Ukoliko imate simptome COVID-19 (umjeren kašalj, kihanje, blago povišena temperatura) obavijestite domaćina smještajnog objekta o tome. Domaćin smještajnog objekta obavještava o bolesti gosta liječnika u ugovornoj ambulanti radi obavljanja pregleda. Ukoliko ne možete odmah stupiti u kontakt s domaćinom, molimo telefonski kontaktirajte jednu od nadležnih služba na području Grada Svetog Ivana Zeline:
EPIDEMIOLOG u pripravnosti - 099 73 68 784
COVID 19 ambulanta (Ispostava Ivanić-Grad, Omladinska 25) - 01 2831 174
za opću medicinu 01 2051 221 i 099 6040 213
HITNA POMOĆ - 112 i 194
Ako u prvom kontaktu s liječnikom, nadležni liječnik postavi sumnju da je osoba zaražena virusom SARS-CoV-2, odgovorna osoba smještajnog objekta zamoli gosta da ostane u smještajnoj jedinici sa zatvorenim vratima te osigura bolesnom gostu medicinsku (kiruršku) masku i papirnate maramice u dovoljnoj količini te uputi gosta da ne izlazi iz sobe sve do liječničkog pregleda i dobivanja daljnjih uputa.
Pri postavljanju sumnje na COVID-19, uzima se ili organizira uzimanje brisa radi pravovremene dijagnostike COVID-19 infekcije i određuje se bolesnom gostu i njegovim bliskim kontaktima izolacija u smještajnim jedinicama do prispijeća rezultata testiranja.
Gosta kojemu je COVID-19 potvrđen i njegovo zdravstveno stanje zahtjeva hospitalizaciju, transportira se u zdravstvenu ustanovu sukladno uputi liječnika a ovisno o težini bolesti, korištenjem osobnog vozila, organiziranog transporta ili sanitetskim prijevozom. U slučaju nagle pojave teških, po život ugrožavajućih simptoma poziva se hitna medicinska služba. Transport javnim prijevozom NIJE DOZVOLJEN.
Strani gost s potvrđenom COVID-19 bolešću čije zdravstveno stanje ne zahtijeva hospitalizciju i domaći gost s potvrđenom COVID-19 infekcijom koji nema uvjete za izolaciju kod kuće treba se smjestiti u organizirani smještaj za izolaciju u zajednici , koji je predviđen za takve potrebe od strane lokalne samouprave. Za nadležni objekt kontaktirajte načelnika Stožera civilne zaštite Grada Svetog Ivana Zeline na broj 091 515 58 59.
U dogovoru s nadležnim liječnikom, domaćim gostima kod kojih je potvrđena bolest COVID-19 s blagim simptomima ili koji nemaju simptome bolesti, preporučljivo je da se upute u izolaciju u vlastitom smještaju (kod kuće), vlastitim prijevozom i bez korištenja javnog prijevoza, ako je to moguće. U tom slučaju daljnju skrb o oboljelom vodi njihov izabrani liječnik ili nadležni liječnik prema mjestu izolacije (u konzultaciji s nadležnim epidemiologom).
If you have symptoms of COVID-19 (moderate cough, sneezing, mild fever), inform the host. The host of the accommodation facility informs the guest doctor about the illness in the contracted clinic for the purpose of performing the examination. If you cannot contact the host immediately, please contact one of the competent services in the area of the City of Sveti Ivan Zelina by phone:
EPIDEMIOLOGIST on standby - +385 99 73 68 784
COVID 19 ambulance - +385 1 2831 174
for general medicine +385 1 2051 221, +385 99 6040 213
If in the first contact with the doctor, the competent doctor suspects that the person is infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the responsible person of the accommodation facility asks the guest to stay in the accommodation unit with the door closed and provides the sick guest with a medical (surgical) mask and gloves and instructs the guest not to leave the room until a medical examination and further instructions.
When COVID-19 is suspected, a swab is taken or arranged for the timely diagnosis of COVID-19 infection and isolation in the accommodation units is determined for the sick guest and his close contacts until the test results arrive.
A guest whose COVID-19 has been confirmed and whose medical condition requires hospitalization is transported to a medical institution in accordance with the doctor's instructions and depending on the severity of the disease, using a personal vehicle, organized transport or ambulance transport. In case of sudden onset of severe, life-threatening symptoms, an emergency medical service is called. Transport by public transport is NOT ALLOWED.
A foreign guest with a confirmed COVID-19 disease whose medical condition does not require hospitalization and a domestic guest with a confirmed COVID-19 infection who does not have the conditions for isolation at home should be accommodated in organized community isolation accommodation provided for such needs by the local self. For the competent facility, contact the Chief of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the City of Sveti Ivan Zelina, mobile number +385 91 515 58 59.
In agreement with the competent doctor, domestic guests who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 with mild symptoms or who do not have symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to go to isolation in their own accommodation (at home), own transport and without the use of public transport, if it possible. In this case, further care of the patient is led by their chosen doctor or the competent doctor according to the place of isolation (in consultation with the competent epidemiologist).