ROBINIA, kuća za odmor

ROBINIA, kuća za odmor

ČAROBNI ZELINSKI VILINSKI PARK /  “Zelina’s enchanted fairy park”




Vlasnici su u horoskopu: RIBE – ovom znaku odgovara drveće kao što je hrast, javor, lipa ili smokva koje ima sasvim prihvatljiv energetski utjecaj; isto tako mimoza, drvo banane i palme, sve tropsko drveće, kao i ono koje raste po morskim otocima i sve podvodne biljke, te BLIZANCI – orašasto drveće, tanko i s mnogo grana; primjerice kesten je idealan za ovaj horoskopski znak.

Ovu kuću treba i interpretacijski povezati s bagremom, jer je Robinia i naziv za to drvo, koje često zovu i akacija. Robinia je dobila naziv po vrtlaru na francuskom dvoru Jeanu Robinu, koji je 1601. donio sjemenke u Europu s teritorija današnje savezne države Virginije. Ime pseudoacacia upućuje na to da je biljka slična akaciji. Riječ hispida dolazi od latinske riječi hispidus, što znači čupav, dlakav. Iz Francuske se bagrem počeo polako širiti po Europi. U početku je uzgajan kao parkovni element, dok se nije shvatilo da je pogodna vrsta za pošumljavanje terena nižeg boniteta. Mađarska je danas vodeća država u svijetu po površini umjetno zasađenih bagremovih šuma.

Za interpretaciju su pogodne priče koje ovo drvo čine posebno moćnim. Prema drevnim predanjima, od bagremova je drva napravljena Noina arka, jer bagrem simbolizira sveto i nepodmitljivo znanje. Bagrem simbolizira zalog uskrsnuća i besmrtnosti, a Kristova trnovita kruna bila je od bagremovih grana. Prema indijskoj predaji, od bagremova je drva bila napravljena velika žrtvena žlica (sruk), koja se pripisuje Brahmi. Vjerovalo se da ne može istrunuti i da je stablo zlatne svjetlosti. Bagrem je u Kini stablo sjevera i zime, a na Orijentu ga smatraju pustinjskom mimozom. Nomadska plemena koja su putovala sušnim predjelima Afrike toliko su ga cijenila da su vjerovala kako će umrijeti svatko tko mu polomi granu, i to za manje od godinu dana. Za onog tko je posjedovao nevinost, nepokvarljivost, sunčanu toplinu i svjetlost, osobine koje, prema drevnim vjerovanjima, posjeduje bagrem, govorilo se da će postati besmrtan.

Bagremov je med veoma cijenjen u Europi, čist je, tekuć, lagan, idealan za djecu stariju od godinu dana. Najmlađima se preporučuje jer je blag i lagan, a kod odraslih jer djeluje protiv stresa, nervoze i nesanice. Najprozirnija je i jedna od najukusnijih vrsta meda, a njegova kristalizacija traje i do tri godine.

Na našim prostorima mnoge ljubavne pjesme popularnih pjevača opjevale su bagrem pa je i to dobra inspiracija za kreativnu interpretaciju.

Prijedlog je da se ili na fasadu kuće ili kroz dizajn u unutarnjem prostoru mogu napisati stihovi:

„Negdje noćas bagrem cvate

A ja mislim samo na te

Ti si čežnja srca mog

U daljini svijetle zore

A moje se misli bore

Ja sam željna zagrljaja tvog”

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Jole, Bagrem bijeli



Owners’ zodiac signs: PISCES - trees such as oak, maple, linden or fig have an acceptable energetic influence on this zodiac sign. The same goes for mimosa and banana trees and palms, as well as all tropic trees, trees growing on islands and underwater plants, GEMINI - they are well suited with nut trees, slender trees with many branches, and the perfect tree for this zodiac sign is chestnut.

The interpretation of this house should focus on acacia because the holiday home’s name Robinia is actually another name for acacia. The name Robinia comes from Jean Robin, the gardener working at the French court, who in 1601 brought the acacia seeds to Europe from what is nowadays the state of Virginia. The name “pseudoacacia” indicates that the plant is similar to acacia. The word “hispida” comes from the Latin word “hispidus” which means shaggy or hairy.  From France, it slowly began to spread throughout Europe. Initially, it was cultivated as a park element until it was realized that it was a suitable species for afforestation of lower-quality land. Hungary is nowadays the leading country in the world in the surfaces covered in artificially planted acacia forests.

The interpretation should focus on stories that make this tree particularly powerful. According to ancient legends, Noah’s Ark was made of acacia wood because acacia symbolizes sacred and incorruptible knowledge. Acacia is also a symbol of resurrection and immortality, and acacia twigs were used to make Christ’s crown of thorns. According to Indian traditions, a large sacrificial spoon (sruk), attributed to Brahma, was made from acacia wood. It was believed that it cannot rot and that it is actually a tree of golden light. In China, the acacia tree is associated with the north and winter, while in the Orient, it is considered the desert mimosa. Nomadic tribes traveling through the dry regions of Africa valued it so much that they believed that all those who break its branches would die within a year. On the other hand, those who possessed innocence, incorruptibility, warmth and brightness of the sun, i.e. the qualities of acacia trees, would become immortal.

Acacia honey is highly valued in Europe since it is pure, liquid, light, and ideal for children aged one year or older. It is recommended for children because it is mild and gentle, and for adults because it relieves stress, nervousness, and insomnia. It is the most transparent of all types of honey and one of the most delicious, and its crystallization can last up to three years.

In our region, many love songs by popular singers have praised the acacia tree, so poems and songs can also serve as inspiration for creative interpretations.

Verses can be either written on the facade of the house or incorporated into the design of the interior space:

Somewhere tonight, the acacia blooms

And I think only of you

You are the longing of my heart

In the distance, the dawn shines

But my thoughts struggle

I am yearning for your embrace.


The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Jole, Bagrem bijeli




  • Trg Ante Starčevića 13, 10380 Sv. Ivan Zelina, HR
  • +385 1 2061 808
  • OIB: 60155307304

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07:00 - 15:00 h