
Vlasnici su u horoskopu: RIBE –ovom znaku odgovara drveće kao što je hrast, javor, lipa ili smokva koje ima sasvim prihvatljiv energetski utjecaj; isto tako mimoza, drvo banane i palme, sve tropsko drveće, kao i ono koje raste po morskim otocima i sve podvodne biljke, te LAV –ovom znaku odgovara drvo limuna, naranče, banane, palme, lovora, masline, badema, ali i jasen.
Pokraj kuće imaju ogromni stoljetni hrast, šuma je udaljena 1 km, u šumi rastu: bukva, grab, akacija, hrast i kesten. Biljke i cvijeće koje imaju u vrtu kuće: vinograd, bršljani i zelena ograda te voćke: trešnja, višnja, breskva, jabuka.
Interpretacija je vezana s obzirom na to da je u šumi i kesten, koji je resurs i za ukusne namirnice i interesantan je i za organiziranje branja kada mu je sezona. Kesten olakšava reumatske tegobe, eliminira nesanicu i, kako kaže narodna mudrost, tjera strah i napetost različitog porijekla. U armenskoj regiji već su u prapovijesti upotrebljavali drvo i plodove kestena. Uzgoj plodova započinje u razdoblju od 9. do 7. stoljeća prije Krista na području između Kaspijskog i Crnog mora. Odavde se brzo raširio u Aziju, Grčku i na Balkan. U drevnoj Grčkoj slatki kesten široko se uzgajao u Sparti, na primjer od kestena su pekli crni kruh te radili brašno i juhu. Kesteni se spominju u djelima Izaije, Homera, Ksenofona i Hipokrata. Grci, Feničani i Židovi trguju plodovima kestena diljem Mediterana. Rimljani su širili slatki kesten u cijelom Rimskom Carstvu sve do Velike Britanije. Osim ploda i drva kestena također su upotrebljavali med te kao lijek koru, lišće i cvijeće. Mnogi su rimski književnici pisali o kestenu – Plinije Stariji, Kolumela, Virgilije, Ovidije i Dioskurid. Jednom je netko – ozbiljno ili u šali – rekao da je kesten dobio naziv po tome što mu plod sliči na kesu, ali to nije točno. Stari su Grci plod kestena (kastanon) nazivali „žirom bogova” (Dios balanos), a stari su Rimljani transkribirali grčku riječ i nazvali ga Castanea.
Plod kestena spada u nutritivno visokovrijedne namirnice. Kesten je i ljekovita biljka, ljekoviti su dijelovi list i kora. Primarno je djelovanje protuupalno i stežuće, zbog sadržaja tanina. S obzirom na to da drvo kestena kasno cvjeta, odlična je ispaša za pčele i tada jedini izvor peluda i nektara. Kestenov je med vrlo ljekovit i od njega su pripremali medenu rakiju i medicu. Posebna je priča korištenje kestena u bačvarstvu jer vino u takvim bačvama dobiva poseban buke. U Hrvatskoj je niz tradicijskih manifestacija povezanih s kestenom – da spomenemo Kestenijadu u Petrinji, Hrvatskoj Kostajnici, Marunadu u Lovranu itd., a specijaliteti od kestena nezaobilazni su dio i naše gastronomske tradicije uz nezaobilazni pire od kestena.
Za dekoraciju u kući kesten je pogodan rekvizit. Goste kao dobrodošlica u hladnjaku može dočekati pire od kestena uz priču o kestenu, a može se organizirati i malo događanje kada je sezona kestena.
Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Zlatni dukati, Dozreli su kesteni
Poveznica: https://youtu.be/15PwOzYlF1U
Owners’ zodiac signs: PISCES - trees such as oak, maple, linden or fig have an acceptable energetic influence on this zodiac sign. The same goes for mimosa and banana trees and palms, as well as all tropic trees, trees growing on islands and underwater plants.
LEO - this zodiac sign is well matched with lemon and orange trees, bananas, bay, olive and almond trees as well as ash trees.
There is a huge centuries-old oak next to the house. A forest which is a kilometre away is populated by beech, hornbeam, acacia, oak, and chestnut. Plants and flowers in the holiday home’s garden include: the grape vine, ivy and a green living fence, and fruit trees: sour cherry, cherry, peach, apple.
The interpretation of the holiday home is related to the forest and the chestnut tree. When the chestnut season comes tourist can be invited to participate in the activity of collecting chestnuts that can afterwards be turned into a tasty delicacy. Chestnuts alleviate rheumatic ailments, eliminate insomnia, and, as folk wisdom says, dispel fears and tension of various origins. In the Armenian region, the use of chestnut wood and fruit dates back to ancient times. Chestnut fruit cultivation began between the 9th and 7th centuries BC in the area between the Caspian and the Black Sea, spreading quickly to Asia, Greece, and the Balkans. In ancient Greece, sweet chestnuts were widely cultivated in Sparta and used for producing flour, baking black bread and making soup. Chestnuts are mentioned in the works of Isaiah, Homer, Xenophon, and Hippocrates. Greeks, Phoenicians, and Jews traded chestnuts throughout the Mediterranean. Romans spread sweet chestnuts throughout the Roman Empire, even to Great Britain. In addition to chestnut fruit, Romans also used chestnut wood, bark, leaves, and flowers for medical purposes. Many Roman writers, including Pliny the Elder, Columella, Virgil, Ovid, and Dioscorides, wrote about chestnuts. Someone once, seriously or as a joke, said that chestnuts got their name because of their resemblance to a chest, but that is not true. Ancient Greeks called the chestnut fruit "the acorn of the gods" (Dios balanos), and the ancient Romans transcribed the Greek word and called it Castanea.
The chestnut fruit is highly nutritious, while its leaves and bark have healing properties. Its primary effect is anti-inflammatory and astringent due to its tannin content. Since the chestnut tree blooms late, it provides excellent forage for bees, being their only source of pollen and nectar during that time. Chestnut honey is very healthy, and it can also be used for preparing honey brandy and mead. The chestnut wood is used in cooperage, since wine stored in chestnut wood barrels gains a distinctive flavour. In Croatia, there are numerous traditional events associated with chestnuts, such as chestnut festivals held in Petrinja, Hrvatska Kostajnica, Lovran, etc. Chestnut specialties are an integral part of our gastronomic tradition, with chestnut puree being a special delicacy.
Chestnuts are suitable for decorating the holiday home. Chestnut puree can also be prepared and kept in the refrigerator as a welcoming treat for guests. Various events for tourists can be organized when chestnut season arrives.
The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Zlatni dukati, Dozreli su kesteni
Link: https://youtu.be/15PwOzYlF1U