireni njišući jošte vrhovima…”

Visoki, vitki, uspravni čempresi u krajolicima Sredozemlja poput samotnih stražara odolijevaju vjetrovima, sušama, olujama i kao takvi neiscrpan su izvor nadahnuća. Sve je drugo raslinje i drveće mnogo tiše i diskretnije. Antun Branko Šimić u svojoj pjesmi kaže da čempresi mirišu snom i da šapuću o raju. Čempresi rastu duž cijele naše obale, pa i duboko u zaleđu. To je obični ili mediteranski čempres, latinskog naziva Cupressus sempervirens.

Izrazito je dugovječan; zabilježeni su primjerci koji su dosegnuli starost od nekoliko tisuća godina, premda čempres uglavnom živi nekoliko stoljeća. Istraživači nam kazuju da mu je postojbina sjeverni Iran, odakle se proširio kroz Malu Aziju, Kretu i Cipar te na čitavo Sredozemlje.

Mnogi su ga narodi sadili oko hramova i smatrali svetim stablom. Feničani i Egipćani cijenili su ga kao vječno drvo koje ne trune, a u vodi postaje sve tvrđe. Zato su od njega gradili sarkofage, brodove, vrata hramova i kipove božanstava. U grčkoj i rimskoj tradiciji povezan je s božanstvima podzemlja (Hadom i Plutonom) i obnovom života jer svojim trajnim zimzelenim lišćem i nepokvarljivim drvom evocira besmrtnost. Otud se često nalazi na grobljima, ali i smatra tužnim drvetom. Svoje latinsko ime Cupressus duguje mladiću Kiparisu, Heraklovu potomku, kojem je Apolon dao pripitomljenu srnu da mu pravi društvo. Dogodilo se da ju je Kiparis nesretnim slučajem ubio kopljem. Tužni je Kiparis molio Apolona neka pusti da mu suze zauvijek teku, a Apolon ga je pretvorio u čempres čiji sok na kori drveta podsjeća na suze.

Rimski povjesničar Plinije pripovijeda i to da je stablo čempresa nekada predstavljalo znatan imetak, jer je davalo vrijedan materijal za izradu različitih predmeta. Kad bi se u obitelji rodila kći, otac bi posadio čempres da joj osigura miraz. Zato su ovo drvo nazivali dos filiarum ili „miraz za kćer”.

Kršćani su ga zbog trajnosti uzeli kao simbol vječnog života. Vrata bazilike sv. Petra u Rimu bila su od čempresovine i trajala su oko osamsto godina, od cara Konstantina (274. – 337.) do pape Eugena IV. (pontifikat od 1431. – 1447.).

Stari su Slaveni smatrali čempres sjenovitim drvetom, što je značilo da u njemu prebiva duša umrlog koji je tu pokopan, pa su ga sadili na groblju. Dirnuti u takvo drvo značilo je narušiti pokojnikov mir. Pred starom župnom crkvom u Čari na otoku Korčuli čempres je zasađen oko 1600. godine, a deblo je dosegnulo opseg od više od 4 m. U dvorištu franjevačkog samostana u Hvaru nalazi se još jedan čempres koji je zaštićeni spomenik prirode od 1961. Star je oko 500 godina.

U interpretaciji to je prilika za poveznicu i s književnim turizmom kroz citate Vladimira Nazora i Antuna Branka Šimića i u vrtu i u unutrašnjosti kuće i s moći čempresa kao vječnoga besmrtnog drveta.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Dire Straits, Walk Of Life



Owners’ zodiac signs: ARIES - it is the zodiac sign which matches well with pine and fir trees, but also with hawthorn, cactus, mahogany and all the plants with needles, and VIRGO - this sign is related to nut trees with stretching and intertwining branches: walnut, hazelnut, almond.

In the yard, a dense cypress hedge stands out. The famous writer Vladimir Nazor wrote in his story Otac (Father): “One corner of the sky was clear and illuminated by moonlight. The cypress trees stood tall, silent, and calm, still swaying their tops…”

Tall, slender, upright cypress trees in the Mediterranean landscapes stand like solitary sentinels, withstanding winds, droughts, and storms, and as such, they are an inexhaustible source of inspiration. All other vegetation and trees are much quieter and more discreet. Antun Branko Šimić, in one of his poems, says that cypresses smell of dreams and whisper of paradise. Cypresses grow along our entire coast and even deeper in the inland. The species growing in this region is the common or Mediterranean cypress, i.e. Cupressus sempervirens in Latin.

It is remarkably long-lived; some cypress trees have reached an age of a few thousand years, although they generally live for a few centuries. Researchers tell us that its native habitat is northern Iran, from where it spread through Asia Minor, Crete, and Cyprus, to the entire Mediterranean region. Many ancient peoples planted it around temples and considered it a sacred tree. Phoenicians and Egyptians valued it as an eternal wood that does not rot and becomes harder in water. Therefore, they used it to build sarcophagi, ships, temple doors, and statues of deities. In Greek and Roman tradition, it is associated with the deities of the underworld (Hades and Pluto) and the renewal of life, as its evergreen foliage and resistant wood evoke immortality. Hence, it is often found in cemeteries but is also considered a tree of sorrow. Its Latin name, Cupressus, is derived from the young man Cyparissus, a descendant of Hercules, to whom Apollo gave a tame deer for companionship. Cyparissus accidentally killed the deer with a spear. Cyparissus was so sad that he begged Apollo to let his tears flow forever. Apollo turned Cyparissus into a cypress tree with sap emerging and dripping down the bark, thus resembling tears.

The Roman historian Pliny said that the cypress tree represented significant wealth because it provided valuable material for making various objects. When a daughter was born in a family, the father would plant a cypress tree to secure her dowry. Therefore, this tree was called dos filiarum or “dowry for a daughter”.

Christians adopted it as a symbol of eternal life because of its durability. The doors of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome were made of cypress wood and lasted for about eight hundred years, from Emperor Constantine (274–337) to Pope Eugene IV (pontificate from 1431 to 1447).

The ancient Slavs considered the cypress a shadowy tree. This meant that the soul of the deceased person buried under a cypress resided within the tree. That is why they planted it in cemeteries. To harm such a tree meant to disrupt the peace of the deceased. In front of the old parish church in Čara on the island of Korčula, a cypress tree was planted around the year 1600 and nowadays this tree’s trunk circumference amounts to over 4 meters. In the courtyard of the Franciscan monastery in Hvar, there is also a cypress tree that has been protected as a natural monument since 1961. It is about 500 years old.

The interpretation of this holiday house should include literature, i.e. quotes by Vladimir Nazor and Antun Branko Šimić, both in the garden and inside the house. The power of cypress tree as an eternal, immortal tree should also be highlighted.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Dire Straits, Walk of Life





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: OVAN – odgovaraju mu bor i jela, ali i glog, kaktus, mahagonij i sve što ima bodlje, te DJEVICA – ovom znaku odgovara orašasto drveće, razgranato i isprepleteno: orah, lješnjak i badem.

BILJKE u vrtu: ružmarin, pampas trava, mirta, staza lavande.

Uz stazu lavande nalazi se i mali ribnjak s ribicama pa se može povezati i s pričama o ribicama koje ispunjavaju želje. Svakako su najpoznatije bajke o ribicama braće Grimm i Aleksandra Puškina. U obje je bajke ista ideja – borba između dobra i zla, gdje na kraju uvijek pobjeđuje dobro. Tu su i bajke Ivane Brlić Mažuranić, naše poznate književnice koja je ušla u čak dvije kulturne rute EU-a – Rutu bajki i Rutu književnica. Popularna je bajka o ribaru Palunku i njegovoj ženi.

Lavanda – mistična klasična biljka, poznata kao „plavo zlato”, ova je biljka mirisna duša Hrvatske i plod rada mnogih generacija. Dokumentirano je da se lavanda stoljećima upotrebljavala u ljubavnim ritualima, ali i u ritualima za privlačenje novca. Ova se biljka upotrebljava i za poboljšanje sreće u ljubavi. Ako želite da vam dođe nova ljubav, sa sobom nosite vrećicu s lavandinim cvijetom. Za poboljšanje odnosa u braku potrebno je pomiješati lavandin cvijet i pupoljke ruže i tu je vrećicu potrebno držati ispod kreveta. Staro vjerovanje kaže da čajem od lavande treba očistiti pod u kući, jer će tako u njoj zavladati mir i harmonija. Lavanda je povezana s planetom Merkurom, koji predstavlja komunikaciju, povezanost, govor, pisanje, ugovore, trgovinu, biznis, intelekt, logiku, prijatelje, djetinjstvo, posredovanje, diplomaciju, duhovitost, obrazovanje, matematiku, povezivanje ljudi i organizaciju, razmišljanje, prosuđivanje i rasuđivanje te prijenos božanskih poruka. Za miran san može se staviti nekoliko kapi eteričnog ulja na jastuk prije spavanja. Za opuštanje treba staviti nekoliko kapi ulja ili male grančice lavande u kupku. Suhe stabljike lavande, kao i cvjetovi, mogu se upotrijebiti u ritualima za privlačenje novca, ljubavi, zaštite i uspjeha.

U Engleskoj je kultivirana prvi put oko 1560., a spominje se u djelima Williama Shakespearea. „Sva veličajnost Lavandula vjere dolazi iznutra, a njena ljepota je jednostavna, izvorna, skromna i suptilna. Ona dodiruje dušu onih koji joj priđu, ali tako diskretno da se ponekad zastidimo što toga nismo bili svjesni.” Mogućnost za interpretaciju uključuje dekoraciju unutrašnjosti uz miris lavande u eteričnim svjetiljkama i u vrećicama sa sušenom lavandom te uz sljedeće stihove:

Kada noću idem na spavanje,
slatki će snovi doći k meni.

Miris lavande donosi miran odmor.

Kako hoću, tako će biti.

Kuća pjeva u mirisnom ritmu: Parni valjak, Sve još miriše na nju



Owners’ zodiac signs: ARIES - it is the zodiac sign which matches well with pine and fir trees, but also with hawthorn, cactus, mahogany and all the plants with needles, and VIRGO - this sign is related to nut trees with stretching and intertwining branches: walnut, hazelnut, almond.

PLANTS in the garden: rosemary, pampas grass, myrtle, lavender.

In the garden, there is a lavender pathway and a small fish pond next to it, which can be used to evoke stories related to fish granting wishes. The fairy tales by Brothers Grimm and Alexander Pushkin are certainly among the most famous with that topic. In both tales, the idea is the same - the struggle between good and evil, with good ultimately triumphing. There are also fairy tales by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, our well-known writer included in two EU cultural routes - the Fairy Tale Route and the Route of Women Writers. One of her most popular fairy tales is the story about the fisherman Palunko and his wife.

Lavender is the mystical classical plant, known as "blue gold". It is a typical Croatian fragrant plant and its successful farming is the result of the labour of many generations. Its use in love rituals, as well as rituals for attracting money, has been documented for years. This plant is also used to enhance happiness in love. If you want to attract a new love, carry a sachet with lavender flowers. And for improving marital relations, it is necessary to mix lavender flowers with rosebuds, place them in a sachet and keep the sachet under the bed. Old beliefs say that if you clean the house floor with lavender tea, peace and harmony will prevail in the house. Lavender is associated with the planet Mercury, which represents communication, rapport, speech, writing, contracts, trade, business, intellect, logic, friends, childhood, mediation, diplomacy, wit, education, mathematics, connections of people, organization, thinking, judgment, reasoning, and the transmission of divine messages. To ensure peaceful sleep, one should place a few drops of lavender essential oil on the pillow before bedtime. For relaxation, add a few drops of lavender oil or small lavender sprigs to your bath. Dry lavender stalks, as well as flowers, can be used in rituals for attracting money, love, protection, and success.

Lavender was cultivated for the first time in England around 1560, and it is mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare “All the magnificence of lavender’s faith comes from within, and its beauty is simple, original, modest, and subtle. It touches the soul of those who approach it, but so discreetly that we sometimes feel ashamed that we were not aware of it.” Lavender should be incorporated into interior decoration. The scent of lavender should be coming from oil lamps, sachets with dried lavender should adorn the space, and even verses mentioning lavender could be quoted:

When I go to sleep at night,
Sweet dreams come to me.
The scent of lavender brings peaceful rest.
As I wish, so it shall be.

The house is resonating in the fragrant rhythm of the song: Parni valjak, Sve još miriše na nju





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: VAGA – za nju se na prvom mjestu preporučuje breza pa potom jabuka, kruška, višnja, šljiva i sve što je povezano s voćnjakom, te ŠKORPION – odgovara mu močvarno i prašumsko raslinje: cedar, čempres i bor.

Drvo: bor, smreka i jela, voćke: breskve, jabuke, šljive, marelice, orah.

Breskva je najsenzualnije voće, zbog svojeg predivnog mirisa i oblika koji neodoljivo podsjeća na žensko tijelo. Breskva potječe iz Kine, gdje se uzgaja već dvije tisuće godina i snažan je simbol braka i blagostanja. Sanjati breskve dobar je znak koji sugerira radost i veselje, a pogotovo dobro ljubavno razdoblje, jer ovo voće simbolizira ljubavno životno polje, ali i međuljudske odnose. Što su breskve u snu ljepše i što ih ima više to je i perspektiva za ljubavni život bolja. Shakespeare je to znao, tako da je breskva postala slavna zbog svojih magičnih svojstava te je u Snu ivanjske noći vile upotrebljavaju kao afrodizijak.

To je snažna poveznica i s imenom Sv. Ivan Zelina, jer je breskva poveznica s Ivanjem, koje se i kod Slavena obilježavalo na solsticij ili suncostaj kada Sunce u godišnjem gibanju nebeskom sferom postigne ljetnu solsticijsku točku, a i danas je tako. U ljetnoj solsticijskoj točki Sunce se nalazi oko 22. lipnja; tada je na sjevernoj Zemljinoj hemisferi obdanica najdulja i počinje ljeto. U slavenskim narodima ivanjski su običaji povezani s vodom, plodnošću i obrednim čišćenjem. U narodnom vjerovanju vladalo je uvjerenje da biljke koje bi bile prikupljene o ivanjskoj noći imaju čudesna ili ljekovita svojstva. Obično su djevojke bacale cvjetne vijence u vodu i prema načinu kako plutaju proricale budućnost, a mladi su parovi preskakivali.

Prema slavenskoj mitologiji, to je važan datum kada se bog proljeća Jura (sin vrhovnog boga Peruna i majke Mokoš) oženio svojom sestrom Marom ispod drveta svijeta (arbor mundi) i postao je tada Ivan. U Rimskom Carstvu car Konstantin proglašava ovaj datum kao službeni dan rođenja sv. Ivana Krstitelja. Breskva je dobra jer jača otpornost na stres i koncentraciju, a povoljno djeluje i na cirkulaciju. Smanjuje otekline i kožne upale. Pomaže u uravnoteženju mentalnog zdravlja i za lakše izražavanje emocija i sposobnost izražavanja.

U interpretaciju bilo bi dobro uključiti priču o vilama koje upotrebljavaju breskve kao afrodizijak i kreirati romantičnu atmosferu u vrtu i unutrašnjosti kuće. Uz pomoć diskretne rasvjete i boja može se uključiti i priča o slavenskom bogu proljeća Jurju koji je postao Ivan i tako simbolizira hod kroz godinu i sam život.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Robert Messina, Flower Garden Song



Owners’ zodiac signs: LIBRA - birch is the first recommendation for this zodiac sign, followed by apple, pear, sour cherry and plum trees, and other plants growing in orchards, SCORPIO - it is well matched with swamp and rainforest vegetation: cedar, cypress, and pine.

Trees: pine, spruce, and fir, fruit trees: peach, apple, plum, apricot, walnut.

Peaches are the most sensual of all fruits, due to their wonderful fragrance and shape that irresistibly resembles the female body. Peaches originate from China, where they have been cultivated for two thousand years and are a strong symbol of marriage and prosperity. To dream peaches is a good sign suggesting joy and happiness, and a good period for love-relations, as this fruit symbolizes the love aspect of life as well as interpersonal relationships. The more beautiful and abundant the peaches in the dream, the better the prospects for one’s love life. Shakespeare was aware of this, making the peach famous for its magical properties, and in his A Midsummer Night’s Dream, fairies use it as an aphrodisiac.

This can be used as a strong connection with the name of Sveti Ivan Zelina because the peach is linked to Ivanje (Midsummer Day), which is nowadays still celebrated among the Slavs on the solstice, i.e. when the Sun, in its annual movement through the celestial sphere, reaches the summer solstice point. Around 22nd June, the Sun is at the summer solstice point. On this day, the daytime is the longest in the northern hemisphere, and the summer begins. In Slavic traditions, Midsummer Day customs are related to water, fertility, and ritual cleansing. It was believed that plants collected in the Midsummer Night had miraculous or healing properties. Typically, girls would throw flower wreaths into the water and predict the future based on how they floated, while young couples would jump over bonfires.

According to Slavic mythology, this is an important date when the god of spring Jura (George), the son of the supreme god Perun and Mother Mokosh, married his sister Mara (Mary) under the world tree (arbor mundi) and then became Ivan (John). In the Roman Empire, Emperor Constantine declared this date the official birthday of St. John the Baptist. Peaches are beneficial as they enhance resistance to stress and improve concentration. They also positively affect circulation, reduce swelling and skin inflammation, help balance mental health, and make it easier to express emotions and articulate thoughts.

The interpretation should include the story of fairies using peaches as an aphrodisiac. A romantic atmosphere should be created in the garden and the interior of the house. With the help of discreet lighting and colours, the story of the Slavic god of spring Jura (George), who became Ivan (John), can also be incorporated, symbolizing the passage through the year and life itself.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Robert Messina, Flower Garden Song





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: LAV – za njega se veže drvo limuna, naranče, banane, palme, lovora, masline, badema, ali i jasen, te RAK – za njega se veže drveće sa sočnim plodovima, zimzeleno drveće i sve što raste blizu vode. Najbliže su mu vrba i topola.

U vrtu su smokve i masline. U okolišu imaju 5500 m2 šume – hrast, bukva, grab i akacija.

U mitovima drevnih kultura koje su cvjetale na Mediteranu stablu masline pridavana je velika važnost. U Egiptu tako za njezino stvaranje zahvaljuju izravno božici Izidi, a u Mezopotamiji kažu da ju je stvorila božica Ištar, koja je bila vrhovno žensko božanstvo. Mitovi nam govore da je i u Grčkoj prvo stablo masline stvorila božica Atena, koja je Grcima poklonila dragocjeni dar i glatko pobijedila Posejdona, koji je, prema jednoj verziji, od morske pjene stvorio brzog konja, a po drugoj izvor slane vode koji je potekao iz kamena. Zbog toga je nemoguće zamisliti povijest i civilizaciju Europe, posebno Mediterana, bez stabla koje je preuzelo čast mudre i nježne Atene, božice mudrosti i rata, kojoj je i čak i Afrodita zavidjela na ljepoti i skladu snažnog tijela.

U maslinovu zlatnom, djevičanskom ulju, sjajnim plodovima i zeleno-srebrnim krošnjama ogleda se čistoća našeg svijeta, štiteći nas od zla, bolesti i napasti, kao Atenu uzvišena čednost. Nijedno stablo nije uspjelo sačuvati toliko dostojanstva i nevinosti kao maslina.

Osim za prehranu, maslinovo ulje, koje je čak i slavni Homer nazivao tekućim zlatom, služilo je za čuvanje zdravlja i ljepote, balzamiranje, ali i kao dar bogovima. Zbog bioloških karakteristika i velike važnosti u životu ljudi, maslini su se, kao rijetko kojoj biljci, pripisivala i simbolička značenja. Zbog čvrstoće i otpornosti svojega stabla simbol je snage. Hipokrat je maslinovo ulje propisivao za više od 60 raznih bolesti.

Heraklo je bio naoružan toljagom od maslinova drva, a Odisej je maslinovim kolcem oslijepio Kiklopa. Simbol je vjernosti i odanosti, pa nas ne iznenađuje što je Penelopa godinama čekala Odiseja baš u krevetu načinjenom na panju maslinova drveta. Pobjednicima na Olimpijskim igrama na glave su stavljali maslinove vijence, a za nagradu su dobivali amfore s maslinovim uljem, koje je tada bilo vrlo skupocjeno.

Priča o maslinama ima snažnu religijsku arhetipsku simboliku i često se spominje u Bibliji, a u kršćanstvu je simbol Božje providnosti i brige za ljude. Mojsije je oslobađao ratovanja muškarce koji su uzgajali masline. Golubica koja se nakon potopa vratila na Noinu arku u kljunu je nosila maslinovu grančicu kao simbol pomirenja Boga i ljudi. Na slikama s prikazom ukazanja anđela Gabrijela Djevici Mariji vidi se kako anđeo u ruci ima maslinovu grančicu. S mnogo maslinovih grančica narod je proslavio Isusov ulazak u Jeruzalem, Isus se znojio krvavim znojem na Maslinskoj gori, okružen mnoštvom maslina, a križ je, prema predaji, bio od maslinova i cedrova drva.

Za interpretaciju prijedlog je uključivanje maslinove grančice u dekoraciju unutrašnjosti i kroz određene fotografije i ilustracije koje prikazuju moć maslinova drveta. Svakako, tu je i maslinovo ulje koje gostima mora biti na raspolaganju.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Klapa Maslina, Maslina je neobrana



Owners’ zodiac signs: LEO - this zodiac sign is well matched with lemon and orange trees, bananas, bay, olive and almond trees as well as ash trees. CANCER - it is associated with trees bearing juicy fruits, evergreen trees, and everything that grows near water. The trees closest to this zodiac sign are the willow and the poplar.

There are fig and olive trees in the garden. It is surrounded by 5500 m2 of oak, hornbeam, beech and acacia forest.

The olive tree was given great significance in the myths of ancient cultures that flourished around the Mediterranean. In Egypt, the creation of the olive tree is directly attributed to the goddess Isis, while in Mesopotamia, it is said to have been created by the goddess Ishtar, who was the supreme female deity. Myths tell us that in Greece, the first olive tree was created by the goddess Athena, who gave this precious tree to the Greeks as a gift, and she easily defeated Poseidon, who, according to one version, created a swift horse from the sea foam, while according to another, he created a spring of salt water flowing from a rock.

Thus, it is impossible to imagine the European, and especially the Mediterranean, history and civilization without the olive tree, which took the qualities of its creator, the wise and gentle Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, whose strong and harmonious body even Aphrodite envied.

The purity of our world is reflected in the golden, virgin olive oil, the shiny fruits, and the green-silver canopies of the olive tree. Olives protect us from evil, illness, and temptation, as Athena was protected by her exalted chastity. No other tree has managed to preserve as much dignity and innocence as the olive tree.

In the past, in addition to being used for nutrition, olive oil, which even the famous Homer called “liquid gold”, was also used for preservation of health and beauty, for embalming, and as an offering to gods. Due to the biological characteristics of the olive tree and its great significance in human lives, the olive tree has been attributed symbolic meanings like few other plants. Because of the strength and resilience of its trunk, it is a symbol of power. Hippocrates advised the use of olive oil for more than 60 different diseases.

Hercules was armed with a club made of olive wood, and Odysseus blinded the Cyclopes with an olive stake. The olive tree is a symbol of fidelity and loyalty, so it is no surprise that Penelope waited for Odysseus for years in a bed made from an olive tree stump. Winners of the Olympic Games were crowned with olive wreaths and awarded amphorae of olive oil, which was very precious at the time.

The story of olive trees carries strong religious and archetypal symbolism and is often mentioned in the Bible. In Christianity, the olive tree is a symbol of God's providence and care for humanity. Moses exempted men who cultivated olive trees from warfare. The dove that returned to Noah’s Ark after the flood carried an olive branch in its beak as a symbol of reconciliation between God and people. In paintings depicting the Annunciation, the angel Gabriel is often shown holding an olive branch. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, people celebrated holding olive branches. Jesus sweated blood on the Mount of Olives, surrounded by olive trees, and according to tradition, his cross was made of olive and cedar wood. 

In the holiday home, olive branches should be used for interior decoration.  Photographs and illustrations depicting the power of the olive tree should be hung on the walls and olive oil should be available for guests to try and use.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: the vocal group Klapa Maslina, Maslina je neobrana





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: RIBEovom znaku odgovara drveće kao što je hrast, javor, lipa ili smokva koje ima sasvim prihvatljiv energetski utjecaj; isto tako mimoza, drvo banane i palme, sve tropsko drveće, kao i ono koje raste po morskim otocima i sve podvodne biljke, te LAV –ovom znaku odgovara drvo limuna, naranče, banane, palme, lovora, masline, badema, ali i jasen.

Pokraj kuće imaju ogromni stoljetni hrast, šuma je udaljena 1 km, u šumi rastu: bukva, grab, akacija, hrast i kesten. Biljke i cvijeće koje imaju u vrtu kuće: vinograd, bršljani i zelena ograda te voćke: trešnja, višnja, breskva, jabuka.

Interpretacija je vezana s obzirom na to da je u šumi i kesten, koji je resurs i za ukusne namirnice i interesantan je i za organiziranje branja kada mu je sezona. Kesten olakšava reumatske tegobe, eliminira nesanicu i, kako kaže narodna mudrost, tjera strah i napetost različitog porijekla. U armenskoj regiji već su u prapovijesti upotrebljavali drvo i plodove kestena. Uzgoj plodova započinje u razdoblju od 9. do 7. stoljeća prije Krista na području između Kaspijskog i Crnog mora. Odavde se brzo raširio u Aziju, Grčku i na Balkan. U drevnoj Grčkoj slatki kesten široko se uzgajao u Sparti, na primjer od kestena su pekli crni kruh te radili brašno i juhu. Kesteni se spominju u djelima Izaije, Homera, Ksenofona i Hipokrata. Grci, Feničani i Židovi trguju plodovima kestena diljem Mediterana. Rimljani su širili slatki kesten u cijelom Rimskom Carstvu sve do Velike Britanije. Osim ploda i drva kestena također su upotrebljavali med te kao lijek koru, lišće i cvijeće. Mnogi su rimski književnici pisali o kestenu – Plinije Stariji, Kolumela, Virgilije, Ovidije i Dioskurid. Jednom je netko – ozbiljno ili u šali – rekao da je kesten dobio naziv po tome što mu plod sliči na kesu, ali to nije točno. Stari su Grci plod kestena (kastanon) nazivali „žirom bogova” (Dios balanos), a stari su Rimljani transkribirali grčku riječ i nazvali ga Castanea.

Plod kestena spada u nutritivno visokovrijedne namirnice. Kesten je i ljekovita biljka, ljekoviti su dijelovi list i kora. Primarno je djelovanje protuupalno i stežuće, zbog sadržaja tanina. S obzirom na to da drvo kestena kasno cvjeta, odlična je ispaša za pčele i tada jedini izvor peluda i nektara. Kestenov je med vrlo ljekovit i od njega su pripremali medenu rakiju i medicu. Posebna je priča korištenje kestena u bačvarstvu jer vino u takvim bačvama dobiva poseban buke. U Hrvatskoj je niz tradicijskih manifestacija povezanih s kestenom – da spomenemo Kestenijadu u Petrinji, Hrvatskoj Kostajnici, Marunadu u Lovranu itd., a specijaliteti od kestena nezaobilazni su dio i naše gastronomske tradicije uz nezaobilazni pire od kestena.

Za dekoraciju u kući kesten je pogodan rekvizit. Goste kao dobrodošlica u hladnjaku može dočekati pire od kestena uz priču o kestenu, a može se organizirati i malo događanje kada je sezona kestena.
Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Zlatni dukati, Dozreli su kesteni



Owners’ zodiac signs: PISCES - trees such as oak, maple, linden or fig have an acceptable energetic influence on this zodiac sign. The same goes for mimosa and banana trees and palms, as well as all tropic trees, trees growing on islands and underwater plants.

LEO - this zodiac sign is well matched with lemon and orange trees, bananas, bay, olive and almond trees as well as ash trees.

There is a huge centuries-old oak next to the house. A forest which is a kilometre away is populated by beech, hornbeam, acacia, oak, and chestnut. Plants and flowers in the holiday home’s garden include: the grape vine, ivy and a green living fence, and fruit trees: sour cherry, cherry, peach, apple.

The interpretation of the holiday home is related to the forest and the chestnut tree. When the chestnut season comes tourist can be invited to participate in the activity of collecting chestnuts that can afterwards be turned into a tasty delicacy. Chestnuts alleviate rheumatic ailments, eliminate insomnia, and, as folk wisdom says, dispel fears and tension of various origins. In the Armenian region, the use of chestnut wood and fruit dates back to ancient times. Chestnut fruit cultivation began between the 9th and 7th centuries BC in the area between the Caspian and the Black Sea, spreading quickly to Asia, Greece, and the Balkans. In ancient Greece, sweet chestnuts were widely cultivated in Sparta and used for producing flour, baking black bread and making soup. Chestnuts are mentioned in the works of Isaiah, Homer, Xenophon, and Hippocrates. Greeks, Phoenicians, and Jews traded chestnuts throughout the Mediterranean. Romans spread sweet chestnuts throughout the Roman Empire, even to Great Britain. In addition to chestnut fruit, Romans also used chestnut wood, bark, leaves, and flowers for medical purposes. Many Roman writers, including Pliny the Elder, Columella, Virgil, Ovid, and Dioscorides, wrote about chestnuts. Someone once, seriously or as a joke, said that chestnuts got their name because of their resemblance to a chest, but that is not true. Ancient Greeks called the chestnut fruit "the acorn of the gods" (Dios balanos), and the ancient Romans transcribed the Greek word and called it Castanea.

The chestnut fruit is highly nutritious, while its leaves and bark have healing properties. Its primary effect is anti-inflammatory and astringent due to its tannin content. Since the chestnut tree blooms late, it provides excellent forage for bees, being their only source of pollen and nectar during that time. Chestnut honey is very healthy, and it can also be used for preparing honey brandy and mead. The chestnut wood is used in cooperage, since wine stored in chestnut wood barrels gains a distinctive flavour. In Croatia, there are numerous traditional events associated with chestnuts, such as chestnut festivals held in Petrinja, Hrvatska Kostajnica, Lovran, etc. Chestnut specialties are an integral part of our gastronomic tradition, with chestnut puree being a special delicacy.  

Chestnuts are suitable for decorating the holiday home. Chestnut puree can also be prepared and kept in the refrigerator as a welcoming treat for guests. Various events for tourists can be organized when chestnut season arrives.
The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Zlatni dukati, Dozreli su kesteni






Vlasnica je u horoskopsku STRIJELAC – njemu najbolje odgovaraju hrast, javor, lipa i smokva.

U dvorištu i oko kuće ima mnogo cvijeća, a ističu se ruže koje cvjetaju cijelu godinu.

Za interpretaciju u ovom „dvoru” izabrano je cvijeće jer je oduvijek imalo moćnu simboliku, mnoge su ga civilizacije smatrale božanskim darom, a pjesnici u njemu nalazili neiscrpno nadahnuće. S cvijećem su u prošlosti često bila povezana razna narodna vjerovanja – radost, ljubav, sreća, razočaranje, ljubomora… Govor cvijeća, odnosno izmjenjivanje poruka putem cvijeća, nastao je na Istoku, a na europskom tlu prihvaćen je u 18. stoljeću. U doba kada su brojnim ljubavnicima obitelji zabranjivale ikakvu vezu, pronašli su načine da „razgovaraju” preko cvijeća.

Ruže su povezane sa ženskom energijom. Danas su ruže zaljubljenima omiljen oblik komuniciranja, ali svaka boja ima drugu poruku ili simbol. Ruža ima snažnu energiju, vrlo je koristan funkcionalan cvijet kao zaštita od uroka jer prekrasna ruža ima bodlje – sjajno oružje protiv zlih riječi i zlonamjernih postupaka zlobnih želja.

Još u drevnoj Grčkoj uvriježio se običaj da se ruža daruje osobi kojoj se htjelo iskazati ljubav, poštovanje i zahvalnost ili poslati neskrivena poruka ljubavi i strasti. Stoga se često ime ruže spominje i uz boginju Afroditu, kao sinonim neprolazne ljepote. Rimljani su bili prvi koji su otkrili i druge vrijednosti ruža. Poznati kao najveći hedonisti u povijesti, upravo su Rimljani počeli od latica ruže pripremati neke vrste slastica te ih upotrebljavati kao glavni sastojak mirisnih vodica. Ruže su bile i inspiracija pjesnicima, slikarima i zaljubljenim muškarcima. No da bi u potpunosti uživali u njezinoj raskošnoj ljepoti, počeli su je sve više saditi i oko svojih kuća te „punili pluća” njezinim mirisima. Naklonjenost njezinim opojnim mirisima pokazali su kasnije i brojni europski muškarci koji su svoje drage obasipali laticama, dok su je slikari i trubaduri zauvijek ovjekovječili u serenadama i uljima na platnu. Na maštovitom jeziku ruža razgovaralo se ne samo bojama, cvjetovima i pupoljcima nego i listovima i trnjem. Ako je neka osoba htjela izjaviti ljubav osobi koja joj je darovala crvenu ružu, dotaknula bi cvijet svojim usnama, a ako ju je odbila, otrgnula bi cvijet i bacila ga. Ako je odrezala trnje, a ostavila listove, onome tko joj je ružom izjavio ljubav dala je znak da ima nade, a ako je ruža ostala i bez trnja i listova, to je značilo kako nada više ne postoji. I danas su ruže omiljen oblik komuniciranja, a svaka boja ima drugu poruku ili simbol, što je pogodno i za dekoraciju u unutrašnjosti kuće kroz govor ruža ovisno o gostima koji će biti smješteni i godišnjim dobima. Prilika je i za kreiranje atmosfere kroz eterično mirisno ružino ulje. Tako je crvena ruža za ljubav i romantiku, bijela unosi mir i svježinu u prostor, dok ljubičasta povećava motivaciju i smanjuje napetost, narančasta ruža budi radost i samopouzdanje, žuta budi zadovoljstvo i optimizam, ali postoji vjerovanje da izražava i ljubomoru, a ružičasta potiče prijateljstvo i suosjećanje te osjećaj topline i opuštenosti.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Aldrch, Castle In The Woods Song



The owner’s zodiac sign is SAGITTARIUS – it is best matched with oak, maple, linden and fig trees.

There are many flowers in the garden and around the house with roses blossoming throughout the year standing out as particularly beautiful.

Flowers have been chosen for the interpretation of this “estate” because they have always held powerful symbolism. Many civilizations considered flowers to be a divine gift, and poets found endless inspiration in them. In the past, various folk beliefs were often associated with flowers—joy, love, happiness, disappointment, jealousy... The language of flowers, or the exchange of messages through flowers, originated in the East and was accepted in the European culture in the 18th century. During the time when many families used to forbid romantic relationships to their sons and daughters, they found ways to “speak” to their loved ones through flowers.

Roses are associated with feminine energy, and nowadays make a favourite form of communication for lovers. Each colour carries a different message or symbolism. The rose has strong energy; it is a very useful and functional flower for protection against curses because the beautiful rose has thorns, brilliant weapons against malicious words and ill-intentioned actions or spiteful wishes.

Already in ancient Greece, it became customary to give a rose to a person to whom one wanted to express love, respect, and gratitude, or to send an unmistakable message of love and passion. Thus, the name of the rose is often mentioned in connection with the goddess Aphrodite, as a synonym for everlasting beauty. The Romans were the first to discover other values of roses as well. Known as the greatest hedonists in history, the Romans began preparing sweets and producing fragrant waters using rose petals as the main ingredient. Roses were also an inspiration for poets, painters, and men in love. To fully enjoy their luxurious beauty, artists began planting more roses around their homes thus “filling their lungs” with rose scents. The fondness for their intoxicating fragrances was later shown by many European men who showered their lovers with rose petals, while painters and troubadours immortalized roses in serenades and oil paintings on canvas. The imaginative language of roses implied communication not only through colours, flowers, and buds but also through leaves and thorns. If a person wanted to declare love with a red rose to the person who gave it to them, they would touch the flower with their lips, and if they wanted to reject the person, they would tear off the flower and throw it away. If they cut off the thorns but left the leaves, it signalled to the person declaring their love that there was hope, but if the rose was left without both thorns and leaves, it meant that there was no longer any hope. Even today, roses are a favourite form of communication, with each colour carrying a different message or symbolism, making them suitable for interior decoration in the holiday home. Depending on guests coming to the holiday home and the season of the year, a different language of roses should be used. So, a red rose means love and romance, white brings peace and freshness in the space while purple increases motivation and reduces tension. An orange rose incites joy and self-confidence, yellow facilitates contentment and optimism, but there is also a belief that it expresses jealousy. And finally, a pink rose facilitates friendship and compassion and the feelings of warmth and relaxation. It is also possible to create a certain atmosphere using fragrant essential rose oils.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Aldrch, Castle in the Woods Song





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: RIBE – ovom znaku odgovara drveće kao što je hrast, javor (imaju ga i u vrtu), lipa ili smokva koje ima sasvim prihvatljiv energetski utjecaj; isto tako mimoza, drvo banane i palme, sve tropsko drveće, kao i ono koje raste po morskim otocima i sve podvodne biljke, te STRIJELAC – njemu najbolje odgovaraju hrast, javor, lipa i smokva.

Nekoliko je vrsta drveća u okolici uz lozicu, gliciniju i brijest, koji je izabran za interpretaciju i poveznicu jer je stablo brijesta drevni simbol prijateljstva, obitelji i tradicionalnih vrijednosti. Iznimno moćno stablo, čija ljepota također sadržava osobine ratnika. Brijest je stablo puno odanosti, vjeran i vrijedan primjer borbe za ono što osoba želi, čak i kada je izgubljena svaka nada. Kad stablo brijesta doziva, šalje poruku nade, otpornosti i stabilnosti.

Interesantna priča povezana s tradicijskim prostorima Balkana pogodna je i za interpretaciju i poveznicu s usmenom književnošću kao tradicijskom nematerijalnom baštinom koja se nekada prenosila u obiteljima.

To je priča iz 20. stoljeća, kada se jedan vojnik tijekom Prvog svjetskog rata vraćao s bojišta. Umoran od pješačenja, legao je da se odmori ispod starog brijesta. Kad je zaspao, ukazala mu se skupina djevojaka, u dugim bijelim haljinama, koje su plesale oko njega. Jedna mu je prišla i zamolila da im svira, dala mu je gajde i tako je, u pjesmi i svirci, protekla noć. Kad su se začuli prvi pijevci, vile su nestale, vojnik se probudio, a u ustima mu je bila nožica od jareta od gajdi. Mit o vilama zajednički je mnogim slavenskim narodima, uključujući i hrvatski, te je jedan od najraširenijih i najstarijih mitova. Prve podatke o vilama na našim prostorima dobivamo od Prokopija iz Cezareje (6. st.) koji kaže da Slaveni „poštuju rijeke i nimfe, kao i druge demone, i svima prinose žrtve, a tom prilikom i gataju”. Poveznica je kroz interpretaciju i ovaj put naša književnica Ivana Brlić Mažuranić, koja je u svojim Pričama iz davnina proslavila vile kroz priču o vili Kosijenki. Za interpretaciju, u vezi i s ovom pričom o vilama, prijedlog je da se mogu uključiti i gajde, koje su jedinstvene i gotovo unikatne po zvuku i po izgledu te je svaki gajdaš imao svoju tehniku sviranja, ukrašavanja melodije po kojoj se razlikovao od ostalih. Gajde su vrlo staro glazbalo koje se nekada sviralo širom Baranje, Slavonije te u istočnijim dijelovima Posavine i Podravine.

To je poveznica i s književnim turizmom, mitološkim turizmom i s našom baštinom kroz kreativnu interpretaciju. Može se uključiti i slavnog Hanibala Lucića (16. st.), koji je napisao pjesmu Jur' ni jedna na svit vila u kojoj je opjevao nadnaravnu vilinsku ljepotu i simbol vila – zeleni vijenac na glavi. Tu je i nezaobilazni Vlaho Bukovac koji je 1895. naslikao Hrvatski preporod – ističe se Gundulić koji sjedi, a iznad njega roje se vile, jedna ga je i zagrlila.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: India Arye, Strength Courage & Wisdom



Owners’ zodiac signs: PISCES - trees such as oak, maple (there is one in the garden), linden or fig have an acceptable energetic influence on this zodiac sign. The same goes for mimosa and banana trees and palms, as well as all tropic trees, trees growing on islands and underwater plants, SAGITTARIUS – it is best matched with oak, maple, linden and fig trees.

There are several types of trees in the area, along with the Victoria creeper and wisteria, and the elm tree, which has been chosen for interpretation and connection because it is an ancient symbol of friendship, family, and traditional values. It is an exceptionally powerful tree, whose beauty also embodies the qualities of a warrior. The elm is a tree full of loyalty, a faithful and valuable example of the fight for what a person wants, even when all hope is lost. When the elm tree speaks, it sends a message of hope, resilience, and stability.

The interpretation of this estate could include an interesting story originating from the Balkans. It could be used to establish a connection with oral literature, i.e. stories once told within families, as a form of traditional intangible heritage.

This is a story from the early 20th century set during World War I.  In the story, a soldier was returning from the front. Exhausted from walking, he lay down to rest under an old elm tree. While he was sleeping, a group of girls in long white dresses appeared, dancing around him. One of them approached him and asked him to play music for them, giving him bagpipes. Thus, the night passed in singing and playing music. When the first roosters crowed, the fairies disappeared, and the soldier woke up to find a goat’s foot from the bagpipes in his mouth. Fairy tales are common among many Slavic nations, including Croatians, and fairies are one of the most widespread and oldest literary motifs. The first mention of fairies in our region comes from Procopius of Caesarea (6th century), who said that the Slavs “worship rivers and nymphs, as well as other demons, and offer sacrifices to all of them, simultaneously practicing divination.”

The interpretation of the estate should rely on the fairies and their role in literature. Croatian writer Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić celebrated fairies in her collection Tales of Long Ago in the story of the fairy Kosjenka. Bagpipes could also be used as inspiration because of their unique and almost one-of-a-kind sound and appearance. Each bagpiper has a unique technique of playing, decorating the melody in a way that distinguishes his/her music from the music of others. The bagpipes are a very old musical instrument that was once played throughout Baranja, Slavonia, and the eastern parts of Posavina and Podravina.

Fairies could be used to make a connection with literary tourism, mythological tourism and our heritage. The famous writer Hanibal Lucić (16th century) should be included as well since he wrote about supernatural beauty of fairies and their symbol, the green wreath on their heads in his work Jur’ ni jedna na svit vila. There is also the well-known painter Vlaho Bukovac, who painted the painting Hrvatski preporod (Croatian Revival) in 1895 depicting Gundulić sitting and being hugged by a fairy while a few more are swarming above him.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: India Arye, Strength Courage & Wisdom





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: RIBE – ovom znaku odgovara drveće kao što je hrast, javor, lipa ili smokva koje ima sasvim prihvatljiv energetski utjecaj; isto tako mimoza, drvo banane i palme, sve tropsko drveće, kao i ono koje raste po morskim otocima i sve podvodne biljke, te BLIZANCI – orašasto drveće, tanko i s mnogo grana; primjerice, kesten je idealan za ovaj horoskopski znak.

Lipa (Tilia cordata Mill. i Tilia platyphyllos Scop.) je izabrana za interpretaciju i poveznicu, a raste u cijeloj Europi, europskom dijelu Rusije, Ukrajini, Kavkazu i zapadnoj Aziji. Lipa je baltoslavenska, sveslavenska i praslavenska riječ. Riječ je nastala od praslavenske riječi lípa, pa tako bugarski, makedonski, slovenski, slovački, lužički, poljski, ruski, bjeloruski, srpski i hrvatski imaju riječ lipa, polapski leipó, laipó, a ukrajinski lypa.

Uobičajeno je mišljenje da je lipa Hrvatima, kao i većini slavenskih naroda, sveto drvo. Kod Južnih Slavena lipa je svrstavana u najpoštovanija stabla; velike stare lipe tradicionalno su rasle pokraj crkava i hramova, pogotovu starih; pod tim lipama priređivali su suđenja, provodili praznike i tu se zaustavljale povorke s križevima za vrijeme obilaska njiva i usjeva, ovdje su priređivane trpeze itd. Kod Slavena je, na primjer, lipa koja raste nasred sela bila tradicionalno saborište momaka, koji su svoj praznik slavili na dan sv. Florijana. Tu su paljene vatre, vođeni razgovori, odatle je počinjao i uobičajeni praznički obilazak sela da bi se zapalila nova vatra u ognjištu. Gotovo do današnjih dana kod raznih Južnih Slavena postojale su realne poštovane lipe kao sretno drvo, koje su držali blizu kuća i sadili na grobovima. Također su govorili da je dobro zaspati pod lipom, a ritualom od drva lipe svake godine su obnavljali vatru na domaćim ognjištima.U vezi s tim, prirodna je bila zabrana diranja, oštećivanja, sječenja takvih lipa, lomljenja njihovih grana, vršenja nužde pod njima itd. Bilo je poznato vjerovanje da će se obvezno razboljeti konj onome tko otkine granu lipe; ali ako čovjek vrati granu na mjesto, konj će ozdraviti.

Kao i drugo drveće, lipa je igrala ulogu u narodnoj medicini: svuda su na nju prenosili bolesti, zabadajući u stablo komade bolesnikove odjeće, nokte i kosu; bolesne ljude i stoku kadili su dimom od spaljenog lipova drva.

Dokaz koliko je bila štovana jest da ju je puk doveo u vezu s Bogorodicom Marijom. Česte su priče kod Hrvata, Slovenaca, Čeha, Poljaka, ali i Litavaca i katoličkih Nijemaca da se u lipi pojavljuje Bogorodičina slika, pa su zapravo te slike, a ne lipa, postale predmetom štovanja. Tako se čini da je obožavanje lipe bila pretkršćanska srednjoeuropska pojava koju su Zapadni Slaveni prihvatili tek s kršćanstvom. U Sloveniji je bio običaj da se pokraj kuće sadi lipa kad se u obitelji rodi prvo dijete.

Lipa, kojoj mirisni cvjetovi posjeduju ublažujuća svojstva, uvijek se smatrala simbolom prijateljstva. Njezin grčki naziv ime je majke kentaura Hirona čije su moći uvijek bile korisne ljudima. Prijedlog je za interpretaciju da se uključe priče o lipi, da se posadi i drvo blizu kuće te da se poveže s pučkim kalendarom i danima kada se slavi sv. Florijan, štovanje Bogorodice Marije te obiteljska okupljanja povezana s lipom.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Đorđe Balašević, Jednom su sadili lipu



Owners’ zodiac signs: PISCES - trees such as oak, maple, linden or fig have an acceptable energetic influence on this zodiac sign. The same goes for mimosa and banana trees and palms, as well as all tropic trees, trees growing on islands and underwater plants, GEMINI - they are well suited with nut trees, slender trees with many branches, and the perfect tree for this zodiac sign is chestnut.

The linden (Tilia cordata Mill. and Tilia platyphyllos Scop.) is chosen for interpretation as a plant growing in the entire Europe, the European part of Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, and Western Asia. The word linden is a Balto-Slavic, pan-Slavic, and Proto-Slavic term. The word originates from Proto-Slavic lípa, and is found in Bulgarian, Macedonian, Slovenian, Slovak, Lusatian, Polish, Russian, Belarusian, Serbian, and Croatian as lipa, in Polabian as leipó, laipó, and in Ukrainian as lypa.

It is commonly believed that the linden tree is sacred to Croatians, as well as to most Slavic nations. Among the southern Slavs, the linden was regarded as one of the most revered trees; large old linden trees traditionally grew next to churches and temples, especially the ancient ones. Under these linden trees, trials were held, holidays were celebrated, while processions with crosses stopped there during the inspection of fields and crops. Feasts were also held underneath them. Among the Slavs, the linden tree growing in the middle of a village was traditionally the gathering place for young men, who celebrated their holiday on the day of St. Florian. Fires were lit and conversations were held underneath linden trees. Processions through the village set off from there on the way to light a new fire in the hearth. Among some southern Slavs, linden trees were revered as lucky trees, and were thus planted near homes and on graves. It was also believed that it is good to fall asleep under a linden tree, and linden wood was used to renew the fire on domestic hearths every year. Consequently, it does not come as a surprise that it was prohibited to touch, damage, and cut down linden trees, to break their branches, or relieve oneself under them. There was a belief that a horse would inevitably become ill if its owner broke off a branch of a linden tree; but if the person returned the branch to its place, the horse would recover.

Like other trees, the linden tree also played a role in folk medicine: diseases were transferred to it by inserting pieces of the patient’s clothing, nails, and hair into the linden tree trunk; sick people and livestock were fumigated with smoke from burning linden wood. 

The evidence of how revered linden tree was is its association with the Virgin Mary. Among Croatians, Slovenians, Czechs, Poles, as well as Lithuanians and Catholic Germans it was commonly believed that the image of the Virgin Mary appears in the linden tree, so these images, rather than the linden tree itself, became objects of worship. Thus, it seems that the worship of the linden tree was a pre-Christian Central European phenomenon that the Western Slavs accepted with Christianity. In Slovenia, it was customary to plant a linden tree next to the house when the first child was born into a family.

The linden tree, whose fragrant flowers possess soothing properties, has always been considered a symbol of friendship. Its Greek name is the name of the mother of the centaur Chiron, whose powers were always beneficial to humans.

The interpretation should focus on stories about the linden tree. The suggestion is to plant one near the house. It could be then connected with the folk calendar and days when St. Florian is celebrated, as well as with the veneration of the Virgin Mary and family gatherings associated with the linden tree.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Đorđe Balašević, Jednom su sadili lipu





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: RIBE – ovom znaku odgovara drveće kao što je hrast, javor, lipa ili smokva koje ima sasvim prihvatljiv energetski utjecaj; isto tako mimoza, drvo banane i palme, sve tropsko drveće, kao i ono koje raste po morskim otocima i sve podvodne biljke, te BLIZANCI – orašasto drveće, tanko i s mnogo grana; primjerice kesten je idealan za ovaj horoskopski znak.

Ovu kuću treba i interpretacijski povezati s bagremom, jer je Robinia i naziv za to drvo, koje često zovu i akacija. Robinia je dobila naziv po vrtlaru na francuskom dvoru Jeanu Robinu, koji je 1601. donio sjemenke u Europu s teritorija današnje savezne države Virginije. Ime pseudoacacia upućuje na to da je biljka slična akaciji. Riječ hispida dolazi od latinske riječi hispidus, što znači čupav, dlakav. Iz Francuske se bagrem počeo polako širiti po Europi. U početku je uzgajan kao parkovni element, dok se nije shvatilo da je pogodna vrsta za pošumljavanje terena nižeg boniteta. Mađarska je danas vodeća država u svijetu po površini umjetno zasađenih bagremovih šuma.

Za interpretaciju su pogodne priče koje ovo drvo čine posebno moćnim. Prema drevnim predanjima, od bagremova je drva napravljena Noina arka, jer bagrem simbolizira sveto i nepodmitljivo znanje. Bagrem simbolizira zalog uskrsnuća i besmrtnosti, a Kristova trnovita kruna bila je od bagremovih grana. Prema indijskoj predaji, od bagremova je drva bila napravljena velika žrtvena žlica (sruk), koja se pripisuje Brahmi. Vjerovalo se da ne može istrunuti i da je stablo zlatne svjetlosti. Bagrem je u Kini stablo sjevera i zime, a na Orijentu ga smatraju pustinjskom mimozom. Nomadska plemena koja su putovala sušnim predjelima Afrike toliko su ga cijenila da su vjerovala kako će umrijeti svatko tko mu polomi granu, i to za manje od godinu dana. Za onog tko je posjedovao nevinost, nepokvarljivost, sunčanu toplinu i svjetlost, osobine koje, prema drevnim vjerovanjima, posjeduje bagrem, govorilo se da će postati besmrtan.

Bagremov je med veoma cijenjen u Europi, čist je, tekuć, lagan, idealan za djecu stariju od godinu dana. Najmlađima se preporučuje jer je blag i lagan, a kod odraslih jer djeluje protiv stresa, nervoze i nesanice. Najprozirnija je i jedna od najukusnijih vrsta meda, a njegova kristalizacija traje i do tri godine. 

Na našim prostorima mnoge ljubavne pjesme popularnih pjevača opjevale su bagrem pa je i to dobra inspiracija za kreativnu interpretaciju.

Prijedlog je da se ili na fasadu kuće ili kroz dizajn u unutarnjem prostoru mogu napisati stihovi:

„Negdje noćas bagrem cvate

A ja mislim samo na te

Ti si čežnja srca mog

U daljini svijetle zore

A moje se misli bore

Ja sam željna zagrljaja tvog”

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Jole, Bagrem bijeli



Owners’ zodiac signs: PISCES - trees such as oak, maple, linden or fig have an acceptable energetic influence on this zodiac sign. The same goes for mimosa and banana trees and palms, as well as all tropic trees, trees growing on islands and underwater plants, GEMINI - they are well suited with nut trees, slender trees with many branches, and the perfect tree for this zodiac sign is chestnut.

The interpretation of this house should focus on acacia because the holiday home’s name Robinia is actually another name for acacia. The name Robinia comes from Jean Robin, the gardener working at the French court, who in 1601 brought the acacia seeds to Europe from what is nowadays the state of Virginia. The name “pseudoacacia” indicates that the plant is similar to acacia. The word “hispida” comes from the Latin word “hispidus” which means shaggy or hairy.  From France, it slowly began to spread throughout Europe. Initially, it was cultivated as a park element until it was realized that it was a suitable species for afforestation of lower-quality land. Hungary is nowadays the leading country in the world in the surfaces covered in artificially planted acacia forests.

The interpretation should focus on stories that make this tree particularly powerful. According to ancient legends, Noah’s Ark was made of acacia wood because acacia symbolizes sacred and incorruptible knowledge. Acacia is also a symbol of resurrection and immortality, and acacia twigs were used to make Christ’s crown of thorns. According to Indian traditions, a large sacrificial spoon (sruk), attributed to Brahma, was made from acacia wood. It was believed that it cannot rot and that it is actually a tree of golden light. In China, the acacia tree is associated with the north and winter, while in the Orient, it is considered the desert mimosa. Nomadic tribes traveling through the dry regions of Africa valued it so much that they believed that all those who break its branches would die within a year. On the other hand, those who possessed innocence, incorruptibility, warmth and brightness of the sun, i.e. the qualities of acacia trees, would become immortal.

Acacia honey is highly valued in Europe since it is pure, liquid, light, and ideal for children aged one year or older. It is recommended for children because it is mild and gentle, and for adults because it relieves stress, nervousness, and insomnia. It is the most transparent of all types of honey and one of the most delicious, and its crystallization can last up to three years.

In our region, many love songs by popular singers have praised the acacia tree, so poems and songs can also serve as inspiration for creative interpretations.

Verses can be either written on the facade of the house or incorporated into the design of the interior space:

Somewhere tonight, the acacia blooms

And I think only of you

You are the longing of my heart

In the distance, the dawn shines

But my thoughts struggle

I am yearning for your embrace.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Jole, Bagrem bijeli





Vlasnici su u horoskopu: BLIZANCI – orašasto drveće, tanko i s mnogo grana; kesten je idealan za ovaj horoskopski znak, te ŠKORPION – bor, čempres i cedar.

Imanje se ističe po voćkama: višnja, trešnja, orasi, šljive, jabuke, kruške, breskve, bijelo grožđe.

Drveće: smreka, ariš, hrast, drijen.

Predlažemo interpretaciju kroz narativ stabla drijena koji cvijeta među prvima u proljeće, a plodove daje posljednji ujesen. Ne kaže se bez razloga u narodu za nekog tko nema nikakvih zdravstvenih problema da je „zdrav ko drijen”. To je usporedba s genskim karakteristikama drijena da rijetko obolijeva od biljnih bolesti i štetnika, što je njegova pozitivna biološka značajka.

Narodna predaja govori da je moć drijena toliko jaka da je zavarala i samog vraga. Vidjevši da je stablo prvo procvjetalo, vrag je skočio na njega misleći da će prvo dati rod i proglasio ga svojim. I čekao je vrag i čekao… Rodile su trešnje, višnje, marelice, grožđe, jabuke, kruše… Na „vražjem” stablu ništa, samo zeleno lišće. Konačno, u miholjsko ljeto pojavili su se mali svjetlocrveni plodovi. Eto ga, pomisli vrag, ja sam svoje dočekao. Kušao je svjetlocrvene, kisele i opore plodove i ljutito zagunđao, skočio sa stabla i više se nikada nije vratio. I tako je stablo otjeralo vraga, a plodovi su u međuvremenu dozreli, omekšali i služe na korist svima koji znaju čekati i koji cijene darove prirode. Poruka je da su ljudi ipak moćniji od vraga jer su bili strpljivi pa su prepoznali pravu vrijednost i ljekovitost drijena. Drijen je i poveznica sa žutim cvjetovima i grančicama koje su se nekada na svetkovinu Cvjetnice ili Muke Gospodnje, u nedjelju uoči Uskrsa, nosile u crkvu na posvećenje. Od starine je bio običaj grančice splesti u krug i napraviti dršku za nošenje. Danas se klima jako promijenila pa više za Cvjetnicu nema cvjetova na drijenu, već samo list.

Drijen spada u drveće koje je donor i ima osobinu da u sebi akumulira veliku količinu kozmičke energije i pomaže da se ljudi koji ga imaju u svojoj blizini lakše izbore sa životnim teškoćama i s bolestima, stoga ga treba zasaditi u blizini. Drijen je i cijenjena medonosna biljka, a to proizlazi iz rane, bogate i dugotrajne cvatnje i toga što cvjetovi daju znatnu količinu peluda i nektara. Drvo (drenovina) je tvrdo, teško i žilavo pa se upotrebljava u različite svrhe. Odlično tjera izbojke iz panja i korijena i djeluje kao pionir vegetacije, što je odlična poveznica i sa slavenskim bogom vegetacije Jurjem koji je postao Ivan i s imenom Sv. Ivan Zelina.

Ova interpretacija može se kroz priče i QR kodove staviti u okoliš i u kuću, a tu je i kreativna dekoracija kako se „riješiti vraga”. Posebno se može povezati s proljećem, a svakako i s periodom Uskrsa. Za dobrodošlicu se gosti mogu počastiti vrlo poznatim likerom ili rakijom od drijena, koji imaju i vrlo cijenjena zdravstvena svojstva.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Luka i prijatelji, Drvo


Owners’ zodiac signs: GEMINI - they are well suited with nut trees, slender trees with many branches, and the perfect tree for this zodiac sign is chestnut, and SCORPIO - pine, cypress, and cedar trees

The estate is surrounded by fruit trees: sour cherry, cherry, walnut, plum, apple, pear, peach, and white grapes.

Trees: spruce, fir, oak, and cornelian cherry trees.

We propose an interpretation relying on the cornelian cherry, which blooms among the first in spring but bears fruits last in autumn. It is not without reason that in folk wisdom, someone who is perfectly healthy is said to be zdrav ko drijen (as healthy as a cornelian cherry). This saying draws on the genetic characteristics of the cornelian cherry, which rarely succumbs to plant diseases and pests.

People used to say that the power of the cornelian cherry is such that it even fooled the devil. Seeing that this tree bloomed first, the devil leaped onto it, thinking it would also bear fruit first, and claimed it as its own. And so, the devil waited and waited... Cherries, plums, apricots, grapes, apples, pears... were ripening, but on the “devil’s” tree, there was nothing but green leaves. Finally, in late summer, small, bright red fruits appeared. “Ah,” thought the devil, “my time has come.” He tasted the bright red, sour, and bitter fruits, grumbled angrily, and leaped from the tree never to return. Thus, the tree drove away the devil, and in the meantime, its fruits ripened, softened, and could be used by all those who knew how to wait and appreciate the gifts of nature. The moral of the story is that humans were still more powerful than the devil because they were patient enough to recognize the true value and healing properties of the cornelian cherry. The cornelian cherry makes also a connection with yellow flowers and branches that were once brought to the church for blessing on Palm Sunday or the Sunday before Easter. In ancient times, it was customary to weave the branches into a circle and make a handle to carry it. In the meantime the climate has changed so much that by Palm Sunday, there are yet no flowers, only leaves, on the cornelian cherry.

The cornelian cherry belongs to trees acting as donors since it accumulates a large amount of cosmic energy. It helps people who have it nearby to cope more easily with life’s difficulties and illnesses. Thus, it is beneficial to plant it in your close proximity. It is also a valuable honey plant, due to its early, rich, and prolonged flowering, providing significant amounts of pollen and nectar. Its wood, known as cornelian cherry wood, is hard, heavy, and resistant, making it useful for various purposes. The cornelian cherry grows young sprouts from the stump and roots easily, thus acting as a pioneer of vegetation, which is a great connection to the Slavic god of vegetation, Juraj (George), who became Ivan (John) and to the name Sv. Ivan Zelina.

This interpretation can be incorporated into the house and its surroundings through stories and QR codes. The anecdote on “how to get rid of the devil” and the connection with spring and the Easter period should also be utilised. For a warm welcome, guests can be treated to a well-known liqueur or brandy made from cornelian cherries, which is also highly valued for its health benefits.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Luka i prijatelji, Drvo




Vlasnici su u horoskopu: STRIJELAC – odgovara mu hrast, javor, lipa i smokva, te LAV – odgovara mu drvo limuna, naranče, banane, palme, lovora, masline, badema, ali i jasen.

U vrtu oko kuće imaju šljive, jabuke i lavandu.

Danas se uzgaja više od 2000 vrsta šljiva. Prunus domestica je latinski naziv šljive i pripada u porodicu Rosaceae (ruža). Najpoznatije su talijanka, požegača i mirabelle – šljiva je ženskog roda i zato su i poznate vrste dobile ženska imena. Šljiva ima još jednu posebnost u našem svakodnevnom govoru kroz govornu metaforu koja je slikovito, motivirano prikazivanje sadržaja.

Evo nekoliko primjera: „bio je plav ko šljiva” ili „sine moj, opet imaš šljivu ispod oka, sigurno si se potukao s dečkima”. Ono što je malo poznato, a dobro je za interpretaciju o šljivama jest da se gurmanski miris zrele šljive upotrebljava u parfemskim kompozicijama, naprimjer u čuvenom parfemu Femme Rochas. Poznato je i piće Aura šljiva, proizvedeno destilacijom domaćih šljiva, bez dodatnih boja i aroma. Krasi ga lijepa kristalno bistra i transparentna boja te ugodan i profinjen miris.

Prema narodnom vjerovanju, šljiva je izvor bogatstva, tradicije i apsolutnog blaženstva. Osim toga, šljiva – na neki način mnogo toga govori i o narodnom karakteru i mentalitetu. Na našim prostorima, osobito Like i Slavonije, rakija ima gotovo mitsko značenje, jer u našoj prošlosti gotovo da i nije bilo važnijeg događaja koji je protekao bez šljivovice. Vjenčanja, sprovodi, sjetve, žetve, ujutro za dobar dan, uvečer za bolji san. Opjevana je u pučkim pjesmama, nudi se najdražim gostima i daruje najvažnijim osobama.

Tradicionalna voćna rakija proizvedena je modernom tehnologijom uz odabir najkvalitetnijih plodova šljive s vlastitih plantaža branih u stadiju visoke zrelosti, što pri destilaciji omogućava dobivanje posebne arome. Specifična boja šljivovice postignuta je tradicionalnim načinom, maceracijom grančica šljive s kojih je prethodno uklonjena kora.

Prijedlog je za interpretaciju dekoracija uz šljive koje su ukusne i kada su osušene pa to može biti i dobrodošlica uz tradicijsku šljivovicu.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Jeannie Reynolds, Fruit Song



Owners’ zodiac signs: SAGITTARIUS – it is best matched with oak, maple, linden and fig trees, LEO - this zodiac sign is well matched with lemon and orange trees, bananas, bay, olive and almond trees as well as ash trees.

In the garden there are plum and apple trees, and lavender.

Nowadays there are more than 2000 species of plums. Its Latin name is Prunus domestica and it belongs to the family Rosaceae (rose).  The Italian plum, Požegača, and Mirabelle are all types of plums. The word for plum is of the feminine gender in many languages, and thus these well-known varieties have been given female names. The word plum is used in Croatian everyday speech in many metaphors, which vividly and meaningfully communicate their messages, for example, the phrase plav ko šljiva in the Croatian language meaning as blue as a plum. What is less known is that the intoxicating scent of ripe plums is used in perfumes, such as the famous Femme Rochas. Another well-known plum product is brandy by Aura Distillery, a drink made by the distillation of local plums without adding colours or aromas. It is characterized by its beautiful crystal-clear and transparent colour, with a pleasant and refined scent.  

According to folk beliefs, the plum is a source of wealth, tradition, and absolute bliss. Additionally, the plum, in a curious way, speaks volumes about the national character and mentality. In our regions, particularly in Lika and Slavonia, plum brandy (šljivovica) holds almost mythical significance. In our history, there was hardly an important event without it being served. Weddings, funerals, sowing, harvests are all accompanied by plum brandy. It is drunk in the morning for a good day and in the evening for better dreams. It is celebrated in folk songs, offered to the most cherished guests, and given as a gift to the most important people.

This traditional fruit brandy is produced using modern technology and by selecting the highest quality plums from local orchards, harvested at the peak of ripeness. This ensures a unique aroma during distillation. The specific colour of the plum brandy is achieved by applying a traditional method, i.e. by macerating plum twigs from which the bark has been previously removed.

The interpretation should focus on plums which can be used for decoration. Since they are delicious even when dried, they could be served to tourists with the traditional plum brandy as part of a warm welcome.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Jeannie Reynolds, Fruit Song





Vlasnik je u horoskopu STRIJELAC – njemu najbolje odgovaraju hrast, javor, lipa i smokva.

U vrtu uz ukrasno bilje rastu vinova loza, jabuke i čempresi.

Jabuka ima mitološko i religiozno značenje i često se pojavljuje kao mistični ili zabranjen plod. Cvijet jabuke označava obožavanje. Vjeruje se da drvo jabuke u dvorištu privlači povoljnu energiju i pomaže u stvaranju skladne i harmonične obitelji. Jabuka simbolizira element vatre, ljubavi, ozdravljenja i obnove. U mnogim tradicijama simbol jabuke predstavljao je blagostanje, izazove i božanski dar. Energija jabuke povezuje se s obnovom energije i povratkom snage u tehnici dekoracije feng shui.

U starogrčkoj mitologiji jabuka je posvećena boginji ljubavi, ljepote i plodnosti Afroditi i bila je drvo života sa zlatnim plodovima koji su omogućavali vječnu mladost i besmrtnost, boginja Gea poklonila je jabuku Zeusu i Heri pri njihovu vjenčanju i stabla jabuke ukrašavala su vrt vječne mladosti koji su čuvale Hesperide.

Jedan je od najpoznatijih mitova onaj koji govori o čuvenoj jabuci koju je Erida bacila između tri boginje: Afrodite, Here i Atene, a bila je upućena najljepšoj. Odluku o tome koja boginja mora dobiti jabuku, nakon svojevrsnog natjecanja, donio je Prijamov izgubljeni sin Paris. Taj mit, kako onda tako i sada, poznat je kao mit o čuvenoj „jabuci razdora”.

Prema legendi, Aleksandar Veliki tragajući za vodom života u Indiji pronašao je jabuke koje su životni vijek produžavale čak i do 400 godina. U keltskim predanjima jabuka predstavlja sveto stablo s onoga svijeta, koje daje plodove znanja, magije i otkrivenja. Smatrali su je simbolom plodnosti i braka i bila je obvezan poklon koji mladoženja daruje svojoj nevjesti, čime pokazuje želju da im brak bude dugovječan i želju da mu baš ona rodi djecu.

Zlatna je jabuka u alkemiji simbol sumpora, a zbog pet krakova i pet sjemenki smještenih u njezinu središtu neki je smatraju i simbolom slobode i spoznaje.

U kršćanstvu postoji ambivalentan stav prema jabuci kao simbolu. Jabuka se odnosi na Adamov pad nakon što je probao zabranjenu jabuku s drveta znanja u rajskom vrtu, koju mu je ponudila Eva na nagovor zmije kako bi ga zavela. Za kaznu su oboje protjerani iz rajskog vrta. Tako je jabuka postala simbol znanja i besmrtnosti, kao i grijeha i seksualnosti. Istodobno, kada je prikazuju uz Isusa Krista ili Bogorodicu, jabuka je i simbol novog čovjeka i iskupljenja. Na primjer, u kineskoj tradiciji predstavlja simbol mira, i poklanja se kada se potpisuje primirje.

Sir Isaac Newton dobio je udarac u glavu upravo od jabuke koja je pala s drveta i taj je udarac, kako priča kaže, nadahnuo čuvenog fizičara na otkriće važnih zakona fizike, odnosno zakona gravitacije.

Interpretacija i dekoracija mogu se povezati i s bajkom o Snjeguljici i sedam patuljaka, gdje Snjeguljica zagriza najljepši i najsočniji, ali otrovan dio crvene jabuke koju joj je dala maćeha. Kroz ovu priču jabuka još jednom simbolizira iskušenje za smrtnike, ali i PUT, jer jabuka je simbolički prešla veliki put: od jabuke razdora, preko jabuke koja je bila uzrok čovjekova istjerivanja iz raja pa sve do jabuke pomirenja, odnosno povezivanja.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Roger Miller, Little Green Apples



The owner’s zodiac sign is SAGITTARIUS – it is best matched with oak, maple, linden and fig trees. In addition to decorative plants, there are apple trees, cypresses and the grape vine in the garden.

The apple has a mythological and religious significance and often appears as a mystical or forbidden fruit. The apple flower symbolizes worship. It is believed that an apple tree in the yard attracts favourable energy and helps create a harmonious and balanced family. The apple symbolizes the element of fire, love, healing, and renewal. In many traditions, the apple represents prosperity, challenges, and God’s gift. According to Feng shui, the apple is associated with energy renewal and recuperation.

In ancient Greek mythology, the apple was dedicated to the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, Aphrodite. It was perceived as the tree of life bearing golden apples that granted eternal youth and immortality. The goddess Gaia gave them to Zeus and Hera on their wedding day, and apples adorned the garden of eternal youth guarded by the Hesperides.

One of the most famous myths is the one about the apple that Eris threw among three goddesses: Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena. The apple was intended for the fairest of them. The decision about which goddess should receive the apple was made by Paris, the lost son of Priam after a competition. This myth is known as the myth of the “apple of discord”.

According to a legend, Alexander the Great, while searching for the water of life in India, found apples that extended lifespan up to 400 years. In Celtic traditions, the apple represents the sacred tree from the other world, which bears fruits of knowledge, magic, and revelation. They considered it a symbol of fertility and marriage, and it was a mandatory gift that the groom gave to his bride, expressing his desire for their marriage to be long-lasting and his wish for her to bear his children.

In alchemy, the golden apple is a symbol of sulphur, and because of its five lobes and five seeds positioned at its centre, some consider it a symbol of freedom and enlightenment.

In Christianity, there is an ambivalent attitude towards the apple as a symbol. The apple refers to Adam’s fall after he tasted the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, offered to him by Eve at the serpent’s urging to seduce him. As punishment, they were both expelled from the Garden of Eden. Thus, the apple became a symbol of knowledge and immortality, as well as sin and sexuality. At the same time, when depicted with Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary, it symbolizes the new man and redemption.

In Chinese tradition, the apple represents a symbol of peace and is given when a peace treaty is signed.

Sir Isaac Newton received a blow to the head when an apple fell from a tree, and that blow, as the story goes, inspired the famous physicist to discover an important law of physics, i.e. the law of gravity.

The interpretation can also draw on the fairy tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, since Snow White bites into the most beautiful and juiciest, but poisoned, part of the red apple given to her by her stepmother. In this story, the apple once again symbolizes temptation for mortals but also the JOURNEY because the apple has symbolically come a long way: from the apple of discord, via the apple that caused human’s expulsion from paradise, to the apple of reconciliation, or connection.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Roger Miller, Little Green Apples





Vlasnik je u horoskopu LAV – tom horoskopskom znaku odgovara drvo limuna, naranče, banane, palme, lovora, masline, badema, ali i jasen.

Uz kuću je mediteranski vrt na kontinentu: palme, paprat, juke i banane.

Palme (lat. Arecaceae, prije Palmae), predstavljaju biljnu porodicu jednosupnica kojoj pripada oko 2800 vrsta i jedini je predstavnik u redu palmolike (Arecales). Rastu samoniklo većinom u tropskim i suptropskim krajevima, a u ostalim se područjima kultiviraju kao ukrasne biljke. Kad pomislimo na palme, većina nas vidi pješčane plaže i sunčano nebo. To je donekle razumljivo, jer je palma jedan od solarnih simbola. Kao i drugi solarni simboli, palma predstavlja mnoge snažne karakteristike. Istina, čast, hrabrost i širenje samo su neki od njih, ali presudni su za simboliku ovog drveta. Kao solarni simbol, većina osobina palmi muške je prirode. No ujedno je plod, što ga čini jednako ženstvenim. Dakle, imamo savršeno uravnoteženo jedinstvo i integraciju spolova i karakteristika. Mnogi autori navode palmu kao ikonu za cijelu Judeju nakon Mojsija i izlaska iz Egipta. U ovoj priči Mojsije oslobađa Židove koje je egipatski faraon stoljećima držao u ropstvu. Uzimajući u obzir ovu priču, palma je simbol pobjede nad nesrećom.

Za interpretaciju mogu se koristiti i simboli palmi u našim snovima koji govore i o našoj sposobnosti da se uzdignemo iznad sukoba i postignemo uspjeh čak i u teškim vremenima. Palme pokazuju da postoji drugi način, a to je da shvatimo da je naš život – bez obzira na sve probleme i poteškoće – poput palme!

Isidora Duncan, slavna plesačica, zapravo majka suvremenog plesa i žena poznatog pjesnika Sergeja Jesenjina, proslavila je Opatiju svojim boravkom u vili „Amalia”, gdje danas postoji i njezina bista. Osim po svojem životu i djelovanju, poznata je i po promjeni paradigme koja nam je posebno važna. Njezine su riječi: „Ples je izraz subjektivnog osjećaja i stanja duha.” Nakon preseljenja u Pariz (1902.) upoznaje filozofa Nietzschea uz kojeg dobiva ideju za pokretanje vlastitoga filozofskog pravca – onog u plesu. Za našu je zemlju važna jer je govorila da je inspiraciju za svoje pokrete dobila gledajući njihanje palmi u parku u Opatiji.

U interpretaciji savjet je poveznica s plesom i glazbom koje se može uključiti u dekoraciju i kreiranje atmosfere u kući, uz dekoraciju kroz fotografiju i glazbu koja može dočekati goste.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Dubrovački trubaduri, Dok palme njišu grane



The owner’s zodiac sign is LEO - this zodiac sign is well matched with lemon and orange trees, bananas, bay, olive and almond trees as well as ash trees.

The house is surrounded by a Mediterranean garden including: palms, fern, yucca, bananas.

Palms (Latin names: Arecaceae, previously Palmae) belong to the plant family Arecaceae, which includes around 2800 species and is the only representative in the order Arecales. They grow naturally mostly in tropical and subtropical regions, while in other areas they are cultivated as ornamental plants. When we think of palms, most of us envision sandy beaches and sunny skies. This is somewhat understandable because the palm is one of the solar symbols. Like other solar symbols, the palm represents many powerful characteristics. These include truth, honour, courage, and expansion, to name a few. Being a solar symbol, most of the palm’s characteristics are of masculine nature. However, it also bears fruit, which makes it equally feminine. Thus, we have a perfectly balanced unity and integration of genders and characteristics.
In the story of Exodus from Egypt, Moses frees the Jews who had been enslaved by the Egyptian pharaoh for centuries. Within the context of that story, the palm symbolizes victory over adversity.

The interpretation can also draw on the symbols of palms in our dreams. Dreaming palms may speak about our ability to rise above conflicts and achieve success even in difficult times. Palms indicate that there is another way and that our life, despite all problems and difficulties, is like a palm tree!

Isadora Duncan, the famous dancer, the mother of modern dance and the wife of the renowned poet Sergei Yesenin, used to stay at the villa “Amalia” in Opatija, in front of which her sculpture stands today. Isadora Duncan changed the dance paradigm and summed up the new one in this way: “Dance is the expression of subjective feelings and states of mind.” After moving to Paris in 1902, she met the philosopher Nietzsche, from whom she gained the idea to start her own philosophical dance-related movement. She is important for our country since she made Opatija world-known by saying that she had found inspiration for her movements by watching the swaying of palm trees in a park in Opatija.  

The interpretation should focus on dance and music, which can be used to create an atmosphere in the house. This can be achieved through decorations such as photographs, and by playing music when welcoming guests.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Dubrovački trubaduri, Dok palme njišu grane





Vlasnici su u horoskopu BLIZANCI – orašasto drveće, tanko i s mnogo grana; kesten je prikladan za ovaj horoskopski znak, te JARAC – u dunji ima dobroga astroenergetskog saveznika, kao i u jasiki i topoli.

Veliki prostrani prostor oko kuće u kojem je na prvom mjestu orah, a istaknuta je i šuma bagrema/akacije. Ima mnogo mediteranskog bilja i različitih vrsta cvijeća. Za interpretaciju je interesantna smokva, pa svakako u interpretaciju treba uključiti i priču povezanu s imenom kuće Tosca. Floria Tosca postojala je u stvarnom životu, a tu temu iskoristio je slavni Giacomo Puccini. Floria u prijevodu označava cvjetanje. Ime Flora latinskog je porijekla i izvedeno je od riječi florus, florore, što znači cvjetajući, cvjetati, a povijesno i mitološki to je staroitalska božica proljeća, cvjetanja i plodnosti. Njoj u čast slavile su se svetkovine Floralia i u helenističko doba, često su je poistovjećivali i s Afroditom, grčkom božicom ljubavi i ljepote. Zato je prijedlog da se kao dobrodošlica uz glazbu Puccinijeve Tosce na vidljivo mjesto stave stihovi: T – tebi / O – otvaram / S – srce / C – cvjetajuća / A – atmosfero. Evo i malo humora: premetanjem slova riječi Tosca dobije se engleska riječ ascot koja ima značenje: kravata ili šal sa širokim krajevima, što se može također iskoristiti za dekoraciju uz note i slike povezane i s operom.

Smokvu nazivaju i rajskim voćem Mediterana jer je bogata brojnim fitonutrijentima, vitaminima i antioksidansima. Ljekoviti su dijelovi plod, mliječni sok, list i kora drveta. Pripada porodici dudova i stablo je koje može doživjeti 50 do 70 godina. Smokva potječe iz Mezopotamije, u Egiptu se spominje 4000 godina prije Krista, a bila je čak i Kleopatrino omiljeno voće. Smatra se da je smokva iz jugozapadne Azije, preko Turske dospjela na Mediteran. Smokva spada u takozvane drevne biljke čija je ljekovitost poznata čovjeku još od samih početaka civilizacije. Stari liječnik Plinije Stariji za smokvu navodi sljedeće: „Smokve obnavljaju. Osnažuju mlade, a starima održavaju zdravlje i brišu bore da izgledaju mlađe.” Osim ljekovitih vrijednosti, smokva je drevnim narodima vjerojatno predstavljala važnu religijsku ili simboličku vrijednost. U antičkoj Grčkoj sudionicima Olimpijskih igra stavljala se oko vrata smokva.

U Rimu se štovalo više svetih smokvinih stabala, a posebna čast pridavana je smokvinu stablu na Forumu Romanumu koje je, prema mitovima, hranilo utemeljitelje Carstva. Bilo je posvećeno Marsu jer je s vestalkom Reom Silvijom začeo blizance Romula i Rema. Poznati je prorok Muhamed jednom rekao: „Ako bih zaželio rajsko voće, to bi zasigurno bila smokva.” Smokva se spominje i u Kur'anu te u nekim babilonskim spisima, a vjerojatno je sumerska civilizacija bila prva koja ju je upotrebljavala kao lijek jer štiti živčani sustav od stresa, potiče imunitet te znatno usporava proces starenja.

Za interpretaciju je posebno interesantno što smokvin list simbolizira požudu i spolnost, a „odjenuli” su ga i Adam i Eva. Smokva je ukusna i ljekovita, a dobra je i kao suha pa se može poslužiti i kao dobrodošlica uz glazbu Puccinijeve Tosce.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Plácido Domingo, E lucevan le stelle (Puccini, Tosca)



Owners’ zodiac signs are GEMINI - they are well suited with nut trees, slender trees with many branches, and the perfect tree for this zodiac sign is chestnut, and CAPRICORN – quince, aspen and poplar are its allies when it comes to astrology and energy.

A large spacious area surrounds the house with walnut trees and an acacia grove standing out. It abounds with Mediterranean plants and various types of flowers, while the fig tree is particularly interesting for interpretation. Also, what is important is the story behind the name of the house, Tosca. Floria Tosca, after whom the house is named, was a real person, and the famous Giacomo Puccini used her as the theme for his opera. Floria could be translated as flowering, derived from the Latin word florus, florere, meaning to bloom. Historically and mythologically, Flora is an ancient Italian goddess of spring, blooming, and fertility. The festival Floralia was celebrated in her honour in ancient Rome and in Hellenistic times, she was often identified with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Therefore, the suggestion is to welcome guests with music from Puccini’s Tosca and to prominently display some verses. For example, in Croatian: T – tebi / O – otvaram / S – srce / C – cvjetajuća / A – atmosfero, or in English T….tenderly/ O…..opening/ S……senses to / C……colourful/ A……atmosphere. Some humour could be included as well: if the word TOSCA is read from right to left, it becomes the English word ACSOT, which means “a tie or scarf with broad ends”. So, this could also be used as a decorative element along with music sheets and images related to the opera.

The fig is also called the heavenly fruit of the Mediterranean because it is rich in numerous phytonutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. The fig fruit, its milky sap, leaves, and bark all have healing properties. The fig tree belongs to the mulberry family and can live for 50 - 70 years. Figs originate from Mesopotamia, and they were mentioned in Egypt 4000 years before Christ, and were Cleopatra’s favourite fruit. It is believed that the fig tree spread to the Mediterranean from Southwest Asia, passing through Turkey. The fig is considered one of the so-called ancient plants, whose medical properties have been known to humans since the beginning of civilization. The ancient physician Pliny the Elder said: “Figs renew. They invigorate the young and maintain the health of the elderly, erasing wrinkles to make them look younger.” In addition to its healing properties, the fig also used to hold significant religious or symbolic importance. For instance, in ancient Greece, participants in the Olympic Games were adorned with fig wreaths.

In Rome, several sacred fig trees were revered, with particular reverence given to the fig tree on the Roman Forum, which, according to myths, nourished the founders of the Empire. It was dedicated to Mars because he conceived the twins Romulus and Remus with the vestal virgin Rhea Silvia. The famous prophet Muhammad once said, “If I were to wish for a heavenly fruit, it would surely be a fig.” The fig is also mentioned in the Quran and in some Babylonian texts, and it is likely that the Sumerian civilization was the first to use it as medicine because it protects the nervous system from stress, boosts immunity, and significantly slows down the aging process.

For interpretation, it is also interesting that the fig leaf symbolizes desire and sexuality, as it was used to “dress” Adam and Eve. The fig is delicious and healthy, and it is also good when dried, so it can be served to guests at a welcome while music from Puccini’s Tosca is playing. 

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Plácido Domingo, E lucevan le stelle (Puccini, Tosca)





Vlasnici su u horoskopu DJEVICE te im pripada orašasto drveće, razgranato i isprepleteno: orah, lješnjak i badem.

Na ulazu je impozantna jela, a ima i voćaka: jabuka, trešnja, šljiva i orah.

Kuća je od drva i unutarnji je dio sav u drvu jele. U interpretaciji će se upotrebljavati drvo jele i energija mjeseca (Lune), jer je na ulazu, a prisutna je i u unutrašnjosti. S ovim drvetom povezana su brojna narodna vjerovanja. Jela je simpatetično drvo, a to znači da ima čarobne moći. Vjeruje se da jela samom svojom prisutnošću može iscjeljivati. Jela se povezuje sa ženskim principom, kao i mjesec, i vjerojatno se zato vjeruje da se u krošnji ovog drveta kriju šumske vile. U narodu je utemeljeno vjerovanje da će jela i preparati od jele više pomoći ženi nego muškarcu. U narodnim pričama i pjesmama bor se povezuje s muškarcem ili mladićem, a jela sa ženom, odnosno djevojkom. Jela je rasprostranjena na velikim područjima sjeverne polutke, doseže visinu do 90 metara i može živjeti do 800 godina. U magičnu moć jele vjerovali su mnogi narodi, zbog čega su palili njezine iglice kod rođenja djeteta kako bi donijeli blagoslov i zaštitu.

Zbog svoje ljepote i mirisa izabrana je za tradicionalno božićno drvce. Značenje jele predstavlja istinu, iskrenost i poštenje. To je zato što obično raste ravno poput stupa, a s druge strane, stablo jele također je veoma usko. Glavna su simbolička značenja jele dugovječnost i otpornost, stoga nosi simboliku stuba snage i visine kule istine. Jele imaju tendenciju da rastu u skupinama i predstavljaju značenje pravog prijateljstva, a zimzelene su tijekom cijele godine pa je to simbol dugotrajne veze s prijateljima i obitelji. Osim toga, njihovo zelenilo simbolizira i nadu, obnovu: ponovno rođenje i obećanje. Jela ima za plod šišarke/češere koji imaju simbolično značenje. Češeri se otvaraju Sunčevim zrakama i čvrsto se zatvaraju kad pada snijeg ili kiša. Kelti su se jelom koristili i za obilježavanje grobova svojih istaknutih ljudi poput poglavica i tako ovo drvo čini jedan od keltskih simbola hrabrih duša. Nordijci su, međutim, upotrebljavali jelu za ukrašavanje tijekom zimskog solsticija. Palili bi jele slaveći život, i to posebno nakon dugog i teškog zimskog perioda, te bi tako bilježili kraj godine i dočekali novu. Drevni narodi Irske imali su vjerovanje da im to drvo dodiruje različite duhovne aspekte njihovih života, o njemu su razmišljali kao o svetom drvetu, upotrebljavali su ga u ceremonijalnoj vatri i njime označavali grobna mjesta. Zimzeleno drveće i biljke korištene su za proslavu zimskih praznika tisućama godina, mnogo prije pojave kršćanstva. Drevni narodi u Europi upotrebljavali su grane zimzelenih jela da ukrase svoje domove i razvedre raspoloženje tijekom zimskog solsticija. Unošenje „jedinoga preostalog” zelenog drveta simboliziralo je unošenje duha života u kuću tijekom zime.

Za interpretaciju i dekoraciju unutrašnjosti uz češere jele svakako je prijedlog iskoristi poveznicu s imenom kuće, Luna (mjesec na latinskom), koja je rimska božica Mjeseca, blizanka Sunca. Kada se Sunce spusti u ocean, Luna se vozi po njegovoj stazi nebom sa svojim bijelcima kako bi smrtnike noću obdarila svjetlom. Mitološki se identificira sa Selenom, Dijanom i Artemidom. Mjesec je moćan vladar tame i vode, djeluje i na elektromagnetska polja naših tijela, a upravlja i svim fiziološkim procesima. Osim na fizičko tijelo, Mjesec ima utjecaj i na druga suptilna tijela kao što su osjećajno, mentalno i duhovno tijelo.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Frank Sinatra, Moonlight Serenade



Owners’ zodiac signs VIRGO - this sign is related to nut trees with stretching and intertwining branches: walnut, hazelnut, almond.

There is an impressive fir tree at the entrance, and there are also fruit trees: apple, cherry, plum and walnut in the garden.

The house is made of wood, and the interior is entirely of fir wood. Fir wood and the energy of the moon (Luna) should be used in the interpretation, because a fir tree grows at the entrance and fir wood is used inside. Numerous folk beliefs are associated with this tree. It has magical powers and it is believed that firs can heal simply by their presence. The fir tree is associated with the feminine principle, just like the moon, and this is probably why it is believed that forest fairies hide in the canopy of this tree. There is a well-established belief that firs and fir preparations will help women more than men. In folk tales and songs, firs are associated with women or girls, while pines are associated with men or young men. The fir is widespread across large areas of the northern hemisphere, reaching heights of up to 90 meters and can live up to 800 years. Many people used to believe in the magical power of firs, which is why they burned their needles at the birth of a child to bring it blessings and protection.

Due to its beauty and fragrance, the fir tree is chosen as the traditional Christmas tree. The fir represents truth, honesty, and integrity. This is because it usually grows straight like a column and is also very slender. The main symbolic meanings of fir are longevity and resilience. It also carries the symbolism of a pillar of strength and the tower of truth. Fir trees tend to grow in groups and represent the meaning of true friendship. Being evergreen they symbolise long-lasting relationships with friends and family. In addition, their greenery symbolizes hope, renewal, rebirth and promise. Fir trees bear cones, which also have symbolic meanings. They do not open to sunlight easily and whenever there is snow or rain, they close tightly. The Celts used fir trees to mark the graves of their prominent figures such as chiefs, making this tree one of the Celtic symbols of brave souls. The Nordic people used fir for decoration during the winter solstice. They would also burn it in an effort to celebrate life, especially after the long and harsh winter periods, thus marking the end of one year and welcoming the next one. The ancient Irish believed that this tree touched various spiritual aspects of their lives; they thought of it as a sacred tree and used it in ceremonial fires and to mark their graves. Evergreen trees and plants have been used to celebrate winter holidays for thousands of years, long before Christianity. Ancient peoples in Europe used evergreen fir branches to decorate their homes and lift spirits during the winter solstice. Bringing in the “last remaining” green tree symbolized bringing the spirit of life into the house during the winter.

Fir cones should be used for the interpretation and decoration of the interior. An additional topic could be the house’s name, Luna (Latin for moon). Luna is the Roman goddess of the Moon, the twin sister of the Sun. When the Sun sets in the Ocean, she rides along its path in the sky with her chariot to bestow light upon mortals at night. Mythologically, she is identified with Selene, Diana, and Artemis. The Moon is a powerful ruler of darkness and water and influences the electromagnetic fields of our bodies and governs all physiological processes. In addition to the physical body, the Moon also influences other subtle bodies such as the emotional, the mental, and the spiritual body.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Frank Sinatra, Moonlight Serenade





Vlasnici su u horoskopu BLIZANCI – orašasto drveće, tanko i s mnogo grana, kesten, te VODENJAK – tom horoskopskom znaku odgovaraju sve isprepletene biljke i drveće. U dunji ima dobroga astroenergetskog saveznika, kao i u jasiki i topoli.

Ističe se drvo cedra i unutar kuće je drvo jele.

Drvo cedar osnova je za interpretaciju posebno jer je poveznica s energijama pet osjetila. Cedar je drvo iz roda četinjača koje najviše cvjeta ujesen, raste obično u visokim planinskim predjelima i parkovima, a u vrtovima je poseban ukras. Prema narodnim vjerovanjima i apotropejskoj botanici, zbog njegove izrazite moći i energije koju posjeduje savjetuje se da bi bilo dobro imati ga ne samo u vrtu ili oko kuće nego i u kući barem jedan predmet od ovog drva. Jedan komadić cedrovine sadrži veliku količinu pozitivne energije i pomaže i u postizanju uspjeha u poslu. Svojim iglicama danju i noću sprema i skuplja energiju svjetla. U moderna vremena eterično ulje cedra postalo je popularno u aromaterapiji, a zbog svojeg neodoljivog mirisa upotrebljava se i u parfumeriji.

Libanonski cedar poznat je u religijskim i mitološkim zapisima, ali i trgovačkim transakcijama naroda Bliskog istoka, koji svojom brojnošću odražavaju upečatljivu važnost koju je cedar imao kod tih starih naroda. Prorok Izaija cedar naziva „slavom Libanona”, a u Psalmima se zove „stablom Gospodnjim”. I zaista, malo koga ostavlja ravnodušnim impozantna visina i stasitost njegova stabla, bujna krošnja razgranata kao u bjelogorice te snaga kojom se uzdiže visoko prema nebu. Osim veličanstvenog izgleda, cedar krasi i smolasto drvo lijepe boje i izrazito ugodnog mirisa. Ime mu potječe od starogrčkog naziva za smolu, kedros, zahvaljujući kojoj je drvo vrlo otporno na truljenje i stoga neprocjenjivo. Zbog svega navedenog, vladari starine nisu mu mogli odoljeti. Upotrebljavali su ga za gradnju hramova, palača i brodova. No zbog intenzivnoga tisućljetnog iskorištavanja cedrovine, na planinama Libanona danas je preostalo vrlo malo cedrovih šuma.

Iako stablo cedra raste u mnogim dijelovima svijeta, pa tako i u Hrvatskoj, libanonski je cedar jedno je od stabala koje je opisano u mnogim knjigama i opjevano u pjesmama te je nerazdvojan dio kulturnog nasljeđa svoje postojbine.

U interpretaciju u unutarnjem prostoru može se staviti i Pjesma nad pjesmama, koja je jedna od knjiga Svetoga pisma Staroga zavjeta čini je ciklus ljubavnih pjesama, koje uglavnom imaju oblik dijaloga između zaručnice i zaručnika. Zaručnica opisuje svojeg zaručnika: „Stas mu je kao Liban, vitak poput cedra.” Zaručnik kaže zaručnici: „Miris je haljina tvojih kao miris libanski…” Drugdje se opet navodi: „Sebi je prijestolje načinio kralj Salomon od drva libanskoga.” Kao globalna poveznica može se uključiti i svjetski poznati pjesnik Khalil Gibran kroz remek-djelo Prorok koje je proslavio drvo cedra po cijelom svijetu. Bio je libanonsko-američki pjesnik i slikar, iznimnog senzibiliteta i nadarenosti.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Louis Armstrong, What a Wonderful World



Owners’ zodiac signs GEMINI - they are well suited with nut trees, slender trees with many branches, and chestnut, AQUARIUS - it is the zodiac sign that goes well with all intertwined plants and trees. Quince, aspen and poplar are its allies when it comes to astrology and energy.

What stands out in the garden is a cedar tree, while within the house fir wood is used.

The cedar tree is the main motif for interpretation since it relates to five senses. Cedar is a coniferous tree that typically blossoms in autumn, often found in high mountainous regions and parks, and adding a special charm to gardens. According to folklore and apotropaic botany, due to its pronounced power and energy, it is advised to have at least one item made of cedarwood not only in the garden or around the house but also inside the home. A piece of cedar contains a large amount of positive energy and aids in achieving success in business. Its needles absorb and collect light energy both during day and night. In modern times, cedarwood essential oil has become popular in aromatherapy, and due to its irresistible scent, it is also used in the perfume industry.

The Lebanese cedar is well-known in religious and mythological records, as well as in the trade transactions of the peoples of the Middle East. The prophet Isaiah refers to the cedar tree as the “glory of Lebanon” while in the Psalms, it is called the “tree of the Lord”. Indeed, one has to marvel at the impressive height and robustness of this tree. Its luxuriant canopy stretches out like that of deciduous trees and the strength with which the tree rises high towards the sky is impressive. In addition to its magnificent appearance, cedar is characterized by its resinous wood of beautiful colour and a particularly pleasant scent. Its name comes from the ancient Greek term for resin, kedros, owing to which cedarwood is highly resistant to decay and therefore invaluable. Because of all these qualities, the rulers of antiquity could not resist it. They used it for building temples, palaces, and ships. However, due to intensive millennia-long exploitation of cedar forests, nowadays there are very few cedar forests left in the mountains of Lebanon.   

Although the cedar tree grows in many parts of the world, including Croatia, and is one of the trees described in many books and celebrated in numerous songs, the Lebanese cedar is unique and specific and thus an inseparable part of the cultural heritage of its homeland.

In the interpretation of the interior space, Song of Solomon, one of the books of the Old Testament, can be used. It consists of a cycle of love poems, primarily presenting dialogues between a bride and a groom. The bride describes her groom: “His appearance is like Lebanon, as majestic as the cedars.” The groom says to the bride: “The fragrance of your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon.” Elsewhere, it is mentioned: “King Solomon made himself a palanquin from the wood of Lebanon.” A connection with the world-renowned poet Khalil Gibran could also be made since he celebrated the cedar tree in his masterpiece The Prophet. He was a Lebanese-American poet and painter, known for his exceptional sensitivity and talent.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Louis Armstrong, What a Wonderful World





Owners’ zodiac signs: GEMINI - they are well suited with nut trees, slender trees with many branches, and chestnut, AQUARIUS - it is the zodiac sign that goes well with all intertwined plants and trees. Quince, aspen and poplar are its allies when it comes to astrology and energy.

The surrounding trees include acacia, cypress, and olive trees. The house is made of wood, primarily oak and spruce. We have already suggested interpretations for acacia, cypress, and olive trees, and they have been assigned to specific holiday homes. So, daisy (ivančica in Croatian) should be used as the plant associated with this holiday home because the owner's name is Ivana. A creative connection with the goat willow (called “Iva” in Croatian) can be also established. Daisies, being wildflowers, grow and blossom profoundly. Daisies are also known as marguerites, and that word can be used to connect the holiday home to literature and Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita. Bulgakov, who was a doctor by profession, definitely leaves no one indifferent. His novel intertwines critique of the regime and religion, motifs of fantasy, autobiography, fairy tales, tragedy, comedy, romance, and above all, satire.

The traditional folk holiday Midsummer Day (Ivanje) is also associated with daisies (ivančice), since girls used to pick them that day to make wreaths for their hair. The goddess Lada is often associated with midsummer bonfires and is mentioned in songs sung during midsummer processions. Such songs were preserved and sung in some places until the mid-20th century. During the procession, the girls wore floral wreaths. The floral wreath is a symbol of innocence, but in this context, it is also a spiritual sign, a sign of faith (pagan matriarchy) and the power of girls holding processions on Pentecost and Midsummer Day.

Our renowned folklore ensemble Lado acts as an ambassador of daisies, conveying the power of daisies through traditional songs and dances worldwide.

Additionally, what could be used in the interpretation is the fact that daisies, like the goat willow, are associated with those born in April. This could be connected to St. George’s Day (23 April), when the son of the supreme god Veles and Mother Mokosh emerges. The daisy is a symbol of joy, innocence, youthfulness, playfulness, but also of parting. Its petals are used to ask whether our beloved one loves us or not, so the daisy could be linked to the uncertainty of love and longing as well. Daisies will make a perfect gift for those born in April as they will immediately make them feel special.

Daisies should certainly be used as a connection to our traditional customs and calendar. A special story about this flower can be presented and guests can be involved in interactive activities such as creating their own souvenir, a flower wreath. In the past, the tradition was to weave the wreath on the eve of St. John’s Day, and in some regions, the activity started when the evening mass bell rang. Besides daisies, other flowers, depending on what was available, were sometimes woven into wreaths. The wreath was placed on the house in a visible place and remained there throughout the year until a new one was put up. Daisies were also used to decorate the entrance doors, and a bouquet of flowers was placed in a special place in the house. This could be done even now in the holiday home, complementing the story.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Jim Reeves, Welcome to My World



Owners’ zodiac signs: GEMINI - they are well suited with nut trees, slender trees with many branches, and chestnut, AQUARIUS - it is the zodiac sign that goes well with all intertwined plants and trees. Quince, aspen and poplar are its allies when it comes to astrology and energy.

The surrounding trees include acacia, cypress, and olive trees. The house is made of wood, primarily oak and spruce. We have already suggested interpretations for acacia, cypress, and olive trees, and they have been assigned to specific holiday homes. So, daisy (ivančica in Croatian) should be used as the plant associated with this holiday home because the owner's name is Ivana. A creative connection with the goat willow (called “Iva” in Croatian) can be also established. Daisies, being wildflowers, grow and blossom profoundly. Daisies are also known as marguerites, and that word can be used to connect the holiday home to literature and Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita. Bulgakov, who was a doctor by profession, definitely leaves no one indifferent. His novel intertwines critique of the regime and religion, motifs of fantasy, autobiography, fairy tales, tragedy, comedy, romance, and above all, satire.

The traditional folk holiday Midsummer Day (Ivanje) is also associated with daisies (ivančice), since girls used to pick them that day to make wreaths for their hair. The goddess Lada is often associated with midsummer bonfires and is mentioned in songs sung during midsummer processions. Such songs were preserved and sung in some places until the mid-20th century. During the procession, the girls wore floral wreaths. The floral wreath is a symbol of innocence, but in this context, it is also a spiritual sign, a sign of faith (pagan matriarchy) and the power of girls holding processions on Pentecost and Midsummer Day.

Our renowned folklore ensemble Lado acts as an ambassador of daisies, conveying the power of daisies through traditional songs and dances worldwide.

Additionally, what could be used in the interpretation is the fact that daisies, like the goat willow, are associated with those born in April. This could be connected to St. George’s Day (23 April), when the son of the supreme god Veles and Mother Mokosh emerges. The daisy is a symbol of joy, innocence, youthfulness, playfulness, but also of parting. Its petals are used to ask whether our beloved one loves us or not, so the daisy could be linked to the uncertainty of love and longing as well. Daisies will make a perfect gift for those born in April as they will immediately make them feel special.

Daisies should certainly be used as a connection to our traditional customs and calendar. A special story about this flower can be presented and guests can be involved in interactive activities such as creating their own souvenir, a flower wreath. In the past, the tradition was to weave the wreath on the eve of St. John’s Day, and in some regions, the activity started when the evening mass bell rang. Besides daisies, other flowers, depending on what was available, were sometimes woven into wreaths. The wreath was placed on the house in a visible place and remained there throughout the year until a new one was put up. Daisies were also used to decorate the entrance doors, and a bouquet of flowers was placed in a special place in the house. This could be done even now in the holiday home, complementing the story.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Jim Reeves, Welcome to My World





Vlasnici su u horoskopu BIK – na prvom mjestu jabuka, a zatim kruška, šljiva, višnja, te RIBE – tom znaku odgovara drveće kao što je hrast, javor, lipa ili smokva.

Kuća je moderna i okoliš se tek uređuje pa je prijedlog da se interpretacija napravi u skladu s horoskopskim znakom vlasnika i predlažemo voćku krušku kao interesantno i moćno drvo.

Kruška – Navodim zaista interesantnu priču za interpretaciju koja se može uključiti i kroz QR kod, kroz interpretaciju u vrtu, simbole u kući (npr. slike božica Here i Junone, a ispod slika kruške na kojoj bi pisalo npr. „One nisu pale s kruške!”). „Pasti s kruške” čest je izraz koji upotrebljavamo. Često se za čovjeka koji nije naivan ili koji nije lud da se upusti u neki životni izazov kaže da nije pao s kruške, a kad se želi istaknuti da je tko smušen, smeten, zbunjen ili nerazborit, za njega se kaže da je pao s kruške. Možemo se stoga pitati zašto se negativne ljudske osobine povezuju s drvetom kruške, a ne s drvetom jabuke ili šljive. Kruška je zasigurno jedna od najstarijih voćaka koje se uzgajaju u Europi. Podrijetlom je iz Azije, uzgaja se već više od 4000 godina zbog svojih jestivih i ukusnih plodova. Iz mnogih se zapisa može vidjeti da je kruška imala vrlo pozitivnu konotaciju. Homer je plod kruške opisivao kao dar bogova, a bila je simbol grčke božice Here i rimske božice Junone.

U kineskoj je kulturi kruška simbol besmrtnosti, a carica Marija Terezija ukazom je propisala da svako kućanstvo mora posaditi najmanje jedno stablo kruške. Stoga je začudna negativna konotacija koju ta voćka ima u navedenome frazemu. Milan Šipka u svojoj knjizi Zašto se kaže? (Novi Sad: Prometej, 2010.) na temelju istraživanja narodnih vjerovanja donosi podatak da se u davno doba kruška smatrala zlim drvetom, drvetom oko kojega ili na kojemu su se, prema različitim pričama, okupljali i skrivali zli duhovi, demoni, vragovi, vještice ili sama smrt. Stoga se smatralo da su oni koji bi se slučajno našli u tom nepoželjnom društvu i koji su u obračunu sa zlim silama pali s kruške ostali pomućene pameti. Povezivanje kruške s okupljalištem krajnje sumnjivoga društva dovelo je do refleksije narodnoga vjerovanja u frazemu „pasti s kruške”.

Sanjati kruške pozitivan je znak i govori o dobrom razdoblju pred osobom koja sanja. No tumačenje ovisi o situaciji u kojoj se kruške sanjaju i tako taj san treba i gledati. Da bismo protumačili što točnije san o kruškama, važno je da uzeti kontekst u kojem su se sanjale kruške te što se osjećalo, odnosno koje su se emocije pojavljivale u tom snu. Ovakav san govori kako će doći do napretka ljubavne situacije. Također sugerira uspjeh na poslovnom planu. Kruške simboliziraju plodove rada. Ako ste ih u snu dobili na poklon, takav san sugerira kako ćete osjetiti sreću u poslu i prije nego što ste očekivali, možda čak i s manje truda nego što ste mislili da ćete morati uložiti.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Detour, Slavlje



Owners’ zodiac signs TAURUS – this zodiac sign is primarily related to fruit: especially apple, and then pear, plum and sour cherry, and PISCES - trees such as oak, maple, linden or fig make a good match with this zodiac sign.

The house is modern and the surroundings are still being arranged, so the suggestion is to base the interpretation on the pear tree, as an interesting and powerful tree, also compatible with the owner’s zodiac sign.

The pear tree – the interpretation can be based on a really interesting story that can also be presented through a QR code, in the garden, or by symbols in the house (for example, a picture of goddesses Hera and Juno, with the picture of a pear underneath the goddesses and a note on the pear saying: “…they haven’t fallen from the pear tree!”). This is a version of a common expression in the Croatian language: “He hasn’t fallen from the pear tree!” Often, when referring to someone who is not naive or foolish to do something, it is said that they have not fallen from the pear tree. And when wanting to highlight someone’s confusion or lack of clarity, we might say that the person has fallen from the pear tree. So, we might wonder why negative human traits are associated with the pear tree and not with the apple or the plum tree. The pear tree is certainly one of the oldest fruit trees cultivated in Europe. It originates from Asia and has been cultivated for over 4000 years for its edible and tasty fruits. It can be seen from many past records that the pear used to have very positive connotations. Homer described the pear fruit as a gift from the gods, and it was a symbol of the Greek goddess Hera and the Roman goddess Juno.

In Chinese culture, the pear symbolizes immortality. Empress Maria Theresa decreed by law that every household had to plant at least one pear tree. Hence, the negative connotation that this fruit has in the phrase mentioned above is surprising. Milan Šipka, in his book Why Do We Say That? (2010, Prometej, Novi Sad), based on research into folk beliefs, says that in ancient times the pear tree was considered an evil tree, a tree around which or on which evil spirits, demons, devils, witches, or even death itself gathered and hid. Therefore, it was believed that those who accidentally found themselves in this undesirable company and who engaged in a confrontation with evil forces, if they “fell from the pear tree”, remained confused or bewildered. Hence the origin of the idiom “fallen from the pear tree”.

To dream pears is a positive sign indicating a good period ahead of the dreamer. However, the interpretation of dreams depends on the context and the emotions felt during the dream. Dreaming a pear might be a sign of favourable romantic circumstances. Such a dream suggests that there will be progress in the romantic relations and also implies success in the professional field. Pears symbolize the fruits of labour. If you receive them as a gift in the dream, such a dream suggests that you will feel happiness related to work sooner than expected, perhaps even with less effort than you thought you would need to invest.  

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Detour, Slavlje





The owner’s zodiac sign is PISCES - trees such as oak, maple, linden or fig make a good match with this zodiac sign.

In the garden and its surroundings, apart from pine and cypress trees, mint, roses, lavender, and fruit trees such as apples, pears, cherries, plums, apricots, and peaches stand out.

The interpretation should focus on the connection with mint, which originates from the Greek word minthê or mintha, associated with a myth from Greek mythology. According to the myth, Persephone, the wife of Hades, literally crushed the beautiful nymph Menthe into the ground, turning her into a plant. Menthe was a water nymph who lived by the rivers of the underworld, i.e. in the realm of the god Hades. And as it happens, the god Hades fell in love with the nymph. His jealous wife turned the nymph Menthe into a plant and the god Hades to redeem for the damage bestowed fragrant and healing properties upon the little plant Menthe. Her smell spread farther and wider than of any other plant, and she spread across the entire world. There was only one condition: she needed to be near water. Thus, this myth explains why even nowadays mint prefers moist habitats and why if not planted next to water, it should be watered profoundly. 

Mint goes by many other local names in Croatia (nana, paprena metvica…). There are over 250 species of mint, with spearmint and peppermint being the most well-known. It is believed that mint originated from the Far East and has been used for at least 10,000 years. It is popular in many parts of the world, especially in Arab countries, where it is primarily used as a spice, but also consumed as tea. In other parts of the world, mint tea has been consumed for centuries due to its pleasant taste, aroma, and numerous healing properties. The scents released from this plant significantly elevate the body’s and space’s vibrations. When placed in a bouquet in the bedroom, mint not only facilitates good sleep but sleep that truly rejuvenates both our body and our soul. It has long been known that a sprig of mint, rich in leaves, picked at sunset and placed under the pillow, can enable prophetic dreams. In the 19th century, many American farmers would place “bracelets” made of mint on their children to protect them from smallpox and all kinds of measles.

In Italy, mint was revered in a different way: when embarking on long journeys on foot, people would put a few mint leaves in their shoes to ensure that the journey would end without any fatigue. And in many countries, it is traditionally believed that a few freshly picked leaves, kept close to a person, maintain freshness and vitality. It is particularly interesting how miners in mines once wore thick “belts” made of mint leaves, wrapped in cotton fabric, to gain strength and endurance.

A particularly interesting “selling point” for couples, celebrating anniversaries and other significant dates, is the belief that mint is a powerful aphrodisiac. Therefore, the scent can be introduced into the holiday home in the form of its essential oil. Mint brandy and peppermint candies, loved equally by all generations, can be offered as well.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Elton John, I’m Still Standing



The owner’s zodiac sign is PISCES - trees such as oak, maple, linden or fig make a good match with this zodiac sign.

In the garden and its surroundings, apart from pine and cypress trees, mint, roses, lavender, and fruit trees such as apples, pears, cherries, plums, apricots, and peaches stand out.

The interpretation should focus on the connection with mint, which originates from the Greek word minthê or mintha, associated with a myth from Greek mythology. According to the myth, Persephone, the wife of Hades, literally crushed the beautiful nymph Menthe into the ground, turning her into a plant. Menthe was a water nymph who lived by the rivers of the underworld, i.e. in the realm of the god Hades. And as it happens, the god Hades fell in love with the nymph. His jealous wife turned the nymph Menthe into a plant and the god Hades to redeem for the damage bestowed fragrant and healing properties upon the little plant Menthe. Her smell spread farther and wider than of any other plant, and she spread across the entire world. There was only one condition: she needed to be near water. Thus, this myth explains why even nowadays mint prefers moist habitats and why if not planted next to water, it should be watered profoundly. 

Mint goes by many other local names in Croatia (nana, paprena metvica…). There are over 250 species of mint, with spearmint and peppermint being the most well-known. It is believed that mint originated from the Far East and has been used for at least 10,000 years. It is popular in many parts of the world, especially in Arab countries, where it is primarily used as a spice, but also consumed as tea. In other parts of the world, mint tea has been consumed for centuries due to its pleasant taste, aroma, and numerous healing properties. The scents released from this plant significantly elevate the body’s and space’s vibrations. When placed in a bouquet in the bedroom, mint not only facilitates good sleep but sleep that truly rejuvenates both our body and our soul. It has long been known that a sprig of mint, rich in leaves, picked at sunset and placed under the pillow, can enable prophetic dreams. In the 19th century, many American farmers would place “bracelets” made of mint on their children to protect them from smallpox and all kinds of measles.

In Italy, mint was revered in a different way: when embarking on long journeys on foot, people would put a few mint leaves in their shoes to ensure that the journey would end without any fatigue. And in many countries, it is traditionally believed that a few freshly picked leaves, kept close to a person, maintain freshness and vitality. It is particularly interesting how miners in mines once wore thick “belts” made of mint leaves, wrapped in cotton fabric, to gain strength and endurance.

A particularly interesting “selling point” for couples, celebrating anniversaries and other significant dates, is the belief that mint is a powerful aphrodisiac. Therefore, the scent can be introduced into the holiday home in the form of its essential oil. Mint brandy and peppermint candies, loved equally by all generations, can be offered as well.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Elton John, I’m Still Standing




  • Trg Ante Starčevića 13, 10380 Sv. Ivan Zelina, HR
  • +385 1 2061 808
  • OIB: 60155307304

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07:00 - 15:00 h

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